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Question Time

Guest peter

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Will be in Boston this week and we are going to be there in the audience. Nigel Farage is on the show, so it should be good for a few fireworks. Especially as my wife cannot stand the man, because of his stance on Europe. (lol)

Don't know whether to wear the blue shirt though. It states smart casual on the ticket, so will probably be o/k. :->

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Don't bother watching it any more as it has degenerated into little more than a blatant party political point scoring broadcast by each participating party representative with all too often ineffectual 'independent' panel members, and the closer we get to an election the worse it will get.


Robin Day (rip) would cringe at the way it is handled these days!


You may not agree with Nigel Farage but at least his like is bringing the matter into open debate which has to be good for strengthening our case for becoming less of a giant contributor propping up the rest of the failed Euro countries with our taxes and for that alone we should be grateful and lend him our support, if not for actually leaving the EU - yet.

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Tracker - 2013-11-06 6:40 PM




Robin Day (rip) would cringe at the way it is handled these days!


You may not agree with Nigel Farage but at least his like is bringing the matter into open debate which has to be good for strengthening our case for becoming less of a giant contributor propping up the rest of the failed Euro countries with our taxes and for that alone we should be grateful and lend him our support, if not for actually leaving the EU - yet.


Oh! how I agree with you on your first point.


And on the second - i wish the man was up to the task - but he isn't sadly.


We should want to PART OF a strong trading nation block of Europe. With Farage we run the risk of a) if he is successful chucking the baby out with the bathwater or b) splitting the vote so that Ed Millibean and the likes of Ed Balls gets back in to finnish off the Balls-Up they started previously.


We do require an anti Euro, anti United States of Europe party - but based on his performance so far - I doubt Farage is the man for the job.


But I shall watch with interest - and I will watch out for you Peter :-D



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CliveH - 2013-11-06 6:57 PM

Oh! how I agree with you on your first point.


And on the second - i wish the man was up to the task - but he isn't sadly.


based on his performance so far - I doubt Farage is the man for the job.



Maybe not Clive but until someone better comes along he is all we have!


Watch out for Peter - he's the one in the awful shirt!

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peter - 2013-11-06 6:28 PM


Will be in Boston this week and we are going to be there in the audience. Nigel Farage is on the show, so it should be good for a few fireworks. Especially as my wife cannot stand the man, because of his stance on Europe. (lol)

Don't know whether to wear the blue shirt though. It states smart casual on the ticket, so will probably be o/k. :->


Don't worry too much about all your laugh lines Peter those make up boys given a couple of hours can regenerate even the oldest , tired worn face back to maybe your late 50s again .

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antony1969 - 2013-11-06 8:50 PM

Don't worry too much about all your laugh lines Peter those make up boys given a couple of hours can regenerate even the oldest , tired worn face back to maybe your late 60s again .


Their motto -


The impossible for us is routine - miracles take a little longer!

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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-11-06 6:28 PM


Will be in Boston this week and we are going to be there in the audience. Nigel Farage is on the show, so it should be good for a few fireworks. Especially as my wife cannot stand the man, because of his stance on Europe. (lol)

Don't know whether to wear the blue shirt though. It states smart casual on the ticket, so will probably be o/k. :->


That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets? :-S

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pelmetman - 2013-11-07 8:00 AM

That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets?


The BBC take pity on those unfortunates unable to heat their homes and invite them for a free cosy evening in a heated hall - at our expense of course!


At least that is how I always thought that some of those present get in!

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pelmetman - 2013-11-07 8:00 AM


peter - 2013-11-06 6:28 PM


Will be in Boston this week and we are going to be there in the audience. Nigel Farage is on the show, so it should be good for a few fireworks. Especially as my wife cannot stand the man, because of his stance on Europe. (lol)

Don't know whether to wear the blue shirt though. It states smart casual on the ticket, so will probably be o/k. :->


That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets? :-S

We just phone up after last weeks show.
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Tracker - 2013-11-07 11:12 AM


pelmetman - 2013-11-07 8:00 AM

That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets?


The BBC take pity on those unfortunates unable to heat their homes and invite them for a free cosy evening in a heated hall - at our expense of course!


At least that is how I always thought that some of those present get in!


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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-11-07 3:42 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-07 8:00 AM


peter - 2013-11-06 6:28 PM


Will be in Boston this week and we are going to be there in the audience. Nigel Farage is on the show, so it should be good for a few fireworks. Especially as my wife cannot stand the man, because of his stance on Europe. (lol)

Don't know whether to wear the blue shirt though. It states smart casual on the ticket, so will probably be o/k. :->


That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets? :-S

We just phone up after last weeks show.


Thanks for that Peter ;-)

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Tracker - 2013-11-07 4:20 PM


Understood Peter - if the power of thinking does ever return to you do please let us know!!


Paradoxically if you really didn't give a damn then why bother to reply at all?


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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-11-07 11:12 AM


pelmetman - 2013-11-07 8:00 AM

That's interesting Peter, how did you manage to get tickets?


The BBC take pity on those unfortunates unable to heat their homes and invite them for a free cosy evening in a heated hall - at our expense of course!


At least that is how I always thought that some of those present get in!


And you're the man who claims to be reasonable and sees all sides and hates arguments! Pass me the sick bag please!

