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This should cheer us all up!


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And it is from one of the "Pinks" - Yippeeeeeeee!


I can feel the bile bubbling even now.......................... (lol)





"Fresh data to fuel calls for further retirement age rises


People claiming benefits is set to rise three times faster than working age population over next 25 years.


By Donia O'Loughlin | Published 08:58 |



The number of people of state pension age is projected to increase by 31 per cent from 12.3m last year to 16.1m by mid-2037 despite planned increases to the age people can begin claiming benefits, according to new data published by the Office for National Statistics.



ONS said the rise reflects the higher number of people who were born in the 1960s ‘baby boom’ reaching state pension age within the 25 year period to mid-2037.


Over the same period, the number of people of working age - which for the purposes of the report is those aged between 16 and state pension age - is projected to rise at a far slower rate of 12 per cent from 39.4m in mid-2012 to 44.2m by mid-2037.


This means by this time there will be 2.7 working age people for each pensioner, down from a ratio of 3.2 last year.


Moreover, the gap between the number of people claiming pension benefits and those under the age of 16 is set to rise from around 300,000 in mid-2012 to more than 3.1m by by mid-2037, suggesting the demographic imbalance could widen further in the coming years.


Following reforms announced in 2011 by the government, the state pension age is set to increase to 66 between 2018 and 2020 and to 67 between 2026 and 2028.


The latest data will add fuel to arguments that the government should raise the retirement age sooner and faster.


Last year, the Institute of Directors argued that the UK government should raise the retirement age to 70 as soon as possible.


In its Roadmap for retirement reform 2012, the IoD argued that increasing longevity is the “elephant in the room” for the pensions industry and that the current plan for increasing retirement age is not strong enough.


Instead of a plan culminating in a state pension age of 68 in 2046, the IoD called for a pension age of 68 in 2032, 69 in 2038 and 70 in 2044.


Following the Autumn Statement in 2011, pensions expert John Lawson warned the government’s plan to increase pension age in line with life expectancy could mean clients’ children retiring at 73.


He estimated that people in 2011 who were aged between 2 to 9 would receive the state pension in 2067, aged 73. Those aged between 9 to 16 would receive pension benefits in 2060 at age 72; 16 to 23 years olds would receive benefits aged 71 in 2054; 23 to 30 year old would retire at age 70 in 2047 and 30 to 37 year olds would retire in 2040, aged 69."




That's nice.






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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-11-07 9:42 AM


And it is from one of the "Pinks" - Yippeeeeeeee!


I can feel the bile bubbling even now.......................... (lol)



Oh dear. *-) You just can't let go can you. *-)


Then again, I suspect that if you'd read something in the Daily Mail you'd tell us that it was from one of the many 'pinks' that you give the impression of reading every day, when in fact you probably scan a couple of the internet sites for the publication(s) to which you constantly refer.


You really don't need to continually remind us that you're a financial advisor Clive, we all know. It may be important to your sense of self worth to lord it in this manner but to others it's just sad and boring.


And before I get the usual response I'll remind you that you started it with your sad, obsessive and snide little remark at the beginning of your post.

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What is funny Frank - is that you immediately assumed the remark was aimed at you.


I made it because your history is such that when i post a snippet "from the pinks" - IT REALLY DOES GET YOUR BILE JUICES FLOWING - and that i find bizarre as well as somewhat amusing.


I caste the line - you bite.


a pavlov's dog you are - I I can mix my Pisces and Canine metaphors.


Because - I knew your personality disorder is such that you would make a comment anyway!


Now be a good boy - take your silliness somewhere else.


You are being rather dull.








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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2013-11-07 9:42 AM


He estimated that people in 2011 who were aged between 2 to 9 would receive the state pension in 2067, aged 73. Those aged between 9 to 16 would receive pension benefits in 2060 at age 72; 16 to 23 years olds would receive benefits aged 71 in 2054; 23 to 30 year old would retire at age 70 in 2047 and 30 to 37 year olds would retire in 2040, aged 69."



With a bit of luck they'll have finished paying off their students loans by then as well :D

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-11-07 10:26 AM


What is funny Frank - is that you immediately assumed the remark was aimed at you.


I made it because your history is such that when i post a snippet "from the pinks" - IT REALLY DOES GET YOUR BILE JUICES FLOWING - and that i find bizarre as well as somewhat amusing.


I caste the line - you bite.


a pavlov's dog you are - I I can mix my Pisces and Canine metaphors.


Because - I knew your personality disorder is such that you would make a comment anyway!


