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Drop down beds


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Hi folks, as we are impressed with a couple of 'vans with drop down beds, I'd like to hear from those that have actually used them, what their impressions are.


I suppose the things we need to know about are:


Ease of getting in and out of bed.


Leaving all the bedding in place.


Ability (or not) to sit up and read.


Feeling of claustrophobia inside the curtained off area.




Thanks in anticipation.


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Ease of getting in and out would depend on model, we where looking at La Strada a couple of years back, thought the ladder had been 'nicked' but turns out the particular model didn't have one you 'climbed' up the furniture, seemed like it might be a bit dodgey in the dark, others with ladder I guess would be like overcab.
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Hi, You are going to get some sensible and some weirdo answers to your question, why dont you go to dealer and climb up and try for yourself. The only thing you got to remember is that "whoever sleeps on the outside" may well find they think their luck has changed when the one on this inside gets their leg over you when trying to get up to the loo in the middle of the night.


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We had a dropdown bed in a Rapido. Wonderful it was and a real double size bed, warm in the chilly weather but any noise like heavy rain and strong winds could be a nuisance so I stuffed towels in the roof vent space which worked well.


It was only me who used it as we had a fixed bed as well. There was a so called ladder but that soon got left in the shed for I thought it dangerous to use a ladder with bare feet. I used one of the normal seats for a step up and down with never a problem it was simply a matter of reminding oneself before climbing down where you were.


Never closed the curtain and never read either I did that at the table but did have a radio. I left the bedding in place with two pillows moved to the centre where the roof was higher. The bed was never a problem and as we were never more than 2 people it was so simple. I used it between the ages of 78 and 84 easy !


Colin queried 'no ladder' but in fact it was much safer using a seat that was fixed down and firm whereas the ladder was moveable and more of a novelty than practical.


Barney suggest a visit and trying one, ok but take your shoes and socks off first !

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Hi, We've got a drop down bed in our Burstner, which was one of the reasons for buying it in the first place.

I'm 6'2"and I have plenty of room in it with no claustrophobia at all. We have plenty of room to sit up and read in what is a full sized double bed.

I use the ladder to get in and out (on the bathroom side), and my better half gets out on the cab side onto the cab swivel seats.

We store all the bedding and the ladder on the bed when it is lifted up into the roof.

A drop down bed really is the best use of space you will ever get in a motorhome. Just make sure the weight limit on the bed is adequate for both of you - we nearly bought a Benimar once, but the drop down bed has a weight limit of only 150kg - not enough for the 2 of us :D

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I assume by you mentioning the 'curtained off' area, you are on about a standard A-class type drop down bed. We have toyed with getting one in the past and these were our findings for and against:




- easily deployed when needed and pushed out of the way when not

- not on show all the time and dogs couldn't jump on it whilst we were out during the day




- no way to easily sit-up and read due to 'curtained' sides (ie nothing solid to rest against)

- no real shelves or pieces to put bits and pieces, especially the morning cuppa!

- some can be a bit 'rocky' ... when windy (stop it you smutty lot! (LOL) )

- we were told they could be cold in winter due to the large amount of single glazed glass surrounding you (ie the windscreen and side windows) and as I feel the cold terribly this was a big consideration

- some were quite restrictive size wise (ie width/length)

- some were quite a way off the ground for getting in/out ... and climbing over partner in the night too!


In the end we have always gone for fixed rear beds, one was a French bed (longitudinal) the rest have been transverse ones which also gives us another sprawl out area (room) separate from the front lounge so I can have my space and hubby his if we want it ... plus the rear bed is great for just dumping shopping etc on if we're in a hurry ... oh and it makes a fantastic dog bed to stick them all on whilst we have our meals in peace!!!! :D

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Guest Had Enough

I have a 6.75 metre 'van with twin longitudinal beds. I'm currently considering a Hymer Exsis A Class which is the same length but has a latitudinal double. This shorter double bed adds almost a foot to the living space and the drop-down bed at the front means that we can have a wide double bed each, which my wife would love!


I would use the drop-down as I'm always up first anyway so this question interests me as I haven't yet been able to see the model in question.


So no problem with climbing over anyone.



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About 3 years ago Hymer changed the design of the front end of all their integrated vans, a much more upright front end and screen. This made room for a larger drop down bed which also is a lot lower and when the bed is down it rests on a support on each side making more stable than previous versions that literally hung on the struts. Hymer claim to have a class leading bed, I'll find out when I take delivery of my Exsis.
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Guest Had Enough
lennyhb - 2014-01-24 9:10 AM


About 3 years ago Hymer changed the design of the front end of all their integrated vans, a much more upright front end and screen. This made room for a larger drop down bed which also is a lot lower and when the bed is down it rests on a support on each side making more stable than previous versions that literally hung on the struts. Hymer claim to have a class leading bed, I'll find out when I take delivery of my Exsis.


