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Went to Malta a few years ago trying to retrace father in laws history, he was a spitfire pilot who served there during WW2.

Apart from the interest and success in doing that and being honest about it, we were glad to get out of there.

Mind you I suppose we had a cr*p hotel where the manager allowed all the locals in at the weekend for cheap meals in the evening but at our expense. If you were a few minutes late down it was a job to find a table and the best of the food gone. We all protested but to no avail, it was almost like it or lump it .

It suppose it was interesting visiting the churches and cathedrals and a ride on the old busses but we thought the rest of the island a bit of a dump, but then that's only our opinion and sorry if this puts you off I'm sure some others may love the place

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Hi, although we've never been in our motorhome,I can, unlike the previous thread reccomend it.we have flown there about eight times and love the place..admittedly it isn't the prettiest of places,but the locals are so friendly and make you very welcome.not sure where you would park.i don't recall ever seeing a campsite there.
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Not motorhoming territory, IMO. Small place, poor roads, mad drivers, with little of real interest outside Valetta. Best visited for a week by air, I think, and let the local bus drivers do the jousting. Wouldn't bother returning, half the place is a stone quarry, the other half full of ugly, stone built, shacks the Maltese live in. Could have been attractive, and probably was around the time the cathedral was built, but the Maltese have trashed it since. I gather Gozo is better, but we didn't get there.
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You will either love or hate Malta - best described as an inside out quarry - rock on the inside, water on the outside. We love it, been diving there for years so not seen much of the interior hehe. Never been in a Motorhome but may be going there via Sicily, the long way round on a motorbike this year.


Have fun.



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Malta is brilliant with warm and friendly people, but the roads and driving manners are mostly terrible.Since the USSR and Libya went belly up, they are more welcoming to the EU visitors.

I recommend it for a visit to see at least once, then investigate viability of motor-homing there.


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Guest JudgeMental
My daughter rented a lovely villa with pool there last year with friends and cousins and really has a great time......she is an experienced traveller even at only 21, had no preconception and knows how to have fun.....but with a camper? I think not! Try Corsica and Sardinia!
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Its been 20 years since our last visit.


Then a RN warship had just made the first visit after we had left. It was estimated that half the population turned out to see her in. On a number of occassions middle aged males would strike up a conversation and want to know where we lived in the UK. The moment we said near Plymouth it turned out they had served in the Navy and were hoping to met old comrades.


We are in the love it camp but understand the other point of view.


The rule of the road is not about driving on left or right but in the shade.



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Nothing wrong with Malta but I am biased as I was born there in the military hospital as my father was stationed in Valetta. Born in Imtarfa makes for interesting reference on my passport!!

like others never seen a campsite there but here's a thought malta used to be the most heavily populated island based on Island size to population. I believe the good old UK now surpasses that!!!

Anyway take my advise forget Malta itself after spending a couple of days there and head straight to Gozo its smaller sister island. Excellent island people very friendly excellent hotels and good food oh and the beach at Ramla Bay is one of the best finds!

When we go now we bypass malta and go straight to Gozo!


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I went there first in '74 before Mintof decided to 'invite' the Russians in and again in 2004 for work.  Like others have said it is all brown, stone and dust.  The locals are in the main friendly.  Valetta is steeped in history although now 'The Gut' has disappeared the 'colourful' side has declined.


There is a 'ton' of historical interest ranging from the Crusades through WW2.  In 2002 I found it rather expensive and in all honesty I felt it had lost a certain 'charm' over the years so I for one wouldn't bother going back.  However if you've never been before, if you like history, sun, beaches and diving it would be worth going for a week or so.  If you go then a visit to Mosta to see the Rotunda is worth the trip, as is the Blue Grotto.


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