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Brian Kirby

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Guest Peter James
rupert123 - 2013-12-15 5:15 PM


some 80% of vans sold in the UK are UK built therefore it follows most complaints will be about these


Good Point. We saw the same thing with Tesco getting all the flack about horsemeat. Despite the fact nearly all the others were selling horsemeat as beef, and the worst was Aldi with 100% horsemeat in some 'beef' products.

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Interesting thread however inconclusive it might be. Assertions about reputations accompanied by hard data will give us facts. Assertions without data are merely opinions which we know are a view or judgement formed about something that is not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
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For our twopenny worth, we are in the 7th year of ownership of a Hymer from new.


2 years ago we had a warranty claim for water ingress! it was all sorted without any cost to us, BUT, it took Brownhills nearly 6 months to handle/process the claim and carry out the repairs!


So my point is the reputation of a manufacturer can be destroyed by an inefficient dealer?


Thank heavens now for them parting company and new dealers being appointed around the country


don't please turn this thread into a complain about dealers, we now know who to avoid


incidently, no ones mentioned Hobby yet?



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Back in the day there was a girl in our street who had a reputation, although I had no first hand knowledge at the time, but a little later I was able to confirm every bit of it was true round the back of the bike sheds, happy days. ;-) build quality was excellent as well, the ride was a little on the firm side, and the engine was still a bit tight.
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We are on our third Adria, and cannot fault any of them, as far as the conversions are concerned. The Fiat reverse gear debacle spoilt our enjoyment of the second Twin. The Adria's are all designed to be used in all year round, with their internal fresh water tanks and heated waste tanks. We use ours as a spare bedroom when the whole family descends en masse, and even in the depths of winter there is fierce competition as to who sleeps in the van. We camp in it all year whatever the weather. It is also, for the price, well screwed together. We also had good part exchange deals when we swapped vans, because apparently a high demand for good used Adria vans..
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Facts lead to understanding and understanding leads to wisdom. If we manage to get that far, we could probably reach an objective consensus as a forum on the answer to Brian's question. Otherwise, as you suggest, we'll merely make subjective comments - probably based on our own experience or gossip from the Invisible Man.


I don't hold much hope of us getting to the understanding stage never mind wisdom on a forum. It would need face to face discussion.



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For me the East Neuk Fifer. "This is based more on personal experience and observation than the long list of awards they have won.

Of course Hymer have a huge budget to promote their product and develop their reputation.

Old" Hymers were probably superb and "modern Hymers are built in a very modern and high tech environment. Modern Hymers pass from chasis cab to completed vehicle in something like two hours (I have been on a factory visit).

In contrast the Fifer takes weeks to be built

No modern vehicle comes from one country. Even a traditionally British vehicle like a Bentley (car that is) will have components from several different countries so every vehicle will be pan-european to an extent.

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I have to say that when I was looking to change this forum was of great help.


A reputation is simply that, the sum of all the opinions and experiences of, say, a customer or consumer.


I read enough on this forum to convince me that certain makes were best avoided, I read enough to make a decision to buy a Hymer.


I did have a small leak due to poor sealant application but once found it was easily sorted.


I have no doubt manufacturers do read these forums, and if so they should be ashamed, they know the problems and they know how to fix them but they go on churning out the same faulty goods.


Fixing them afterwards is a poor second rate shoddy approach. Far better to make them properly in the first place.


How many times have I read things like " they had to replace the entire side wall/roof/floor etc" .

That is not customer service it is plain incompetence.


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Well, let me try. I was sent this list via PM so, to protect the innocent :-), will not name the author!













Based on reputation, I have some reservations about Chausson, of whom I read mixed experiences when things go wrong. Not that they continually go wrong, but that Trigano are somewhat obtuse in dealing with warranty claims.


To that list I personally would add, again based on reputation, not experience, Niesmann + Bischoff, and Carthago, whose C-Tourer, C-Compactline, and Chic C-Line ranges shuld be available under £100K.


I would have added Auto Trail, but recent experiences seem to suggest their quality is slipping/has slipped, and their response to problems has been less than wholehearted. Whether this is purely a production quality issue, or the influence of Groupe Trigano, is not yet clear.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Brian Kirby - 2013-12-16 12:04 PM


Well, let me try. I was sent this list via PM so, to protect the innocent :-), will not name the author!













Based on reputation, I have some reservations about Chausson, of whom I read mixed experiences when things go wrong. Not that they continually go wrong, but that Trigano are somewhat obtuse in dealing with warranty claims.


To that list I personally would add, again based on reputation, not experience, Niesmann + Bischoff, and Carthago, whose C-Tourer, C-Compactline, and Chic C-Line ranges shuld be available under £100K.


I would have added Auto Trail, but recent experiences seem to suggest their quality is slipping/has slipped, and their response to problems has been less than wholehearted. Whether this is purely a production quality issue, or the influence of Groupe Trigano, is not yet clear.


So do we take that as the definitive statement, if so yippee, I've got the second one down, and owned the fifth one down, seems I've got good judgement after all. ;-) or is it someone who owns a Hymer, with a Rapido as a back up van ?

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1footinthegrave - 2013-12-16 1:41 PM


So do we take that as the definitive statement, if so yippee..


Well, if it is, I've sh*t out big style...coz I currently own the third from bottom, have owned the second from bottom...and the other make we've owned, didn't even make the list!.. (lol)


(..it's probably best if I get my tent from out of the loft... (lol) )

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Guest pelmetman

This thread has got me wondering ;-).....................how many campers does Mr & Mrs Average buy in their lifetime ? :-S................As it appears to be quite a few 8-)........


On the other hand I appear to be below average.................... my teachers were right :D.......

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globebuster - 2013-12-16 4:37 PM


I'm not sure they are in order of preference ;-)

Not intended as such by me, nor as a definitive list, just a list of manufacturers who have reasonably intact reputations for producing reliable quality products. I agree that owners of East Neuk PVCs also seem very satisfied with their vans. Others?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I can only say if Rapido are at number two, ( which does give a warm glow ) the respondents obviously have never been faced with the removal of a Truma boiler ;-) or tried to keep anything remotely fresh edible in the main kitchen cupboard that is kept at a balmy sauna temperature from the heat of the boiler, wonderful. (!)
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We are only on our 2nd M/H (1 Burstner and 1 AT Scout) both purchased new and my view so far is that the build quality of the British built machine is as good and probably better than the Continental.


Watch out for a future topic on the quality of the base vehicle though (fraying seat belt after less than 6 months)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
lennyhb - 2013-12-16 6:22 PM


Brian, I take it you are feeling very smug now having brought a Hymer. :D :D :D


If this is not a smug face, I don't know what is.



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We've had two motorhomes from new a Rapido and our present AutoTrail which we've had for 3 seasons. Being pro British I'd like to say the AutoTrail is best but the truth is that both have been superb and very reliable. We changed to the AutoTrail because at the time we needed one with a decent garage under 7m and 3,500 Kg and would find it hard to better.
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