Which model have you chosen and where are you buying it?

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We had our first A class with drop down bed in 2000. The Arto was great, the Hymer with the curved windscreen was a little tight - third is a Hymer with the new shape and the best of all.


The attraction for us is that we can get a shorter van, a permanent bed with a single excellent mattress, and its free from the ventilation drafts that are necessary in a van. I see Mel has listed a number of 'Against' points. Non of these have ever been an issue for us although Mel's post does highlight that the decision has to be based on personal circumstances. If everyone was like me, every motorhome would be an A-class!


Ease of getting in or out are on par with a luton. It's not as easy as having a bed at floor level. It is harder to fit a 'bottom sheet' because it is quite a stretch across.


You can leave all the bedding in place providing it is not too thick or heavy. The latter is unlikely to be an issue. The thickness determines how low your bed needs to be to house the bedding and this can reduce the headroom in the cab. Never been an issue for us though. If the restraining strap is not tight, the bed can bump up and down on bouncy roads but apart from being off putting the first time, It's never bothered us as we keep the strap tight.


We can sit up and read although personally I tend not to read in bed in the van or at home. Mel is right in that there is no back support but we have straight backs and no need for the occasional read in bed. You will definitely have to try a bed for this.


We don't suffer from claustrophobia. Sometimes we close the curtains and it's quite sensual! Other times we leave the curtains open. Never fell out of the bed even though we don't use the restraining net.


Drop down beds do have weight limits so you need to check to ensure you are not overweight.


As we all know, motorhoming is a series of compromises. If I didn't have to make compromises on length, I'm unsure whether a drop down bed would win over a permanent centre isle bed.


The biggest surprise with our 2013 Hymer is that two speakers are fitted into the drop down bed casing and use this to amplify the sound. Given the small size of the speakers, the sound quality is awesome and wraps around the cab when driving along - we've not tried heavy metal when in bed to see if the bed rocks!


If you go for a drop down base in an A-class, be aware that having an A-class has pros and cons as well.

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Guest Had Enough
Brock - 2014-01-24 10:08 AM


If you go for a drop down base in an A-class, be aware that having an A-class has pros and cons as well.


Thanks, that's very encouraging. Yes, I'm aware of the pitfalls of some A Classes but the Exsis is narrow and under 3.5 tonnes with a decent payload. There's always the replacement windscreen problem in the event of an accident of course.


It will be a tricky decision when the time comes but it will probably be either the twin bed Exsis coachbuilt or the A Class, which is actually a bit shorter owing to the lateral double bed.



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Had Enough - 2014-01-24 9:20 AM


lennyhb - 2014-01-24 9:10 AM


About 3 years ago Hymer changed the design of the front end of all their integrated vans, a much more upright front end and screen. This made room for a larger drop down bed which also is a lot lower and when the bed is down it rests on a support on each side making more stable than previous versions that literally hung on the struts. Hymer claim to have a class leading bed, I'll find out when I take delivery of my Exsis.


Which model have you chosen and where are you buying it?


Exsis i678, from Campirama in Belgium

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Never used a drop down bed, but have noticed that some models of Rapido drop the bed quite low compared with some other makes, Bottom of the bed is about the height of the top of the seat cushions


(Rapido 5 models with drop-down ceiling bed: 640B, 643B, 600FF, 676FF and 691FF )





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Frank, you won't go far wrong with an Exsis - Brian K has one!


We were sorely tempted by the A-class version but went for the sub 6m B Class 504.


Never had to replace a windscreen in 13 years of having an A class and the insurance covers it - but you need to check to ensure any insurance covers it enough.


My main concern is the limited access to the engine bay but as I haven't looked under the bonnet of a Fiat van, I can't say whether an A class is much worse. The cab is a great place to be.


Good luck with the decision.

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Brock - 2014-01-24 6:00 PM


My main concern is the limited access to the engine bay but as I haven't looked under the bonnet of a Fiat van, I can't say whether an A class is much worse. The cab is a great place to be.


Good luck with the decision.


Exsis has best under bonnet access of any A Class still not brilliant but does come with a downside the whole bonnet lifts off rather than hinging up or down.

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Guest Had Enough
lennyhb - 2014-01-24 10:47 AM


Had Enough - 2014-01-24 9:20 AM


lennyhb - 2014-01-24 9:10 AM


About 3 years ago Hymer changed the design of the front end of all their integrated vans, a much more upright front end and screen. This made room for a larger drop down bed which also is a lot lower and when the bed is down it rests on a support on each side making more stable than previous versions that literally hung on the struts. Hymer claim to have a class leading bed, I'll find out when I take delivery of my Exsis.


Which model have you chosen and where are you buying it?


Exsis i678, from Campirama in Belgium



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Guest Had Enough
Brock - 2014-01-24 6:00 PM


Frank, you won't go far wrong with an Exsis - Brian K has one!


