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buying new Hobby van


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I bought a new Hobby Motorhome from E S Hartley, motorhome dealers of Ings near Kendal, a year ago. Days later I received an eMail from the makers Hobby telling me that I did not own the van as they still did. because they had not received payment from Hartleys, and that Hartleys had registered it with the DVLA using what Hobby described as a forged CoC certificate. It took some time to sort things out and confirm that I had not lost all of £45,000. I had to re-register the van with DVLA. As I did not own the van for a period my insurance cover was invalid as it did not cover me for a vehicle I did not own. I was also fobbed off that only ONE set of keys came with the van and that the second usually came direct from Ford> Then I was told by them that the keys would come from Hobby. Later E S Hartley "found" the keys ans posted them to me. Hobby Germany suggested in an eMail that I press Hartleys for compensation , but nothing is forthcoming ... not even a "sorry"


:-( :-(

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I'm sorry to hear about this episode but I don't quite understand....if you had lost £45k presumable you didn't have the van or the money.....trying to see why you would be required to re register the van if it wasn't yours?

I'd Harley's ever pay Hobby, if so, do you now have the van? If not, then you are suing Hartlys or they are being prosecuted for selling something that's didn't own?

Good luck with the outcome.

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Guest JudgeMental
your original identical post has been pulled by warners it seems? what do you realistically expect happen to this one? Pretty good example of why it makes more sense to buy german vans in Europe,you pay 20-30% more to be treated like that? *-)
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Well we bought a van from Hartleys.It wasn't completely straightforward as the van we liked and ordered the makers decided not to do in the right hand drive.We found out from, if memory serves me right, Hobby Uk but they hadn't told Hartleys.They offered us our old van back or to source us another van.In the end we settled for a Hobby Van at a good discount.
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Hi, welcome to the mad house.




I'm sorry to hear of your problems but wonder if you have been in touch with Trading Standards, or even the Police about this? If what you are saying, and what Hobby has suggested, is true then there is a case of serious fraud here ... others could also have the same problem .... 8-)

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As JudgeMental mentioned, hobby101 duplicated his posting under a different name ("Buyer beware")




This other thread has attracted more responses and carries links to Poppy's 2010 purchase of a Hobby motorhome from ES Hartley. It would probably make sense for the "Buyer beware" thread to be used in future for comments and let this one stagnate.

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