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Muck Boots

Colin Leake

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I had a pair of Dunlop Welles that lasted for years but when they went I bought a new pair that were admittedly cheap when I thought about it but were rubbish. It took me just 4 weeks to wear the heels away. So I bought an expensive pair of Rutlands. All seemed fine they were comfortable, warm and seemed well made. Four weeks later I was wading through some water and one filled up, not good when one still has two miles to go to get home! Turned out the heel was hollow to absorb shocks. This wore through and let the water in. At £69 I took them back and got a refund. Whilst there I noticed the supplier had muck boots that are normally £85 for £55. I've head good reports about these Canadian boots. Has anyone of you lot had any experience of them please.
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I would have thought that 'Leakey' boots were just about right for you Colin!


I tend to but wellies from the likes of B&Q - inexpensive and hardly stylish but they last for years of walking miles along river banks and coast lines trying to tire out a border collie!

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Not muck boots but these rubber shoes that I thought would be ideal for early morning walks when the dew is on the grass on campsites ! these have actually perished and probably from the third time of wearing they were letting in water (lol) and before someone clever responds ! NO I do not have smelly feet. >:-)


I remember when I was a child our wellies never wore out the were passed about to anyone they fit when we grew out of them :-S why ?? its the cheap inferior rubber that is being produced now and sold at ridiculous prices, I would never pay more than £20 for a pair of wellies.

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RogerC - 2014-01-22 9:59 PM


Reviews seem pretty positive.  One guy has had his for 6 years and does everything from winter hiking to caving and even kayaking..........looks like the 'boots to own' to me.


Yeah..and how can you possibly resist "wellies" with names like, "Chore Cool".. "Pursuit Supreme" and "Pursuit Stealth"... (lol)


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Tracker - 2014-01-22 5:27 PM


I would have thought that 'Leakey' boots were just about right for you Colin!


I tend to but wellies from the likes of B&Q - inexpensive and hardly stylish but they last for years of walking miles along river banks and coast lines trying to tire out a border collie!


We used to do just the same with the same results but I fear next time you try it you may be disappointed as I was. I have no idea what is going on but several friends we meet out regularly walking their dogs are also complaining of the same problem.


I have now bought a pair of Muck boots and so far so good. They are very comfortable, warm and well waterproof when wading through deep water. I've not had them long but there is absolutely no sign of any wear on the heels. I must admit they are a trifle heavy a price one pays for the very solid construction and thick robust soles but because they are so comfortable one tends not to notice this when wearing them.


I'll post again when I've had them a bit longer.

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