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Sanef for two vehicles


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This has probably been covered before but I can't trace it.

Off skiing at the end of the month in a Defender 110, this will be over 2m high with the roofbox, then later in the year to France in the motorhome.

What is the situation re a sanef transponder in the two vehicles? Will I get two types of charge?

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So if the roof rack takes us over 2m will I be able to argue for class 1 even if I go through the barrier with no height restriction?

The MH is just over 3m with the roof light, and sometimes it is 2 and sometimes 3, my hope is that I can argue class 2 when I get the bill.

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You cannot pre-declare your vehicle class, it is an automatic system, although presumably they would listen to an appeal after the event if you believed that heir equipment had measured your vehicle incorrectly.


I did check through last year's (substantial) bill item-by-item and in fact we had been undercharged on a couple of sections with the van registering only as Class 1.

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