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Amazing quote


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Quote of the Decade!


“Whatever the UK is deciding to do vis-a-vis climate will have no impact on your climate. It will have a profound impact on your economy.”


Prof. Richard Lindzen in testimony to the UK House of Commons, Energy and Climate Change Committee


Professor Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist at MIT.


He is known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides and ozone photochemistry. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. Wikipedia

Born: February 8, 1940 (age 73), Webster, Massachusetts, United States

Education: Harvard University

Books: Dynamics in atmospheric physics



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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2014-02-03 1:51 PM


Not quite quote of the decade Clive , you have forgotten ' Dave Pelmet is a thick sh.t ' ........ Mr Frank Wilkinson sometime last year


Correction Antony "As thick as Pig sh*t"........I'm going to have that on my tomb stone ;-).............along with "How you going to spend it now Frankie?" >:-)..............


But then again he can't help being Frank can he?............ after 70 odd years I guess one gets used to being a pompous old fart (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough

That really is an 'amazing' quote. I don't think I've been so 'amazed' for quite a long time. Probably the most 'amazing' quote I think I've ever heard.


It's gratifying that such an 'amazing' quote has attracted the attention of this forum's leading intellectuals who are discussing its implications with the seriousness that such an 'amazing' quote deserves. It's all pretty 'amazing' don't you think?

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-02-03 4:14 PM


That really is an 'amazing' quote. I don't think I've been so 'amazed' for quite a long time. Probably the most 'amazing' quote I think I've ever heard.


It's gratifying that such an 'amazing' quote has attracted the attention of this forum's leading intellectuals who are discussing its implications with the seriousness that such an 'amazing' quote deserves. It's all pretty 'amazing' don't you think?


Do you know Frank..............I do believe your taking the p*ss 8-)............









There's hope for you yet :D.......................

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I do think that Frank is correct in his observations, this "amazing quote" deserves a far more in depth assessment than it's getting on here. But then, what does he expect, this is chatterbox after all and is not recognised as being the brains trust of the internet. :D
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peter - 2014-02-03 5:08 PM


I do think that Frank is correct in his observations, this "amazing quote" deserves a far more in depth assessment than it's getting on here. But then, what does he expect, this is chatterbox after all and is not recognised as being the brains trust of the internet. :D


Yes - fair comment Peter - tho I think you are being a tad hard on some people. :-D


I flag some things up because i am interested in them. What i found "amazing" is that for the first time a true scientist was telling our politicians scientific facts as they are.


I also found Prince Charles' comments whereby those that dare to question the dogma of AGW are called "headless chickens" - and that from Charles who has an Arts degree after getting two A levels grade b and c.


So here we have someone known to talk to plants, with poor A levels and an Arts degree saying that Prof Lindzen of MIT is a "headless chicken" for simply stating the scientific facts rather than the spin of the AGW industry.


Not only am I amazed that this idiot Charles says what he does - i am also amazed that he is heir to the throne.




And i am by NO means a Republican.



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peter - 2014-02-03 5:08 PM

I do think that Frank is correct in his observations, this "amazing quote" deserves a far more in depth assessment than it's getting on here.


No it doesn't Peter! It's just Clive stirring up his climate-change denial nonsense again, by quoting the climate - change scientist who has been: "Wrongest longest" -- see here: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/jan/06/climate-change-climate-change-scepticism

Lindzen is no longer a prof.@ M.I.T., having retired in 2013, his colleagues having disowned his brand of climate scepticsm ( or 'skepticism' if you are American). He charges oil and gas interests $2,500 per day for his "Consulting services" so he is hardly likely to be the disinterested 'objective' scientist that he claims!


See here: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2009/03/09/203788/richard-lindzen-heartland-denier/


But of, course, I forgot, Clive reads this kind of unsupported rubbish by the likes of James delingpole:



Or perhaps Nigel Lawson's totally discredited 'Global Warming policy Foundation' (financed by the oil industry) -- and the source of most of the Daily Mail's rubbishy writing on the subject.


Just out of interest, I spent nearly 3 hours listening to the proceedings of the committee that Clive refers to -- Lindzen and his two companions ( they had bring in a journalist as they could not find enough scientists to support him) sounded quite convncing, until you listened to the arguments from the other side!

No, this man is just full of self-delusion -- as is Clive, if he believes it all!


(Ducks down below parapet and dons flak jacket!)



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You are welcome to your views of course - and I would disagree with them rather than do the normal name calling "delusion" you sink to. But then such antics from those who are "believers" have to resort to such antics in light of the fact that none of the alarmist models that predicted warming have actually matched what has happened over the last 17 years.


And wow - Lindzen left MIT in 2013 - that was - like - LAST YEAR! Wow!


And this level of vindictive bile by Alarmists is aimed at someone who supports the theory of man-made global warming, but what gets "the team" riled up is the fact that Lindzen admitted that rhetoric from the political class and green movement has been nothing more than over-the-top “catastrophism.”


“Even many of the people who are supportive of sounding the global warning alarm, back off from catastrophism,” Lindzen said. “It’s the politicians and the green movement that like to portray catastrophe.”


Even more surprising, Lindzen goes on to point out the government’s obvious use of climate change alarmism to push greater state control, even warning over politicians’ use of “crony capitalism.”


But what really hacked of "the team" is Lindzen as a true scientist - he is a Physicist - stating:-


"You look at the credentials of some of these people [on the IPCC] and you realise that the world doesn't have that many experts, that many 'leading climate scientists'".


