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using sky box abroad


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Hi Deborah and welcome to this forum.


The sky box/card issue has been covered many times on this forum.

Rather than going over old ground could I tactfully suggest that you use the search forum facility to read through the many posts on this topic.


Ther eis also very good information on the Roadpro site www.roadpro.co.uk. There is a range of advice in the "Tech Tips" satellite TV section at: https://www.roadpro.co.uk/retail/tech_tips.aspx

Also good advice on the current reception satellite footprints (they will change next month).


Hope this helps.


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......bit for a Sky subscriber the Premium channels of Sports and Movies may well be as available as they are now as they are staying on the PanEuropean beam. Its the standard UK traditional channels of BBC and ITV etc that are going to be difficult if not impossible to pick up.
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bolero boy - 2014-01-29 6:14 PM


......bit for a Sky subscriber the Premium channels of Sports and Movies may well be as available as they are now as they are staying on the PanEuropean beam. Its the standard UK traditional channels of BBC and ITV etc that are going to be difficult if not impossible to pick up.



Not quite. The original poster was talking about an old sky box so presumably will not have a paired card meaning the premium channels will not be available to her.

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