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any virgins out there?

derek pringle

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Hi all,

Excuse the heading but looking for info re mobile phones. I am thinking of changing my mobile to Virgin network from Vodafone who I am with now. I was wondering if any fellow motorhomers were on this network and could tell me about signal coverage in Europe, mainly France/ Germany/ Italy.

We have always had good coverage from Vodafone but can get a better deal if we change.

cheers and thanks for any help



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Derek all my mobiles are Virgin & we've never had a problem in any part of Europe. In fact the coverage if anything is better than the UK.


The only annoying feature is that you get about 3 messages in succession every time you cross a border.

Driving through the alps between Switzerland & Italy last year our route was criss crossing the border every couple of minutes so the phone was constantly going off. (I've no doubt this feature could be turned off but I CBA! (Can't be bothered)!



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I have a virgin phone, it has been fine all over France. However, I was looking at the toggle website, and am getting advice from son who worked for Virgin and understands these things on whether it would work for us. He said there are a few companies like Toggle. Might be worth a little research, before you switch.
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Virgin use the Orange network who now share masts with EE so coverage should be very good both my kids are on T mobile which is now EE they never complain of any network problems.


I would have thought anything is better than Vodafone, I'm on Talk mobile that uses Vodafone network previous contracts have been with O2 & Three both were far better than Vodafone, worse network I've been on.


Virgin network coverage

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