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ALL-IN-ONE Camping App.


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I wish I was an app wizzo! This year we are going to "pastures new" - Slovenia and Croatia. So I have the current Caravan Club campsite guide, the ACSI guide, and the Alan Rogers one. Because we like to see which campsites are in which "club", I have been cross-referencing each site in those countries across the 3 guides that I have - a simple task, one might think. There are only 50 or so sites in Croatia, but I have spent hours on this "simple" task.


Both the Caravan Club and ACSI are arranged alphabetically, so, easy, isn't it? No, cos the ACSI guide tends to work on the village name, whereas the Caravan Club tend to work to the nearest reasonable size town. As for Alan Rogers, I have given up trying to work out how they arrange the campsites!


So, back to my opening words - wouldn't it be great if there was ONE app that pulled together ALL the campsites in Europe, and showed which "clubs" each one belonged to? I haven't found one app on the Google play store that does this.


So, a business opportunity for some enterprising app wizz?

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