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Best and worst of 2013


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I was wondering what your best and worst memories were of the past year.

My best was the feeling of elation as I collected my first MH for 25 years, closely followed by the worst when I forgot the 6 foot rear overhang and swiped the rear corner on the gate post!


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Not sure if it's our worst but close, just came back from a campsite over the New year that seems to have had good reviews BUT Toilet block had no hot water, the showers that were advertised were in the top field 300 yards away up a very wet drive, the lights in the toilet block were not on, even after mentioning it. Still not done the day after. Dish washing area also had no lights working..

I know it was only £10 per night, but still expect better......


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Best was after three years of owning our motor home and only being able to use it at weekends due to work, we both quit work and spent six months touring around Europe. I didn't tell my better half that I had booked the Tunnel crossing to go on May 12th but the next day she got a summons for jury service to start on May 13th. Lucky I booked it as she got let off.

Worst bit was leaving the awning out one night while we were in France and being hit by a mini tornado at two in the morning. Managed to get it in without any damage and in then saw how lucky we were that part of a tree had missed our van by inches.

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Meeting many Motor Home "people" at the Rallies and shows.

The worst being told I had Vertigo [serious] and being told i may have to sell my "Van"..cant drive..

The best..Australia..Traveling from Brisbane to Cairns..stopping where we wanted to stop/long un -inhabited /beaches/fantastic people/

I was going to say sex on the beach.but the gaffa says it was six..cos our friends came with us.

True story..went in to an RSL Aussie club and saw this big guy..he stared..being a p*****k I stared back..he got up..walked towards me..we met..[Love a bit of *** even tho i am only 3 foot 4..He said

I said...we shook hands..Gordon Bennett.we joined the Navy together/Official numbers one apart/never seen each /since 19??..I was a young sailor then!!!

This year will be my last with motor homes..age takes its toll on all..no escape?

My great granddaughter..?

Bought her a Telescope cos she say "Grandad" will be a star when he goes??

and she wants to see me???



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Best most of the year.


Worst trying to implement the plans we had in place for our annual large family get together over Christmas with the effects of the weather and a power cut. In the end we only managed to get three families together with the forth failing to make it.


I'm just of out the back to put the flood pump running yet again.

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Caddies104 - 2014-01-02 5:45 PM


Not sure if it's our worst but close, just came back from a campsite over the New year that seems to have had good reviews BUT Toilet block had no hot water, the showers that were advertised were in the top field 300 yards away up a very wet drive, the lights in the toilet block were not on, even after mentioning it. Still not done the day after. Dish washing area also had no lights working..

I know it was only £10 per night, but still expect better......


If your 'worst memory of 2013' is a few days with a sub-standard toilet block then I think that you had a pretty good year ..

Do you not have toilet and dish-washing facilities in your van?

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lennyhb - 2014-01-04 9:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2014-01-04 9:13 PM


Cheered up a bit when I realised we had only spent £43 on camping / parking and services right across high season. (lol)


Shush you will start Henry off :D :D


Well we did splash out on the Farm Aire at Annecy which as a whopping €8 a night and one by a lake in the Tarn that even had electrickery. Might see if I can spend £0 next time! :-D


That should do it!

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Barryd999 - 2014-01-05 9:43 AM


Well we did splash out on the Farm Aire at Annecy which as a whopping €8 a night and one by a lake in the Tarn that even had electrickery. Might see if I can spend £0 next time! :-D


That should do it!


We spent a couple of nights there in September moved on to Provence when the weather caught up with us. Didn't pay the extra €2 for lecky though. (lol)



Not the same one the one we stayed at was at Le Porte.


P.S. Like you blogs Barry

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Steve928 - 2014-01-04 6:16 PM


Caddies104 - 2014-01-02 5:45 PM


Not sure if it's our worst but close, just came back from a campsite over the New year that seems to have had good reviews BUT Toilet block had no hot water, the showers that were advertised were in the top field 300 yards away up a very wet drive, the lights in the toilet block were not on, even after mentioning it. Still not done the day after. Dish washing area also had no lights working..

I know it was only £10 per night, but still expect better......


If your 'worst memory of 2013' is a few days with a sub-standard toilet block then I think that you had a pretty good year ..

Do you not have toilet and dish-washing facilities in your van?


We did have a very good year but having decided to see the new year in on a site that on paper looked good, we were hugely disappointed.... Of course we have onboared facilities that was not the point I was making,,,, having explained there were no lights on in the toilet block and the site is pitch black, thought they may have at least put a bulb in the light!!


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