Now be a good boy - take your silliness somewhere else.


You are being rather dull.






And you immediately prove that I'm correct. You're a simple fool deep down!


We all know it was aimed at me and you admit that you cast the line. Why, if not to cause a row?


You recently posted another article from 'the pinks' but you didn't make any snide remarks, which are clearly aimed at me. I didn't respond and I ignored it.


I've actually given up getting irritated about this constant grandstanding, which is clearly a result of your need to impress and I will ignore any future posts that you claim are from these 'pinks' that you claim to read. But if you make further snide, obsessive and nasty little digs then I shall respond.


It's clear that your intention is to provoke, you've just admitted it! Why do you need to do all this? It's clear that your life hasn't been what anyone could call a huge success and I suspect that you get some kind of satisfaction from being what you think is a big financial fish in this very tiny pool.


Can't you see how sad that is? You constantly display your lack of an intelligent response by referring to the imaginary 'condition' that I have, but let me tell you Clive, that if I had to do what you do to give myself some feeling of self worth, I'd be deeply worried.


As I've told you before, if you want to compare lifestyles and success, let's lay the cupboard bare shall we?


Now, be a good boy, go away and lick your wounds and stop this obsession with me. It's not good for you and it's not good for the forum. Regrettably, I suspect that you just can't stop yourself as the opening sentence of your post demonstrates.






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Yeah right Frank!


We believe you - we really do!


I "caste the line" because you have a history of making negative comments when all I try and do is post things that might actually be of interest or of use to some.


You seem to object to this.


I am not going to stop posting interesting snippets from "the Pinks" - so you better get used to it - or lean to stop bitting.


Why not give either a try.


I promise the next "snippet" will have no reference to you whatsoever.


Let's see if you can practice what you preach?








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And here's one from the black & white's.


I wonder if this was taken into account. In another couple of months anything starting from 40,000 to 500,000 will be invading us from Romania & Bulgaria. No one can give an exact figure.


Then there's the 10,000,000 extra souls in 25yrs time to consider, a few of those will be pensioners I bet. Where's the money going to come from?




Just realised the retirement age will be 95 so it's ok.

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The argument is Dave, that we need immigration so that those who come here to work, pay the NIC and the taxes to pay for the welfare bill.


Not saying this works......................


Just saying this is the theory.


The good news is that some predict the UK growth will hit 2.4% in 2014.




Now that would be good!!

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-11-07 11:12 AM


Yeah right Frank!


We believe you - we really do!


I "caste the line" because you have a history of making negative comments when all I try and do is post things that might actually be of interest or of use to some.


You seem to object to this.


I am not going to stop posting interesting snippets from "the Pinks" - so you better get used to it - or lean to stop bitting.


Why not give either a try.


I promise the next "snippet" will have no reference to you whatsoever.


Let's see if you can practice what you preach?




Oh dear, do you actually read anything properly? I'll repeat - a day or so ago you posted an article in which once more you boastingly told us all was from a 'slightly puce coloured' newspaper'. It was another very sad and silly little jibe but you didn't mention me indirectly as you have done in this thread.


I didn't respond.


In this thread you have clearly had a very nasty dig at me. Why? Why do you feel the need to stoke the fire like this?


And as for posting threads that you think are of interest to someone, as you are always saying - yes, we believe you Clive, we really do!


You fool no one. You post to impress. The simple fact that you always tell us that they're from 'the pinks' says it all! You're just too dumb to realise it!


Most people would just mention that they've read an article online, or from their newspaper, but with you you always have to remind us that you're a terribly important financial advisor who spends his morning poring over the Financial Time when in fact you've read a couple of online articles in your IFA's Association newsletter!


It's very and very obvious what you do but you're so blinkered by your need for self validation that you just can't see it.


Carry on with your silly boasting by all means. Now, I just sigh and think 'How sad?' and I ignore it.


But have another nasty, sly and obsessive little dig again and I'll respond and, as I said, if you like we'll lay bare our respective successes and lifestyles and we'll see who has a 'condition'.


Now be a good chap, go and lick your wounds and learn a lesson.





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Well the theory is that with a smaller working population, the benefit bill will outstrip the ability to raise the cash to pay it.


Also, if we are unable to compete in world markets due to high wage costs then our economy becomes skewed - and that can be "unhealthy" in economic terms.


So what is needed, if our indigenous working population is declining, is skilled immigrants working here and paying into the system.


What is an increasing worry is that we are not getting the skilled immigrants and those that we do get are more interested in taking rather than giving.


