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Parking in one place for a length of time


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What should you do if you are parking in one place for a length of time, please do not say get a caravan…


Should the engine be allowed to warm up every so often? if so how often?


What about the tyres staying in the same position (have camping tyres).


Is there anything else I should think about.


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Guest JudgeMental
sounds like you know already, tyres a concern so move them once and a while, have heard conflicting advice on this as well, some say over inflate some under inflate. a solar panel a good idea to keep things ticking over....If you turn the engine over dont rev it. let oil circulate.
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Guest JudgeMental
pelmetman - 2013-11-19 4:22 PM


How long do you mean?............I like to move the van at least once a month ;-)


just as well as the tinkers would have it for scrap! ;-) (:D)

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JudgeMental - 2013-11-19 4:39 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-19 4:22 PM


How long do you mean?............I like to move the van at least once a month ;-)


just as well as the tinkers would have it for scrap! ;-) (:D)


..and besides, it must be nice for the chickens to get a trip out... (lol)


(..Sorry Dave ;-) )...


This dank horrible weather is terrible for a vehicle to be standing in for too long, they really need to be used or else stuff just seems to "sweat",rust, seize...

If not using ours for a couple of weeks, I take for belt around the bypass( 20-30min drive)..but I've been told by some on here that, that probably isn't enough anyway....

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2013-11-19 4:50 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-11-19 4:39 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-19 4:22 PM


How long do you mean?............I like to move the van at least once a month ;-)


just as well as the tinkers would have it for scrap! ;-) (:D)


..and besides, it must be nice for the chickens to get a trip out... (lol)


(..Sorry Dave ;-) )...


This dank horrible weather is terrible for a vehicle to be standing in for too long, they really need to be used or else stuff just seems to "sweat",rust, seize...

If not using ours for a couple of weeks, I take for belt around the bypass( 20-30min drive)..but I've been told by some on here that, that probably isn't enough anyway....


You may mock Horace all you want ;-)..................but I suspect your average tinker would be more attracted to your nice modern motors with their nice easily nick-able..... CAT...............Meow >:-) .....

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Caroline - 2013-11-20 9:07 AM


I was thinking really of March to September here and over winter in Spain.


Just preparation for what might be.


If I'm lucky.



Ok, so youre not really sure yet.....but i suspect you wont be parked in one place from March to September here, nor, necessarily, be in one spot when you get to Spain.

The original responses are valid, if you are in the van and using the habitation equipment, this will mostly take care of itself. If the ban is staying put in the sun for many months then need to think about tyres, as Eddie says, but also having a run in the van periodically to keep the oily bits turning over.

No doubt, in the Uk summer, youll be moving around a bit wont you? Is really only a lengthy winter stay in one spot which can start require actions.

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Not the issues you are asking about, but check the terms of your van, house, and contents insurance for maximum periods you can be abroad. Ditto health insurances. Where will you leave your car while away? Will the battery go flat before you get back (probable!), Consider how you will deal with any important post that may arrive during long absences, ditto household bills and how you will pay these. Will your van need tax, insurance, servicing, or MoT, during your period of absence? If so, you'll need to wangle the dates round so that they all occur while in UK. Any medicines or repeat prescriptions to be catered for? Some UK doctors won't give you prescriptions for six months+ at a time.

You'll go stir-crazy staying on one campsite for six months :-) (I should after more than a week!), and you may want to move for other reasons, so you'll be rolling stones. Consider communications. Mobile data is currently expensive, so free WiFi ideal. Many sites have this, but not all, and connections are frequently slow or unreliable. But, would you want to do internet banking on a public domain? If you do this on smart phone, what is the risk of the smart phone being nicked, damaged or failing? I think the simple necessity to move the van at least monthly, ideally fortnightly, will take care if its requirements, it is these other items that seem to me potentially more problematic - if not resolved before you go.

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Thanks for all your responses has given me a lot to think about, the stint in this country could well be in one spot, as a dreaded warden.


But giving the van a regular run is a good idea, a drive away awning might help as well.


As to a car, was thinking of swopping for a 50cc bike or might consider the dreaded A-Frame but the down side to that is Spain, which is were the bike might be better.

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