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i do have a job!


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capcloser - 2013-11-06 10:40 PM


I have a sneaky suspicion that some of our more well known posters dont really believe that i live full time in a fifth wheeler and hold down a full time job so heres a pic i hope will prove that i do,who knows it may work lol >:-(

Whats a capcloser?

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Pay no attention to the grumpy odd so'n'so (s) , It's none of anyone's business on here what you may or may not do... ;-)


As I pointed out a while back during some of your earlier postings("stolen generator" thread possibly?),it was pretty clear by the snide little digs, that were aimed in your direction from a certain someone, that they had, for some strange reason, taken a bit of a "dislike" to you..?! :-S


(Not that,that will put you into any sort of exclusive club of cause!..as a few on here give the impression that they'd fall out with their own shadow!..*-) )


So as I said ,pay absolutely no attention to them....They're just grumpy, bitter, old duffers, with far too much time on their hands... (lol)

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Oh! how i agree with Pepe, pay them no heed whatsoever Capcloser.


Some on here could find an excuse to have an argument with a signpost!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


"They're just grumpy, bitter, old duffers, with far too much time on their hands... "


My thoughts exactly!





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Thanks nice to get some positive posts and your all right i dont need to explain anything but couldnt work out where the animosity was coming from.A cap closer is a person wbo closes caps,or in my case operates the machines that do so,actually more interesting than it sounds,thanks guy now we can all move on,right of to start the genny and take my hounds from hell for a walk lol B-)
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Where does the animosity come from Capcloser? -


It comes from small minded people whose sole aim in life seems to be to get a little bit of power from intimidating others on a recreational forum such as this.


I think they will only be happy when no one posts anything of interest at all for fear of these trolls taking offence at any views other than those of which they "approve".


People that do this are generally sad individuals with low self esteem and who would not say boo to the proverbial goose in the real world.


Enjoy your dog walk! :-D




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I have a job too - more of a career really.


Like a few of us on here I'm a full time loafer and believe me the hours are long sometimes and the hourly pay is miserly.


Never mind though as the pay is guaranteed and the boss never gives me any grief!


So on balance I think I'll stick at it and hone my skills to perfection.

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Thanks clive and you know of what you speak as you seem to have a personal stalker!.I have noticed that if we ignore the trolls and give thoughtfull and balanced replies they shut up coz they have nothing to say lol,oh well pack up to make then off to daily grind 2-10 this week and day off tomorrow hooray,partners birthday so day out and nice meal,spend some of this hard earned dosh >:-)
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Guest pelmetman

I to have a job ;-)..................and sometimes I actually do it 8-)..........



As my CV would state...............works well when cornered :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-11-07 11:08 AM


Where does the animosity come from Capcloser? -


It comes from small minded people whose sole aim in life seems to be to get a little bit of power from intimidating others on a recreational forum such as this.


I think they will only be happy when no one posts anything of interest at all for fear of these trolls taking offence at any views other than those of which they "approve".


People that do this are generally sad individuals with low self esteem and who would not say boo to the proverbial goose in the real world.


Enjoy your dog walk! :-D




Yes I can only agree, many on here with far too much time on their hands, why some of them have even got in to bets of large sums of money over their identities on an anonymous forum, sad or what ?

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pepe63 - 2013-11-07 11:47 AM


capcloser - 2013-11-07 11:30 AM


...so day out and nice meal,spend some of this hard earned dosh >:-)


No...don't say that!...just tell 'em it's your "Giro". That way it'll give 'em something to latch on to and to moan about! :D


Have a

good day tomorrow. .. ;-)

i nearly did put giro for a laugh but could already hear the howls of 'i told you so', so i didnt bother.oh well coffee and a fag and back to work :-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Yes me too, and I apologise for my wind ups, but life has taught me not everything is as it appears, and just to prove it I once voted Liberal Democrat, and went to Church ;-)
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1footinthegrave - 2013-11-07 7:34 PM


Yes me too, and I apologise for my wind ups, but life has taught me not everything is as it appears, and just to prove it I once voted Liberal Democrat, and went to Church ;-)


Presume that was straight to see the priest and ask for forgiveness Mike

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2013-11-07 8:21 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-11-07 7:34 PM


Yes me too, and I apologise for my wind ups, but life has taught me not everything is as it appears, and just to prove it I once voted Liberal Democrat, and went to Church ;-)


Presume that was straight to see the priest and ask for forgiveness Mike


Naah.........it was to nick the lead :D

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1footinthegrave - 2013-11-07 7:34 PM

Yes me too, and I apologise for my wind ups, but life has taught me not everything is as it appears, and just to prove it I once voted Liberal Democrat, and went to Church ;-)


What - on the same day - now that's what I call multi tasking!

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1footinthegrave - 2013-11-07 7:34 PM


Yes me too, and I apologise for my wind ups, but life has taught me not everything is as it appears, and just to prove it I once voted Liberal Democrat, and went to Church ;-)


Well that's done it now


You are DEFINITELY off my Christmas Card list!









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