Was Lindzen really saying that he felt that those that went into the field of climate were academically inferior.


"Oh yeah," said Lindzen. "I don't think there's any question that the brightest minds went into physics, math, chemistry…"









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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-02-03 5:42 PM


peter - 2014-02-03 5:08 PM

I do think that Frank is correct in his observations, this "amazing quote" deserves a far more in depth assessment than it's getting on here.


No it doesn't Peter! It's just Clive stirring up his climate-change denial nonsense again, by quoting the climate - change scientist who has been: "Wrongest longest" -- see here: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/jan/06/climate-change-climate-change-scepticism

Lindzen is no longer a prof.@ M.I.T., having retired in 2013, his colleagues having disowned his brand of climate scepticsm ( or 'skepticism' if you are American). He charges oil and gas interests $2,500 per day for his "Consulting services" so he is hardly likely to be the disinterested 'objective' scientist that he claims!


See here: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2009/03/09/203788/richard-lindzen-heartland-denier/


But of, course, I forgot, Clive reads this kind of unsupported rubbish by the likes of James delingpole:



Or perhaps Nigel Lawson's totally discredited 'Global Warming policy Foundation' (financed by the oil industry) -- and the source of most of the Daily Mail's rubbishy writing on the subject.


Just out of interest, I spent nearly 3 hours listening to the proceedings of the committee that Clive refers to -- Lindzen and his two companions ( they had bring in a journalist as they could not find enough scientists to support him) sounded quite convncing, until you listened to the arguments from the other side!

No, this man is just full of self-delusion -- as is Clive, if he believes it all!


(Ducks down below parapet and dons flak jacket!)




Wow! That really is amazing!

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Had Enough - 2014-02-03 4:14 PM


That really is an 'amazing' quote. I don't think I've been so 'amazed' for quite a long time. Probably the most 'amazing' quote I think I've ever heard.


It's gratifying that such an 'amazing' quote has attracted the attention of this forum's leading intellectuals who are discussing its implications with the seriousness that such an 'amazing' quote deserves. It's all pretty 'amazing' don't you think?


Keep climbing HE, you may reach our intellectual heights one day. If you do, then that would be amazing.


Sherpa Dave.

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Tim Yeo - he with his snout most deepest in the trough that is subsidies for the rip off that is the renewables industry has been deselected.


I wonder why? B-)





His appalling chairmanship of the debate where Prof Lindzen dismantled the hype with calm clear science and logic would not have helped.


But I would suggest it is his slippery denial of vested interests in renewable contracts whilst he is head of the DECC - and that were subsequently proved to be true - would have been the main reason.





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Come on Colin - just because the evidence for catastrophic Climate Change has not appeared for over 17 years despite what the Alarmist models "predicted" - is that any reason NOT to discuss the reasons sensibly?


After all - you were the one that used the derogatory term "delusional" at those who dare to have a differing view and simply question the Alarmist conclusions.


I still say Lindzen as a Physicist deserves to be heard. And he is hardly a lone voice!


Just look at the backtracking the Met Office has done of late!




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Soory Clive -- I've only got a moment -- but you have got me wrong -- of course I'll discuss this very important question sensibly -- the comment was aimed at those of you who are getting at each other!




By the way, I am a sceptic (NOT a denier) too, don't assume that I take in the 'alarmism' uncritically either!



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Yet more on Tim Yeo


“Developer of second generation biofuels technology TMO Renewables has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the authorities of Heilongjiang, China. The MoU will see TMO provide long-term large volume biomass feedstock supply for future bio-fuel production facilities from Heilongjiang State Farm, the largest state owned farming corporation in China.” – Biofuel News


And who is the well paid Chairman of TMO Renewables? Step forward one Mr. Tim Yeo. The day his company sign a new deal in China, Yeo uses his position as Chairman of the Energy Select Committee to lobby for more direct flights from London to China.




The man has no shame or moral compass - even for a politician he is beyond the pale.








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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-02-03 6:37 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-03 4:14 PM


That really is an 'amazing' quote. I don't think I've been so 'amazed' for quite a long time. Probably the most 'amazing' quote I think I've ever heard.


It's gratifying that such an 'amazing' quote has attracted the attention of this forum's leading intellectuals who are discussing its implications with the seriousness that such an 'amazing' quote deserves. It's all pretty 'amazing' don't you think?


Keep climbing HE, you may reach our intellectual heights one day. If you do, then that would be amazing.


Sherpa Dave.


Keep going Dave ;-)..............your sounding almost Yorkshire like.................You ..............never know me and Tony might allow ..........


Theur can sleep i' wee yard. ;-)...............

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pelmetman - 2014-02-03 8:50 PM


Keep going Dave ;-)..............your sounding almost Yorkshire like.................You ..............never know me and Tony might allow ..........


Theur can sleep i' wee yard. ;-)...............


Oh goody, does that mean I'm getting to be a baddie like anton................................. 8-) Who the hell is this.......TONY.....another stray you've picked up, and...and.....there's no way I'm sleeping in a bloody toilet. 8-)


Knee's together Dave.

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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-02-03 5:42 PM


Just out of interest, I spent nearly 3 hours listening to the proceedings of the committee that Clive refers to -- Lindzen and his two companions ( they had bring in a journalist as they could not find enough scientists to support him) sounded quite convincing, until you listened to the arguments from the other side!

No, this man is just full of self-delusion -- as is Clive, if he believes it all!


(Ducks down below parapet and dons flak jacket!)




Now that really is an amazing quote!

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