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Creme eggs


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antony1969 - 2014-01-03 11:08 AM

As well as being a water prevention technician ( roofer ) I also have a part time confectionary sideline .



But............... do the two things work against each other Antony? Surely your three-at-a-time habit will affect your advoirdupois to the extent that you might go through the roof? OR - do you Yorkies have a different metabolism from the rst of us?

OR - perhaps the fact that you have stone-tiled roofs in Huddersfield mean that fat roofers are O.K.?



Cheers, a bemused,



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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2014-01-03 12:37 PM


Surely your three-at-a-time habit will affect your advoirdupois


He's got one of those has he? 8-)................Is it legal? :-S..........should we tell the authorities? :-|

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antony1969 - 2014-01-03 8:58 AM


Happy days ! Now Wintersfest is over Cadburys Creme Eggs are back in't shops , I can eat three of the beasts in one sitting , chocky heaven and good for ya too full of protein and high in fibre , mmmmmmmm


Keep eating Antony, Helps my pension, having worked there for 39 years.... Used to make 390 million creme eggs per year, I'm a CDM man myself, but keep up the eating....


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Cosmopolitan Girl somehow allowed some to go past the sell by date last year, so I put them on the bird feeder in the garden. The squirrels were real keen, but the only birds that showed any interest were the African parakeets that are wild here. They ate so much that they couldn't take off, and ended up perched on the bird table for the night. It was very noisy.


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Archiesgrandad - 2014-01-04 11:41 PM


Cosmopolitan Girl somehow allowed some to go past the sell by date last year, so I put them on the bird feeder in the garden. The squirrels were real keen, but the only birds that showed any interest were the African parakeets that are wild here. They ate so much that they couldn't take off, and ended up perched on the bird table for the night. It was very noisy.



Would not worry about going past The Sell by Date, as that is for the seller not the consumer.... If it looks good and tastes good it's ok, IMO, even if the chocolate goes a little white ?,!

Chocolate can go through a lot before it is OFF...

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Dave225 - 2014-01-05 8:13 PM


Anyway, they are all 'bantam' eggs these days so 3 will be probably the same as 1 1/2 of the olfd ones. How to make more profit out of the punter. Everything is getting smaller except my waistline and women's dress sizes.


.... does your wife know you like to gad around in her dresses then? :D

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Mel B - 2014-01-05 10:15 PM


Dave225 - 2014-01-05 8:13 PM


Anyway, they are all 'bantam' eggs these days so 3 will be probably the same as 1 1/2 of the olfd ones. How to make more profit out of the punter. Everything is getting smaller except my waistline and women's dress sizes.


.... does your wife know you like to gad around in her dresses then? :D


I wish???? No, maybe that did not come out quite right. I meant my size would never work in hers even if the mind wanted to. Evidently according to the wife all dress sizes are becoming smaller and only fit stick insects. Was there not a shop on the High Street that specialised in sizes for the LARGER lady, maybe all gone now.

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