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C&CC pitch fee increases for 2014


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Chris much as my initial view is to avoid all singing and dancing sights and all that goes with it I tried the Haven site. Not the easiest site and I nearly gave up but eventually offered me a pitch tomorrow on a " Super Euro Pitch" ( The most expensive ! ) for £60.20. Hang on that is for 4 nights and less than I had to pay for a grass pitch with electric on Saturday at CCC Salisbury site. It seems the CCC policy is that we will pay more for less.
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We had been there since Wednesday so had some nights at the pre half term rate which was fair at about £11 but the Saturday was over £16 as I recollect.

The Haven quote was for four days from today with no club discounts at about a Pound a night cheaper on a top of the range pitch. I think the booking was for Pagham but it might have been Rockley Park as I was having difficulty working out if their sites are open all year and any consistency in charges across their sites.

Left on Sunday ahead of the storm!

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Robert, we were at Rockley a couple of weeks ago, cycling regularly to Poole and Bouremouth, really well located as there aren't much in the way of CLs in that area closer than this place.

We stayed at Salisbury till Monday morning, walking out to the Wheatsheaf Inn for a pint in the sunshine.

While there was a fair bit of wind on Sunday night at about 03:00 am, all was reasonably calm by morning, no real issues to be honest.

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We will never touch a haven site ever again after the last farce. Little sh*tes running through our pitch and i caught 2 trying to climb up the ladder on the back.

When i complained to the parents they weren`t bothered in the slightest as they were both well p*ssed.

This was in term time and they`d obviously been pulled out of school probably because it`s cheaper !

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Yes, there are considerations to be made with Haven. We have deliberately gone well out of season and away from any kiddy holiday periods. I know there can still be issues as you describe.

We went once to Tenby, site lovely, town, beach, walking fabulous.....all the Welsh truly bladdered and making tremendous racket till all hours, but that was our mistake as we had gone at the wrong time.

We have since tried Poole, exmouth, and (yes) Tenby again but out of season, and have had no problems, but it is something to be aware of.


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I realise that April 2012 was not good anywhere but I went with a large group of solo campers to Mablethorpe, another Haven site. I have just re-read their publicity describing the camping field and it bears no resemblance to my recollection. I did not see any hardstanding pitches, certainly not in the area allotted to us, it was a very long walk to the meeting rooms which they changed all the time so it was difficult to find our allotted space, the lift was out of action so several members could not meet up with the others, electric points were few and far between ( I have to join 3 leads to reach one), due to the very long grass and lack of hard roads mud was literally knee deep, I had to be towed on and off again so the 'van was filthy (had just paid a lot of money to have it cleaned) and unlevel, inside was very difficult to keep clean with the dog, the ablutions left a lot to be desired as was the area to collect water and empty etc etc. Many people in the group left the next day although I stuck it out until the Tuesday when I left for a site with hardstanding - Oh bliss!

Would I ever go to a Haven site agan, even if it was free? Never!!

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Back on topic - the C&CC pricing changes for 2014 - I am deeply unhappy with the approach being taken, and sent a strongly worded email addressed to the DG. Received a standard response from somebody well down the food chain, thanking me for getting in touch and assuring me that senior management would see copies of all feedback. Huh.


A great pity and a totally misjudged strategy in my opinion.


I've long been a strong supporter of the Club, but not any longer I fear.



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So far as the standard response is concerned a friend of ours who is on facebook decided to contact Julia Bradbury as our new "front of house" on her facebook page and congratulate her on her new position and ask that she deal with the site fee structure as her first priority.

My reseach has revealed that the club states that it has been asked for better facilities hookups hardstandings new sites etc and these have to be paid for. The perceived demand for these "sanitised" type pitches has on some sites driven the tent camper to the extremity of the sites though they pay the same membership fee.

The club has calculated that on 2012 booking figures the should raise nearly £1.5 million more from the increased fees. That the fact some sites have gone up more than others is due to the fact over the years sites of the same level of facilities/market appeal have had their rates increased at different levels and different times leading to disparity and anomaly. They have devised the new price structure to get rid of this..

