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Parcels by post


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Went to send 2 parcels from the Post Office to-day because they weighed over 2 kgs, the cost £12.00 each.

Does any-one know of a cheap way to send parcels (not that we do very often), as the Post Office seems to be pricing it-self out of buisness. I now e-mail more than I write letters, and for sending cards, well have to look for small ones so that they don't cost more to post. than the cost of the card.


we had a delivery from an internet buy, which among other things had a photo frame , and a mug (Free) both arrived broken, as only packed in a plastic bag. OH was going to return them, and as we had to pay the postage of £12.00 have not sent them back, as value was only £4.00, awaiting reply from e-mail


So any one know of cheap ways for future postings?

Did have to bite the bullet and send the 1 parcel,(not the return) but never again, with the PO


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PJay - 2014-01-15 11:48 PM


Went to send 2 parcels from the Post Office to-day because they weighed over 2 kgs, the cost £12.00 each.

Does any-one know of a cheap way to send parcels (not that we do very often), as the Post Office seems to be pricing it-self out of business. I now e-mail more than I write letters, and for sending cards, well have to look for small ones so that they don't cost more to post. than the cost of the card.


we had a delivery from an internet buy, which among other things had a photo frame , and a mug (Free) both arrived broken, as only packed in a plastic bag. OH was going to return them, and as we had to pay the postage of £12.00 have not sent them back, as value was only £4.00, awaiting reply from e-mail


So any one know of cheap ways for future postings?

Did have to bite the bullet and send the 1 parcel,(not the return) but never again, with the PO



Just curious but had the initial, damaged, parcel been delivered by the PO/RM...?

Either way, the return delivery costs should still be covered/reimbursed by the seller who hadn't packed it correctly...


As I've said before, some of the private courier companies(who maximise their profits by using self employed owner-drivers), that we've had deliver to us, have been a right shambles(.."can't find you..you weren't in...we delivered it yesterday mate"..nonsense!)...and the state of some of the rusty old knackers that they roll up in, look more like they've come to pick up a scrap washing machine or to tarmac your drive!

On several occasions we've had, what looks like the blokes mrs turn up in the family hatchback , complete with kiddie seats etc..and with your goods just stuffed in her boot! *-)


"Secure" and "Tracked"..yeah, right....


Choose "cheaper" options by all means...but don't then complain when your post office shuts! ;-)



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Hi Guys

Thsnks for your replies, will look into them for future ref.



Not sure about who delivered, but he come in a red van, though as it was not parked outside our house, I am not sure. as I also signed for a packet for a neighbour. Not really their fault that it was broken , as picture frame and mug (in a box) where just put in a plastic bag, so no protection , should have been in abox, or at least bubble wrapped. I would have thought. I note that a lot of mail order stuff comes just in a large plastic bag these days, Ok for clothes etc, but not for breakables.


I have to say, that Amazon pack things pretty well, even Vicarious books come in a padded envelope


husband has contacted the seller, and we are waiting a reply (up to 5 days!). It is not the cost of the loss, just the fact that the packing was inadequate


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Hi PJay..


I suppose to be fair, I should say that the bulk of parcels that we've ever had delivered via "private" couriers, have arrived intact,even if they have sometimes appeared to have been dropped off by the blokes' wife or Mum!... (lol)


BUT..there have been several, quite major foul ups..


The OH's new Windows smart phone, just left out in the rain,on the neighbour's door step(whilst we sat in awaiting delivery)....

Several hundred pound worth of clothing(ordered online by the OH), just left on our door step all day, in a torn plastic bag...

£500s worth of Dunlop air suspension assisters, in a box that looked like it had be kicked all the way from the depot...again, just left on the neighbour's doorstep, unsigned for....


If they had been delivered by the PO/RM then the above would not have occurred...a card would have been left, giving the option to collect or rearrange delivery...

(..although I am aware that recently there have been some changes?...something about opting in/out of leaving stuff with a neighbour?)..



WE also "do" quite few music festivals and a few years back Glastonbury went through a spell of using various private couriers to deliver the tickets(which needed signing for) and it turned out the be a real pain in the backside....

They weren't delivering when they said the would.." we can't find you mate!" or their Tracking system would say that they'd been delivered, when they hadn't etc!.. :-S


In the end they switched back to using Royal Mail(..if you're in, they deliver, if you're not, they'll leave a card..Easy! ;-) )


It's a bit like your local corner shop...Use it or lose it... ;-)



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We do an awful lot of shopping on line - and never had an issue with the couriers the provider uses.


Whats more - when we have to return something - the same courier comes and picks it up!