The last sentence is a gross oversimplification of course and one that if you spend any time in a hospital for example you will see just how skilled those that chose to come and live here are.


But - I am talking "trends" - and the trends that exist currently are giving cause for concern.



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-11-07 12:46 PM


Had Enough - 2013-11-07 12:00 PM








Ah, the last sad, unintelligent and meaningless reaction from a spoilt child who's just been naughty and has been rightly castigated and put in his place. Not knowing what to say he stamps his feet and says 'Dull'.


Nice one Clive. (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
nowtelse2do - 2013-11-07 12:30 PM


I read that report Clive and somewhere else saying, that our growth rate will exceed Germany's.


The Question is. If we are doing so well, why do we need these extra......(for want of a better word) foreigners?




It's actually because we're doing well that we need more workers. Our industries are expanding and the economy is growing. We're currently growing at the fastest rate in Europe.


If my business does well and expands I have to take on more staff. GB PLC is no different.

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Had Enough - 2013-11-07 12:54 PM


CliveH - 2013-11-07 12:46 PM


Had Enough - 2013-11-07 12:00 PM








Ah, the last sad, unintelligent and meaningless reaction from a spoilt child who's just been naughty and has been rightly castigated and put in his place. Not knowing what to say he stamps his feet and says 'Dull'.


Nice one Clive. (lol) (lol) (lol)


Extremely Dull

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Had Enough - 2013-11-07 12:59 PM


nowtelse2do - 2013-11-07 12:30 PM


I read that report Clive and somewhere else saying, that our growth rate will exceed Germany's.


The Question is. If we are doing so well, why do we need these extra......(for want of a better word) foreigners?




It's actually because we're doing well that we need more workers. Our industries are expanding and the economy is growing. We're currently growing at the fastest rate in Europe.


If my business does well and expands I have to take on more staff. GB PLC is no different.


But isn't there enough people here out of work already that 'would' make a big difference without letting more in. And what happens when theres another economic depression, which there will be one of these days.



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Off at a slight tangent here maybe..

...but there was an item on our local radio the other day(..they seemed to be running a series on migrant workers(who/how many/what for etc?)..and they fanfared this interview with a local farmer, who was going be speaking later....


Anyway,they interview this chap...and it turns out he was a poultry farmer of sorts and he tells us how he has used migrant workers for many years..and how he couldn't manage his business without them etc etc...

He then points out that he only actually "employs" them for a 2(two!) day stint, every 6(six!) weeks! *-) ( "..to help catch the chickens"... )


Now surely any contributions they make, have to be balanced against the additional demands on housing, schooling, local GPs/hospitals, benefit payments etc... :-S

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pepe63 - 2013-11-07 2:00 PM


Off at a slight tangent here maybe..

...but there was an item on our local radio the other day(..they seemed to be running a series on migrant workers(who/how many/what for etc?)..and they fanfared this interview with a local farmer, who was going be speaking later....


Anyway,they interview this chap...and it turns out he was a poultry farmer of sorts and he tells us how he has used migrant workers for many years..and how he couldn't manage his business without them etc etc...

He then points out that he only actually "employs" them for a 2(two!) day stint, every 6(six!) weeks! *-) ( "..to help catch the chickens"... )


Now surely any contributions they make, have to be balanced against the additional demands on housing, schooling, local GPs/hospitals, benefit payments etc... :-S


Still - think of the issues he will have if he is really employing them when Pension Auto Enrolment hits him in the next year or two 8-)


He will have to set up a pension scheme and allow all of them to join and even if they do leave after a couple of days, he has to administer their scheme membership thereafter until they retire! If they leave his employ, he still has to provide statements etc.


This legislation, tho well meaning - will simply force many "employers" to take on people as self employed contractors - which means of course that many, if they earn less than c.£5500 profit, can claim a NIC exemption and STILL get all the benefits!




So very few of these workers will actually contribute anything to the "system" - but the full benefit of the "system" will now be available to them!


Yet again i find myself asking the question "Is anyone in charge capable of Joined Up Thinking?"


And muttering to myself - "you could not make this up!"





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I would assume, that as it was no secret that this chap was "using their services", everything would have been above board

(..although I would guess, that as it was for 2 days out of every 6 weeks,they would probably be on a self-employed/as-and-when basis?).


These workers may well have full weeks' worth of employment(made up with multiple jobs?) elsewhere..and good luck to them if they have!


But it is a bit of a stretch to believe that everyone of them would be fully "self supporting", isn't it.... :-S


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