The Club was not so naive as to think the members would accept their proposals without complaint but I expect that only if next year the membership/ "products sold" figures go down will those people that we elected apply their minds

I have never been asked as a member of over twenty years whether I consider the facilities need improving and I shall be interested to know if anyone has I do wonder if those in control are obsessed with Empire Building regardless of the wishes of the membership?.


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Patricia - 2013-11-03 12:00 PM


I realise that April 2012 was not good anywhere but I went with a large group of solo campers to Mablethorpe, another Haven site. I have just re-read their publicity describing the camping field and it bears no resemblance to my recollection. I did not see any hardstanding pitches, certainly not in the area allotted to us, it was a very long walk to the meeting rooms which they changed all the time so it was difficult to find our allotted space, the lift was out of action so several members could not meet up with the others, electric points were few and far between ( I have to join 3 leads to reach one), due to the very long grass and lack of hard roads mud was literally knee deep, I had to be towed on and off again so the 'van was filthy (had just paid a lot of money to have it cleaned) and unlevel, inside was very difficult to keep clean with the dog, the ablutions left a lot to be desired as was the area to collect water and empty etc etc. Many people in the group left the next day although I stuck it out until the Tuesday when I left for a site with hardstanding - Oh bliss!

Would I ever go to a Haven site agan, even if it was free? Never!!


Please give an itinerary of your future movements as you are certainly jinxed. :-S

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If as has been suggested this is driven by members demanding better facilities, there is a simple solution. Replace existing keypad entry systems with retinal recognition. Then the "Club" could make a separate charge for each use, raking in loads-a-dosh from those who want the good stuff, and leaving the rest of us alone.

And don't imagine a committee somewhere hasn't already discussed this.

You know what they say about paranoia! 8-)

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As more and more caravans and motorhomes become well specified with showers, toilets,central heating even, who are these people who have informed the club that better facilties are needed. Its tent campers who need and use all the site has to offer, and from what I see they would not be prepared to pay these idiot fees the C&CC are going to impose.


These bead counting suits in their ivory tower offices at Greenfields house are just trying to out shine the CC IMO. It will be interesting to see who blinks first when membership starts to drop, and they come up with some form of face saving explanation as to why they will alter the increased fees.


Unfortunatly that type of management never do. I feel it will kill this once great organisation.


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It's human nature I suppose but motorhome (and caravan) users seem to polarised in their use/non use of facilities. Some will never use a site toilet while others would never dream of going in the one in the van.

Similarly, views differ regarding use of van or site washing up facilities along with those apropos showers.

One group just cannot get their head around the other's viewpoint. So, I don't think the need for ever better facilities is driven by tent users, there is a large proportion of site users which have their own wonderful homelike comforts but see fit to use those provided on site.

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For what it will be worth, after reading the trillions (well lots and lots anyway!) of adverse comments re the pricing changes on Facebook and this and other forums I have sent an e-mail to C&CC suggesting they send out a postal survey asking for members' opinions. That way we, and they, will know whether the vocal members are in the minority as they seem to think and any member not internet savvy will have their say. I am not holding my breath............. :-(
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I left the CCC club three years ago in disgust after being a member for a very long time,I honestly haven't missed them,usually finding sites of a very good standard,especially during off peak periods,and at good rates, and without so many rules and regs. from reading all these comments,I ain't going back.!!
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Have just received an email from the C&CC extolling the virtues of the new pricing structure and a brief video of the DG explaining how much better it will be.


Keep preaching that and some may believe it, but many wont, a simple pocket calculator will show how much extra it will cost, over last years prices, sure if you book up in the low season ( when there may be snow on the ground) it may be so, but that wont help because EHU will be needed and that rip of price stays the same all season.


The only way out of this shambles is, as mentioned earlier is a membership vote. If its conducted by an independent party and the vote says it should stay, fair enough, at least I personally can then cancel my membership.


I expect then the overlords will bleat that they were voted in to make these type of decisions, Oh no they were not !!

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Well said Chas! I haven't received this jolly e-mail yet nor (surprise!) received a reply to mine asking them to have a postal survey. If all members bombarded them with such a request then the C&CC could truthfully tell us the real number who are for the price changes. As you say, if members in general approve then those of us who don't can leave a club that we are no longer in tune with. So come on members send them an e-mail!
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I have responded earlier to this thread, but since then I have Emailed the Club twice, on the first occasion my comments were noted and would be passed to the Club Executive. Since then I responded to the latest email from the Club about the new season and addressed my reply to a Mr Hill the Clubs membership supremo.