How good is that!


The only problem we had was that we thought we were being helpful by putting all the returns tp one outlet in one bag 8-) - but the courier asked us not to do that as they get paid per item!!


Also - our couriers have always left a note if we are out saying they will deliver again later or next day - it is not only RM who do this.


We also are regularly asked to give feedback on the delivery service by the outlet we purchase item from. And we do do this - feedback is important for outlets - they select which service provider to use on the basis of cost as well as service.


No company will tolerate a courier that regularly disappoints customers.







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CliveH - 2014-01-16 11:42 AM


No company will tolerate a courier that regularly disappoints customers.



Let's hope not..


So maybe Marcle Leisure(Air assistors), Carphone Warehouse(OH's phone)and Phase Eight(OH's clothing, have all since chosen to use different couriers now then....

(..as indeed "Glastonbury Festivals Ltd" did....).

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If your level of dissatisfaction is typical and they have been informed about it then I would be very surprised indeed if they had not changed or stipulated required improvements.


Most providers of a service have clauses in the contracts to state that "fines" will be applied if customer satisfaction levels fall below a certain minimum.


The problem is Pepe, that over the years - with both business and personal stuff - the PO and RM have shown themselves as not being particularly bothered - even unhelpful - the issue of letter size is one that really grates with business - we have had letters that easily go though the slot in our office (we have one to check - and then our clients tell us that the PO retained it and they had to collect it and pay for the pleasure!.


I hope being privatised improves things - I doubt they could get much worse.




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We order quite a bit of stuff on line as we are a long way from a major shopping area. One of the outlets we use a lot is QVC which in turn uses a variety of delivery companies depending on the size / value etc of the package.


We have never had a lost parcel from RM deliveries but have had several go missing where Hermes is the deliverer. The local lady who does this area for Hermes is very good and makes every effort to get things to us when we want it delivered but it would appear that when a package hits the regional depot it disappears in a black hole.


Despite threatening QVC with never shopping with them again if they continue to use such a lax company they still use 'em. Probably QVC do a cost check and if it costs less to use a particular company and it is covered by insurance for losses they will continue to use them even if it "T"s off customers.


Private is not always best - In fact it rarely is - despite what you may read in the Daily Wail!

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CliveH - 2014-01-16 11:42 AM


The only problem we had was that we thought we were being helpful by putting all the returns tp one outlet in one bag 8-) - but the courier asked us not to do that as they get paid per item!!



And the carrier company will charge back each delivery to the original online shop. That is dishonest by the driver if he asks you to do that. I would report him as he is trying to fleece the system.

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AliB - 2014-01-16 1:06 PM


CliveH - 2014-01-16 11:42 AM


The only problem we had was that we thought we were being helpful by putting all the returns tp one outlet in one bag 8-) - but the courier asked us not to do that as they get paid per item!!



And the carrier company will charge back each delivery to the original online shop. That is dishonest by the driver if he asks you to do that. I would report him as he is trying to fleece the system.


Interesting - I did not know that - thanks..........


The items invariably arrive separately and so I saw no issue with the request to send things back separately.



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Frankkia - 2014-01-16 12:49 PM


Private is not always best - In fact it rarely is - despite what you may read in the Daily Wail!


That's pretty much my view..


..and I don't particularly want my mail just entrusted to the lowest bidder...

(..which will probably entail some self-employed, owner drivers, running themselves ragged...and leaving stuff on door steps, just so they can get paid at the end of the week..!)


Never mind though eh!..at least the companies' shareholders will be happy..... :-S

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Don't forget -Pepe - that applies to RM as well now!


And do I detect a bias against the self employed?


Who only get paid if the job gets done?


I could just as easily cite the amount of mail that goes missing in the RM/PO - which is a huge amount.


Or I could cite the number of days PO workers went on strike.




Or RM staff for that matter




And if yo are self employed - you do the job or you do not get paid.


When it comes to work ethic - I know what tax status wins hands down





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pepe63 - 2014-01-16 4:27 PM


CliveH - 2014-01-16 4:16 PM


Don't forget -Pepe - that applies to RM as well now!


It does NOW yes... :-S


"The race to the bottom" eh?...


Be careful what you wish for......




Royal Mail " improvements " have started in this area.


My nearest post box - 200 yds away - has been sealed up.


I now have to walk half a mile to the next one.





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pepe63 - 2014-01-16 4:27 PM


CliveH - 2014-01-16 4:16 PM


Don't forget -Pepe - that applies to RM as well now!


It does NOW yes... :-S


"The race to the bottom" eh?...


Be careful what you wish for......


Race to the bottom?


