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Anybody had experience of the ferry from Gills Bay to St Margarets Hope and on from Kirkwall to Lerwick? I'm 6m long and 2.76m high. I shall be wild camping June/July. Anybody had problems doing similar? Recommendations for midge repellent welcome!
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We have visited Shetland twice - May 2009 & May 2013 [which included the Orkneys].


The Mainland to Orkney ferry is the Pentalina catamaran. 1 hour only. Motorhomes are the last to board and have to reverse on! But that means that you are first off!!


The Kirkwall to Lerwick ferry is by Northlink and is their service coming from Aberdeen. It is a late evening board and we decided that it wasn't worth booking a cabin as they have recliner seats akin to aircraft seats but with more legroom. Arrival at Lerwick is 7.30.


Not wild camped on Shetland apart from at St. Ninians Isle [a must to visit] but there are now lots of community campsites run by the locals which can be the village hall car park but with hook-up water etc.


No midges in May thankfully.


If you would like more information then feel free to PM me.


We will be returning sometime soon to do the bits that we know we missed!!


Phil R

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I have done them all including Aberdeen to Shetland which is like a channel ferry. The smaller ones all take big vehicles as do the inter island ferrys on Shetland which are or were quite cheap.


Plenty of wild camping on both Islands. Its worth going to the Airport on Orkney and getting the flight to North Ronaldsay which is a 8 or 12 seater. I sat behind and chatted with the pilot, It usually stops off at a few places and only costs about £30.



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I am a regular visitor to Orkney. The Gills Bay service is just as described. Do not worry about reversing on. If you have difficulty the crew will do it for you. There are any number of wild camping spots around the island, the closest to the ferry is at Sands 'o Wright, about 3 miles from terminal. Follow signs for Hoxa and you will find a small toilet block and a Tarmac area where you can stop. Right beside the sea and looks out over the Pentland Firth. The town of Kirkwall also has big car parks opposite the Tesco store. Don't worry about " no overnight parking signs" there are three Council run sites on the island and a few CL's.

Midges are not a problem generally on the island unless the weather is unusually calm. Skin so Soft usually does the trick. No experience of motor homing on Shetland but I would think it would be very similar..

I think you will find that you will easily spend two weeks on Orkney without being bored though and maybe make Shetland a separate trip.

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Many thanks for the info. I had intended to spend about 10 days in total on Orkney and a fortnight on the Shetlands, but I may now increase this a bit. Being retired allows me to do what I want but having to book ferries ahead tends to restrict ones options. I plan to take about 8 weeks to drive up to Scotland from Torbay and visit the islands. If I increase this I might then try to pick up some of the Western Isles en route back home. One of the beauties of motorhoming is that taking more time doesn't mean a significant increase in cost. My wife says that I am slow so I still have very slow, extremely slow and dead to go.


Glad to hear about the lack of problems with wild camping. I don't like organised camp sites, the wilder and more remote the better for me! I spent 8 weeks touring Ireland last summer and didn't stay at a official site once. No problems at all - unless you count the failure of my inverter and my backup 12v charger which caused difficulties with charging my camera and laptop batteries. With a fairly new M/H I had no problems with the fridge/batteries etc. This trip I am contemplating taking my generator for emergency use.

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I intend to be in Orkney about 13th June. Could I suggest you take the Ferry to Hoy and drive down to Rackwick Bay. It is the most beautiful place and there are public toilets available. It is remote but a few people do find their way there. You can walk across to the Old Man of Hoy if you feel fit. There are no shops but a few cottages but the beach has to be seen to be believed. I will try to attach a photo.
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If you get as far as Unst on Sheltand which requires two ferries from the main island check out the Millenium Bus shelter. Its just mad. http://www.unstbusshelter.shetland.co.uk/


There is a bottle of scotch in it usually and its real. I tried it.


Just a stones throw from the end of Unst is Muckle Flugga which is the most northerly part of the British Isles at 61 degrees north. There is also an abandoned WW2 base up there which is worth a rake around.