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Guest Had Enough
peter - 2013-11-07 5:20 PM


Tracker - 2013-11-07 4:20 PM


Understood Peter - if the power of thinking does ever return to you do please let us know!!


Paradoxically if you really didn't give a damn then why bother to reply at all?




I think that Dick the d*ckhead is more appropriate! (lol) (lol)

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That is just the kind of response we have come to expect from Peter and Frank when they lack the wit to say anything credible.


When it comes to making uncalled for comments on a topic you have hitherto not been involved in you can always rely on Frank, the Mouth of the Ribble, to poke his nasty little oar in whenever he sees a chance for another opportunity to have an uncalled for jibe or two at me.


Good grief, you pathetic little worm, get a grip, start acting your age and learn to differentiate between banter and the sort of crappy vitriol that you continually condemn others for dishing out but do so yourself in such great volumes on so many topics.


I have done nothing to provoke you so why do you feel the need to start up your one man crusade again?


You really ought to seek psychiatric help for your ego problems.


And before you start a play on names just remember that your own name leaves you very vulnerable to the most obvious, and suitable, rhyming slang.


Oh sorry - I didn't realise you were only joking which is no doubt your next claim.


Well so am - see the smileys - (lol)(lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Why on earth would anyone make ANY distinction between the mouthpieces of all the main stream parties, and or including Nigel Farage, like him or loath him he strikes me as a man who speaks with conviction, I see the rest of them advising us to shop around for energy suppliers, whilst at the same time claiming their fuel bills on expenses and appear more dodgy than del boy.


The EU is a fantastic success, presiding as it does over accounts that have yet to be signed off, massive youth employment, and just this week, it has been revealed that the EU has just wasted thousands of pounds on studies into toilet behaviour and use of vacuum cleaners

This is an example of ridiculous waste of money, there are many more examples, if we were out of the EU they would still buy British goods, it's the consumers that make that purchase decisions, not countries.


As for question time itself, I've watched it for years, why ? I do not know, as one things for certain nothing much changes.

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-11-07 6:55 PM


That is just the kind of response we have come to expect from Peter and Frank when they lack the wit to say anything credible.


When it comes to making uncalled for comments on a topic you have hitherto not been involved in you can always rely on Frank, the Mouth of the Ribble, to poke his nasty little oar in whenever he sees a chance for another opportunity to have an uncalled for jibe or two at me.


Good grief, you pathetic little worm, get a grip, start acting your age and learn to differentiate between banter and the sort of crappy vitriol that you continually condemn others for dishing out but do so yourself in such great volumes on so many topics.


I have done nothing to provoke you so why do you feel the need to start up your one man crusade again?


You really ought to seek psychiatric help for your ego problems.


And before you start a play on names just remember that your own name leaves you very vulnerable to the most obvious, and suitable, rhyming slang.


Oh sorry - I didn't realise you were only joking which is no doubt your next claim.


Well so am - see the smileys - (lol)(lol)


oooooh! Tracker's upset! Let me just remind you knob, sorry Dick, that you were the one who started this with your snide little comment about Peter and followed it up with another one about his brain.


Now get off your pathetic high horse and if you intend giving it learn to take it!


Ps I wasn't joking. You're a nasty piece of work hiding under the sick-making signature that you have. I know the real you!


Edited to stop me printing the truth!

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Had Enough - 2013-11-07 7:05 PM

Let me just remind you that you were the one who started this with your snide little comment about Peter and followed it up with another one about his brain.

Now get off your pathetic high horse and if you intend giving it learn to take it!

Ps I wasn't joking. You're a nasty piece of sh*t hiding under the sick-making signature that you have. I know the real you!


A predictable response from Frank the @@@@ (well you know the word as I don't use that kind of language).


What an egotistical moron you are - you don't know me, you never have and you never will so stop trying to convince yourself that you do.


You of all people talking of nastiness in others is true hypocrisy at it's most malevolent.


I'm sorry but I had not realised that Peter needed your help to defend himself - or is that just your ego at work again convincing yourself that he does?


Upset? No I'm not upset, you once again delude yourself, that would take a real man not a slimy creep of a loud mouthed fool that you so convincingly continually like to prove yourself to be. All you are is a just minor infected irritation to so many others - one that needs surgically removing.


Now are we going to let it goes at two goes each or are you going to insist on having the last bash as well as the unprovoked first like you usually do, and let me remind you once more that it was you not I that started with the nastiness - as usual - as I only ever respond and I have never started an attack on you?

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I think Trackers sin was having Clive agree with him and he having an agreeable reply add a slight light hearted jest and obviously it will upset some people who post on here so please stop it lads disagreements and handbags at dawn are the only acceptable posts for some. John 8-) *-) (lol) (no apologies for emoticons!)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
No don't stop it at all, after all they are giving me a break whilst they tear into each other. :D off out now to take the dog a walk. ;-)
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1footinthegrave - 2013-11-07 7:44 PM


No don't stop it at all, after all they are giving me a break whilst they tear into each other. :D off out now to take the dog a walk. ;-)


Now who was it that told me that Mike had his sense of humour removed at the same place that Frank had his removed - except that Mike was NHS and Frank being Frank was BUPA!!


Anyway they were wrong about Mike!!

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