We were sorely tempted by the A-class version but went for the sub 6m B Class 504.


Never had to replace a windscreen in 13 years of having an A class and the insurance covers it - but you need to check to ensure any insurance covers it enough.


My main concern is the limited access to the engine bay but as I haven't looked under the bonnet of a Fiat van, I can't say whether an A class is much worse. The cab is a great place to be.


Good luck with the decision.

I know, that's why I've settled on it. Brian is a meticulous man. He plans his holidays to the last hour of each day, notes every purchase of diesel on a spreadsheet and works out his mpg to three decimal places.


When I want a new 'van I don't bother doing hours of research, I just buy what BK has decided on!


That's why I have a Hobby Van at present. I noted that our two main experts, BK and Derek Uzzell had Hobby Vans so on the same basis I bought one for myself!


I will be having a slightly different model though if I go for the Exsis i.

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Our only bed is an electric dropdown, it's the only reason we bought it as we only wanted one bed and it had to be a dropdown to enable us to use the whole van for lounging and entertaining. It's the only layout we would ever now consider. If there are only two of you going to use the van and your fit enough to get up to the bed, it's an ideal layout. Our bed drops down to just above the table and you step up off the side seat cushion.
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Had Enough - 2014-01-24 7:07 PM


Brock - 2014-01-24 6:00 PM


Frank, you won't go far wrong with an Exsis - Brian K has one!.................

Good luck with the decision.

I know, that's why I've settled on it. Brian is a meticulous man. He plans his holidays to the last hour of each day, notes every purchase of diesel on a spreadsheet and works out his mpg to three decimal places.


When I want a new 'van I don't bother doing hours of research, I just buy what BK has decided on!


That's why I have a Hobby Van at present. I noted that our two main experts, BK and Derek Uzzell had Hobby Vans so on the same basis I bought one for myself!...................

I'll see if I can return the compliment, Frank. What camera do you have?

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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-01-24 11:37 PM


Had Enough - 2014-01-24 7:07 PM


Brock - 2014-01-24 6:00 PM


Frank, you won't go far wrong with an Exsis - Brian K has one!.................

Good luck with the decision.

I know, that's why I've settled on it. Brian is a meticulous man. He plans his holidays to the last hour of each day, notes every purchase of diesel on a spreadsheet and works out his mpg to three decimal places.


When I want a new 'van I don't bother doing hours of research, I just buy what BK has decided on!


That's why I have a Hobby Van at present. I noted that our two main experts, BK and Derek Uzzell had Hobby Vans so on the same basis I bought one for myself!...................

I'll see if I can return the compliment, Frank. What camera do you have?


A Leica compact, which is pretty ordinary




and I've just treated myself to a new Sony A7 DSLR, which my expert staff tells me is real game changer in this market.




I do have a slight purchasing advantage over you though. I get a very good discount!

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We have an A Class and have a drop down bed. I thought it was perfect as you can leave it made up and its ready to go when you are. We both slept in it for several nights and I was on the outside. OH found the inside to be slightly shorter because of the rounded corners at top and bottom and he wanted the outside. I didn't like the inside because I get so hot (even in winter) and I invariably need to get up at least once in the night to spend a penny. Our sleeping arrangement quickly became unsuitable so the make it work I sleep on the single bed on the floor level and OH sleeps on the drop down bed.


I think you need to consider:


Is there an overhead heki or roof vent as you may want one

Don't pull the curtains, you wont need to so no claustraphobia

You can leave your bedding in situ, just arrange pillows in the highest point

Plenty of room to get in and out (no silly gaps between bathroom and wardrobe to manueovre.

WEIGHT: Modern A Class' have a 200lb weight limit which is equivalent to 14Stone 3lbs :-( or is it 200Kgs in which case it will double that. Either way, it includes all your bedding :-(


We have pockets and the head end of our to put things like books or kindle in and a torch.

OH doesn't tend to read up there, he comes down and gets under my quilt at the foot end to have a cuppa


We are perfectly happy with our beds :-D

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Had Enough - 2014-01-25 7:26 AM...............I do have a slight purchasing advantage over you though. I get a very good discount!

Won't prolong the OT Frank, but won't be swapping my current kit for either of those! The Sony looks very nice, but only prime lenses (albeit Zeiss), and too costly for this "prosumer" - even if it is full frame!

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Brock - 2014-01-24 6:00 PM..............Never had to replace a windscreen in 13 years of having an A class and the insurance covers it - but you need to check to ensure any insurance covers it enough.................

Luck of the draw, I think. We had two replacements (plus two resin repairs) due to stone hits in six years with our Transit based Hobby. I have assumed the more vertical screen of the Exsis will be more liable to stone strikes than the relatively swept back screen of the Transit. Time will tell, but so far so good. New Exsis screen about £1,200 when I checked, so inside our glass breakage limit.

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