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electrical problem


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can someone please help, i have a 2009 autotrail cheyenne have been trying to add an extra 240v socket above the original one spliced into the cable and used a joint box to connect everything.when i put the mains supply back on, the fuse blew replaced and it blew again, have checked and double checked all the connections but all seems ok, i have now taken the joint box out of the curcit but it still blows.we live in blackpool, and wondered if anyone knows anyone close by who could help.
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I'm not sure about your reference to a "fuse", as I would have thought your motorhome's 240V sockets would be protected by a circuit-breaker that could be reset if a problem occurred, rather than by fuses that would need to be replaced.


Although you've removed the junction-box, are you 100% sure that you've returned the circuitry to the original layout? If there was no problem before you modified the wiring, I wouldn't expect there to be a problem if you had successfully managed to 're-wire' the system back to whatever it was before you altered it.


Can'y help with a Blackpool contact I'm afraid.

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Can you give a bit more detail? I would imagine that what happened is that an MCB opened, as vans of the age of yours shouldn't have fuses as such. However, is it an MCB, or was it the RCD/main switch that opened?


The former would only take out the power (or possibly, depending on how it is wired, a single power circuit), leaving all other 230V circuits working as normal. This would indicate that you have somewhere connected the + wire to the - wire, or allowed them to come into contact: i.e. a short circuit.


The latter, hower, would take out all 230V supplies, and would indicate that you have somehow allowed the + wire (or possibly the - if it has a bad connection) to come into contact with the earth wire: i.e. an earth fault.


If you are uninclined to investigate any further (which may be wise :-)), any electrician should be able to sort you out. You don't need a motorhome specialist for 230V stuff, almost all of the dealers will call in an electrician for 230V work.

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