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I am hoping to be brave enough to make it to Sheltand shortly. I am starting out on Sunday via Signature who are doing some minor alterations for me. Then onto Ayr for a Burns Night Supper at Burns cottage, John o Groats, ferry to Orkney then onto Sheltand in time for some ot he later Up Helly As fire festivals. At least that is the current plan


Any thoughts on places which may let me stay with an RV 30ft Damon Daybreak and also have electric hookup. Tips about LPG refueling on the way, and general advice appreciated.


This is my maiden voyage but I would like to see the norther lights and the smaller fire festivals. I am travelling with a great dane and a mobility scooter.

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If you go to the UKCampsite website & type in Shetland under County it will bring up most of the sites in Shetland



We were there in May 2013 and I have left reviews on the sites that we used [PilgrimPhil as user name]


All had electric hook up and were in superb locations esp. North Roe; the Youth Hostel on Unst & Burravoe on Yell.


If you want any further help etc, then feel free to PM me.


Phil R



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Thanks Pipkim, I hadn't come across this site. I am a wild camper (!) but it is very usefull to have access to sites like this for use in an emergency. About the only thing that I can't cope with on a long trip is laundry of sheets etc. and lad fashioned launderettes seem to be disappearing.
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Both sets of islands are well worth visiting. Shetland is very different from Orkney. There is great community spirit in both places. You must remember particularly on Shetland hat you are not in mainland britain anymore. Shetlanders regard themselves as being totally separate. The main issue I find on Shetland is wind. It can be ferocious. Getting the late ferry from Kirkwall to Lerwick you will have to reverse on for a longish distance which can be tight tho' the crew are very helpful and patient. I have seen some drivers get into a terrible fancle but all got sorted ok.I think under new operators you have to pay for a reclining seat now and the bench seats have been modified to discourage sleeping. IMO a cabin is well worth the extortionate price as you arrive in a strange place properly rested and ready to go. On the way back you pass close to Fair Isle and if the skipper is feeling benevolent he will tell you on the PA system. Try to get to Fetlar where at the right time of year you may see a Red Necked Phalarope which overwinters on the coast of Peru. If you have to use 2 ferries to get there (as you do)the second used to be and probably still is free.There are midges but the wind usually keeps them down.
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We have never had to reverse onto the Northlink ferries - just the Pentland Ferries one on the Orkney run.


The recliner chairs on the Orkney to Shetland ferry are free and can be pre-booked. Our ferry was late so we didn't get to board till gone 2am and were in Lerwick by 8 am. Not the greatest sleep I will admit but it saved over £80 for 6 hrs shut eye!


The inter island ferries on Shetland are great. If going to Unst, the first ferry from Toft to Yell is about £10 from memory but all the following ferries from Yell to Unst, Unst back to Yell, and Yell to Toft are "free" i.e. the £10 covers all these! All the ferry terminals have free WiFi too!


Phil R

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Firstly an apology to Bodach - it appears that there is now a "small" charge for using the reclining seats on the Northlink Ferries - this has changed since May 2013. There is also a "pod" available but that is new too!


The Shetland Inter Island ferry charges etc. can be seen on this link:-




Whilst there appears to be a length limit, we have never been charged more than the basic cost which seems to be £12.50 now which includes the driver. We have never had to book - just turn up and we have always got on [this is May rather than the height of Summer].


Hope this is of some help with your planning


Phil R






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Excellent thread, which I've book marked, because we want to take the van to Orkney and Shetland sometime. Certainly enjoyed the Western Isles and now fancy getting to Britain's northern tip. Just not sure when we're going to fit it in.


Thanks everybody for the great info.





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The short answer is I don't know but I imagine that any of the Calor bottled gasses would be widely available. There are quite a few garages dotted around the Isles - Lerwick would be favourite.


There is a Shetland caravan club:-




It might be worth leaving a message on their Guestbook to ask the specific question.


If that doesn't help, come back to me [Private Message] as I have a motorhomer contact who has just moved "lock stock & barrel" to Shetland and was very helpful to me when we were planning the ferries with dogs etc. and also a great contact for sites & "out of the way" places to visit.


Phil R



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