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Autocruise Rhythym Sport


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I own a new 2013 Rhythym Sport on a Peugeot base ,on removing the fitted cream coloured cab carpet to fit a black one I exposed the bare cab floor and noticed a crack at the rear of the floor between the cab seats ( I will try and post a photo )

Has any other owner of this same model noticed if they have the same problem,and if so what have they done about it.

I have contacted the dealer that I bought the van from who states that this is a feature of all Peugeot/Fiat cab floors and its a perforated section used to secure the bulkhead when fitted or for fitting a long cab seat.

Any Rhythym Sport owners out there? Please lift your cab carpet and have a look



No luck on attaching photo!

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I think you'll find that this is 'a non-documented feature' of all Sevel vans and coachbuilts.


The rubber? floor is supported on air at this point as the theory is that on the van version there is a bulkhead between the cab and load area and so nobody will walk here.


We had this problem on a Roller Team and the replacement floor came split along the perforations. Eventually the Fiat dealer fashioned some support.



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Yup, I had the same problem with my Autocruise Accent (2012 model) and wrote about it on my thread below dated 5 September 2012 at 11:00:




Relevant extract here:


Unfortunately I had to spend quite a bit of time toda ysorting out a problem I found - the rear of the cab floor between the seats had been cracked - I assume by being kneeled on when disconnecting / reconnecting the battery, or something like that - not very happy as I'm sure it wasn't like that when we originally saw and bought it. Whilst examining the area I noticed how 'spongy' the floor seemed and proceeded to remove the 2 plastic covers, one about 8 inches square between the seats and a much larger one that runs from the centre along in front of the passenger seat under which the cab battery is located. I managed to look/poke around underneath and was amazed to find that there was no support at all under a lot of the floor area ... not even 'foam'!


As I wasnt happy to just leave it like that, out came the 1 inch x 2 inch (or thereabouts) timber and I cut it down into various lengths and slotted it under the plastic flooring, taking care not to disturb the wiring running underneath part of it. I used some thinner pieces to pack out where the underfloor area was deeper and once I was happy it was supported I noticed that there were some bolts and nuts loose around the battery - I had to put on 3 bolts which had not been re-fitted and gathered up the 3 bolts which appeared not to have anywhere to go! I then replaced the covers and glued the cracked part back together having supported it with timber underneath - the crack itself is about 5 inches long and a bit jagged but hopefully should stick okay (I've secured it with gaffer tape to keep it together). As we have a thick dog oblong dog cushion between the seats normally, this should be sufficient to prevent the area being damaged further and when we get back off holiday I'll see about making a proper cover for it if needs be. All in all it probably took a good hour to sort out, time I would have prefered to spend on finishing packing the van.


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This is one of the things I asked about when we bought our first motorhome in 2005 and was told all vans are the same where cab joins habitation area, I know we do have the same on our 2013 Alto, ask the question on Swift talk and Im sure you will get a straight answer from Swift :-D that will put your mind at rest also Mel and mine.
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We actually got a 'board' with tapered pieces of timber on the edges, so it formed a very flat 'wedge' ... when we bought the van no-one had a clue what it was for, not even the dealer, but I think it was supposed to be used to form a 'bridge' over the offending area. Stupid design really as it would be ideal to trip over when going to/from the cab internally, much better would have been to make the floor more 'solid' in the first place, but as the base comes from Fiat in that way, Swift (or Autocruise to be precise in our case) decided that this was the way they would try to 'solve' it. Somehow I don't think Swift will offer any assistance ...
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I have placed a slip mat over the offending place it tucks neatly under the seat runner, I actually think that the crack as you call it :-S isn't a crack at all, but a space to allow for movement between the front and back :-D I might be wrong !! I usually am.
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