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Tyres in Austria


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We are about to go and visit our son who lives in Austria, then in early January continue on to southern Spain for the rest of the winter. We have just had All weather tyres put on the van ( a Chausson) , now we have read that winter tyres are compulsory in Austria. These would then be a problem for traveling in Spain. Any suggestions as to how we should proceed.
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Winter tyres are mandatory in Austria. The law states that passenger cars with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tonnes may be operated only between 1 November and 15 April in winter conditions such as snow, slush or ice if winter tyres have been installed on all wheels. All-season tyres are also considered winter tyres if they have the "M + S" mark.


As an alternative to winter tyres, snow chains may be used on at least two driving wheels, however, these may only be used in case the road is covered by a complete or scarcely broken snow cover or sheet of ice. Failure to comply with the law results in a fine up to 5,000 Euros and the vehicle could be impounded. Insurance is deemed void if a vehicle which is involved in an accident between November 1 and April 15 is not fitted with winter tyres


However, do be aware that most M + S tyres are next to useless on ice covered roads and pretty poor in wet conditions.

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peter - 2013-12-11 6:58 PM


Austrians mostly use studded tyres in winter.


That may be true, although I doubt it´s the case for large parts of the country close to the various borders as none of Austria's bordering countries allow studded tyres.

However unless you live permanently in a country that allows them (Such as I do in Finland) then it´s a bit of overkill.

For those in the UK Winter tyres are worth while if you use the van during the winter and are willing to change wheels twice a year, otherwise M+S tyres are the best compromise, you just need to be aware of the limitations.

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