Accountability sits uncomfortably with you then Pepe!


They have to compete in the real world now - and I wish them well. But their service standards have to move away from the old world they inhabited where as a monopoly they could do as they pleased.


Because based upon my personal and business experience of the PO & RM - they have a lot to learn.


I hope they are capable of so doing.


Not least because the tax payer had to bail them out before they could be privatised!


My My - what an auspicious start :-S




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No..I'm certainly not biased against the self employed, not at all.I was self employed myself(..and to lesser extent, I still am I suppose...)


I just feel that using self employed staff , should not be used as the easy route for a company(any company, especially a major one), to save money(..a company I worked for 10 years plus, did just, they got rid of all the workshop staff and took them back on a "self employed" basis....I told 'em to stuff it!)


If a company want to be in business, they should do it properly and actually employee their staff...


Yes....I'm aware companies need to compete in a "real world" but unfortunately, it's a "real world" in which the likes of zero hour contracts and the subbing out of work to the lowest bidder, hire and fire etc, is becoming the norm.


And there's no great forward planning in that, is there?...So a company can end paying the "workforce" less...but then these "workers" then only have to top up their money with state benefits..?

Not very constructive.....


Back to Posties...maybe they should be shoving their kids back up clients' chimneys...so as to teach 'em the "work ethic"... :-S


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I agree with you in part Pepe - but with employers NIC at 13.8% and now Auto enrolment adding ahuge burden to employers - I can see the end to Zero hours contracts as many more Self Employed "Franchise" arrangements are offered.


As for kids up chimneys - what to deliver the post? (lol)


If you want to do that - then it has to be Owl Post as in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.


But I don't think even the Dursley's stuffed Harry up the chimney B-)





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My experience is Couriers 10 Royal Mail 0.

I have not (yet) had a problem with a courier but in the past year I have had a £700 camera lens damaged while in the possession of RM and had my claim for compensation refused, despite having paid a lot for insurance. RM did not deliver another lens that I bought but claimed that they had, despite not having obtained the signature that was required. Very recently several small low value items have not arrived. My wifes aunt sent a cheque and a card for my daughter at Xmas. RM condescended to deliver the empty envelope!

I anticipate that the cost of using, reliability and attitude of RM will deteriorate now that the Company has been privatised. They will join the sorry list that includes British Gas, British Telecom, the water utilities et al.

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-01-16 5:19 PM


No..I'm certainly not biased against the self employed, not at all.I was self employed myself(..and to lesser extent, I still am I suppose...)


I just feel that using self employed staff , should not be used as the easy route for a company(any company, especially a major one), to save money(..a company I worked for 10 years plus, did just, they got rid of all the workshop staff and took them back on a "self employed" basis....I told 'em to stuff it!)


If a company want to be in business, they should do it properly and actually employee their staff...


Yes....I'm aware companies need to compete in a "real world" but unfortunately, it's a "real world" in which the likes of zero hour contracts and the subbing out of work to the lowest bidder, hire and fire etc, is becoming the norm.


And there's no great forward planning in that, is there?...So a company can end paying the "workforce" less...but then these "workers" then only have to top up their money with state benefits..?

Not very constructive.....


Back to Posties...maybe they should be shoving their kids back up clients' chimneys...so as to teach 'em the "work ethic"... :-S


I see Cameron is intending to increase the national minimum wage.................Let them eat pence...... *-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-01-16 4:33 PM


pepe63 - 2014-01-16 4:27 PM


CliveH - 2014-01-16 4:16 PM


Don't forget -Pepe - that applies to RM as well now!


It does NOW yes... :-S


"The race to the bottom" eh?...


Be careful what you wish for......




Royal Mail " improvements " have started in this area.


My nearest post box - 200 yds away - has been sealed up.


I now have to walk half a mile to the next one.






Its a cunning plan by NHS to make people exercise more Malc ;-)...........they'll be bringing back licking stamps next 8-)

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Have received refund for broken goods, no query at all .

So they must have known that the packaging was not good enough

Good job OH did not pay the cost of return, even though they would most likely have refunded that.


But have kept details of all the sugestions given, just in case


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We've used several courier companies, both for sending and receiving goods (where we've arranged for the item to be collected from the seller) as well as RM - we use whichever is the best for the item concerned. Smaller items tend to be cheaper via RM and larger stuff with couriers, however it does depend on the value of the item as well as some couriers have a lower insurance level than the RM usually and there are also restrictions with some for the types of items they will transport compared to others. We tend to use MyHermes and take the items to the local drop-off shop so we don't have to wait in for the courier to collect it.
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