In effect I mirrored the comments on this site and told him I could not see way the Club has gone down this route which will prove to have such a negative effect on those of us who in retirement tour throughout the year , not just on specified periods of annual leave from the work place.

I have cancelled my direct debit membership arrangement, my membership runs out in July 2014. If all those who feel this is a step in the wrong direction by the Club also cancel any direct debit arrangement, the Club might start to reconsider. ( I know I 've been at the magic mushrooms again) but you never know.

For me after July next, if its the same rip off I will go private or CC and have done with the 'friendly unfriendly Club' and forgo the advantage of an age concession


safe travelling Bob

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chas - 2013-11-07 11:28 AM



I expect then the overlords will bleat that they were voted in to make these type of decisions, Oh no they were not !!



The problem I have with voting in C&CC club elections is that I have really no idea what the candidates "think"


Each gives a spiel about how many committees they have been on, and that they wish to " take the club forward ".


" Going forward " ( a common phrase used by politicians ) always sounds good until you remember that it's what lemmings do.



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I've already mentioned earlier in this thread how unhappy I am about the new C&CC pricing strategy. But strangely, the thing that annoys me even more is how disingenuous the Club has been in the way it has tried to sell the new approach, making out it will be much better for individual members... will it hell! How many people do you know that prefer to have: increased prices, an overcomplicated fee structure, cost uncertainty etc, etc. Isn't this exactly the sort of obfuscation the energy companies, railways, airlines, and financial service companies are so roundly criticised for! All smoke and mirrors. As others have said, so much for the 'Friendly Club'.


Instead of peddling all the tripe we've heard about this, wouldn't it at least have been more honest for the Club to say 'Hey guys, we know times are tough for everybody, but we really need to raise more revenue and these are the increases we're proposing....'


Suppose pigs might fly.

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Hi everyone


Like a lot of others,I don't like the way that CCC prices increase has been imposed, but in spite of all the criticism, it seems that those in charge have decided, and whingeing is unlikely to have any significant effect.


As I personally haven''t used many of the sites since being a member, and probably wont in future either, the price rises are just another inflation effect and means to boost income and squeeze the tourists harder. Time will tell whether the rises will cause significant loss of income overall, or will it raise the income to the levels they predict.?


Will the number of members decline, and if so will it be directly as a result of price changes.. Will another reveiw happen in 12 months time. If so will more rises take place, or will prices drop back again. ?I am not making any bets...


I am curious to see what happens to the costings of THS holidays., and wonder how much their prices will be inflated, and why. I have never understood how they are charged, especially compared to CC Rallies, which are generally higher prices for a similar type of event


Will the CCC rises be reflected in payment increases to site staff? what pay rises are awarded to HQ staff as well? I wonder. How much of the increase is caused by rates and electricity prices on the sites? At the end of the year, will the accounts show an increase in profits, or an increase in salaries for top of the chain.


How many members will actually resign, or just complain and get on with life.?

How many lost deposits will be experienced, and how many unused pitch nights will happen over the year? How many c..k ups will happen in the revised booking system.


I bet we will never hear any of these answers.


Put up or shutup seems appropriate..





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mikebeaches - 2013-11-07 3:48 PM


I've already mentioned earlier in this thread how unhappy I am about the new C&CC pricing strategy. But strangely, the thing that annoys me even more is how disingenuous the Club has been in the way it has tried to sell the new approach, making out it will be much better for individual members... will it hell! How many people do you know that prefer to have: increased prices, an overcomplicated fee structure, cost uncertainty etc, etc. Isn't this exactly the sort of obfuscation the energy companies, railways, airlines, and financial service companies are so roundly criticised for! All smoke and mirrors. As others have said, so much for the 'Friendly Club'.


Instead of peddling all the tripe we've heard about this, wouldn't it at least have been more honest for the Club to say 'Hey guys, we know times are tough for everybody, but we really need to raise more revenue and these are the increases we're proposing....'


Suppose pigs might fly.


You accurately reflect my view. Thank you


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