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Alarm not working


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The last couple of months we have been having problems with all the remotes on our vehicles working intermittently. The worse affected seems to be the remote for our Strikeback alarm which would not work at times. I changed the batteries (they were getting on for six years old) as I thought this might boost the signal a bit, but still have problems. After Googling, it seems that I am not alone in experiencing the problem and it seems the prime culprit is a faulty wireless video sender nearby. Realizing that I would probably not find said unit I thought the best I could do was telephone Vanbitz (who supplied and fitted the alarm) and ask where the unit was fitted so that I could get the fob as near as possible. The lady from Vanbitz was very helpful, after finding out who I was she located my file (not bad after six years) and told me whereabouts the alarm was fitted. She did tell me that the worst place for interference was at ports :-o and near lottery terminals. I was extremely impressed with the service received, I have yet to try out if it does help or not as since I telephoned I haven't had any problems.
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Hi Mike, this is not a new issue. Several years ago Subaru owners were having lots of problems if they parked near a telephone mast as the signals from that would mask the signals from their remotes and the buggers wouldn't start. Breakdown services very quickly learned to tow the offending vehicle a few hundred yards whereupon they would usually start.


Unfortunately with the ease and cheapness of buying wireless cameras and other gismos from the far east via Evilbay it is likely to get worse rather than better due to poor frequency control on cheap gear.


Happy Christmas.

D. :D :D

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I had the same problem with my strikeback. I happened to be in a services car park on the motorway and no way could I disarm it. In the end I just got in with the alarm going and kept trying with the fob until it eventually stopped.

When we got home I rang Vanbitz and was told much the same thing as you but in my case James said " I bet there was an HGV lorry parked nearby and the driver transmitting on his radio and if so his signal would block out yours. He told me where the receiver was on my van and to get a close as possible to it and then it would work.

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Back in 2000 we took 4 grandchildren to EuroDisney for 17 days and on way home pulled in to a Shell station in Calais to fuel up. Alarm started screaming and no amount of pressing fob could switch it off. Eventually I got wife and grandchildren, who thought it a great idea and laughed and screamed the whole time, they were pushing the van and I bump started it. Said alarm was a Strikeback and apparently it was a common occurrence in Calais at that time.




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