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mobilsat system


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We have a mobilsat square dish system and as from the end of September we have been unable to receive astra 2. There is meant to be an update but no sign of it yet. Has anyone else got the same system and have they had theres updated? Many thanks in advance for any advice :-D
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I am in N Ireland and my I sat system went down about September and I have been advised that the satellite has been switched off while it is being repositioned.


I was told that it would be turned back on at the end of November and hopefully it would receive a signal again. if it does not it may require a software update


regards. Jim

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  • 2 months later...
We have one of the i-sat systems by mobilsat, and we too got no reception one day after returning from France early September; I phoned Myriad products who informed me that the Italian's had turned off the transponder for Astra 2 and they would have to re-program the control panel once it was turned back on. We duly sent back our panel in the New Year and received the updated one, but have been unable to get anything at all and now have a different error message which is strange as before the upgrade we could manually tune in to Astra 2, so it was working then; our only option is to send the whole satellite back to them to look at, as it is out of warranty we have decided not to throw more money on the system which has had intermittent problems from the outset and plan to replace it with a dome satellite instead. Anyone else got one of the i-sat satellites and had any problems.
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