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Guest Peter James

Not necessary. Now that Tory-On -Thames has been flooded all of a sudden money is no object. No need to take out insurance, the taxpayer will pick up the bill.

The last Labour Government got £170million from the EEC for flood relief, but I don't expect the Tories will lower themselves to ask for that. Easier just to crank up the printing presses and fiddle the inflation figures.

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2014-02-12 10:52 AM


Not necessary. Now that Tory-On -Thames has been flooded all of a sudden money is no object. No need to take out insurance, the taxpayer will pick up the bill.

The last Labour Government got £170million from the EEC for flood relief, but I don't expect the Tories will lower themselves to ask for that. Easier just to crank up the printing presses and fiddle the inflation figures.


Get some help before you go completely doolally.


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Peter James - 2014-02-12 10:52 AM


The last Labour Government got £170million from the EEC for flood relief, but I don't expect the Tories will lower themselves to ask for that. Easier just to crank up the printing presses and fiddle the inflation figures.


Bit ironic that Peter. The area got an EU grant to turn part of the Somerset Levels back to Wetlands for the wildlife 8-)


It worked, the inhabitants are certainly wild now, and wet. >:-(



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Moving away from the "politics" side of things...


Is anyone else frustrated/flabbergasted/irritated by the lack of action taken by some homeowners though...? (.. I'm meaning those with homes overlooking/close to, a river here).


Admittedly, if it's the first time that your home has ever been hit by floods, then it is going to catch you out..But we're hearing/seeing accounts from people who have been flooded out 3-4 times in as many years!..and when they're showing the camera crews around their homes, they STILL have fitted carpets....fully fitted(chipboard based!)kitchen units..wooden skirting boards/doorframes...low level power sockets etc :-S


If your home had been flooded before(even if it was only supposed to be a "once in a hundred years" event), rather than just returning it to how it was, surely you would've taken precautions to make your home slightly more flood "resilient"!? ...flood boards on exterior doors, "stone"("power-washable"!) floors, stop valves on sewage/drainage pipework..etc Wouldn't you?

(..If my house kept getting broken into, I'd get a decent alarm fitted!)


There seems little point in people spending 10s of 1000s of £s on fancy block-work driveways or flash conservatories etc, if they've done nothing to stop the river from waltzing in through their door... :-S


It can't all be down to "the government" *-)


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pepe63 - 2014-02-12 12:43 PM


Moving away from the "politics" side of things...


Is anyone else frustrated/flabbergasted/irritated by the lack of action taken by some homeowners though...? (.. I'm meaning those with homes overlooking/close to, a river here).


Admittedly, if it's the first time that your home has ever been hit by floods, then it is going to catch you out..But we're hearing/seeing accounts from people who have been flooded out 3-4 times in as many years!..and when they're showing the camera crews around their homes, they STILL have fitted carpets....fully fitted(chipboard based!)kitchen units..wooden skirting boards/doorframes...low level power sockets etc :-S


If your home had been flooded before(even if it was only supposed to be a "once in a hundred years" event), rather than just returning it to how it was, surely you would've taken precautions to make your home slightly more flood "resilient"!? ...flood boards on exterior doors, "stone"("power-washable"!) floors, stop valves on sewage/drainage pipework..etc Wouldn't you?

(..If my house kept getting broken into, I'd get a decent alarm fitted!)


There seems little point in people spending 10s of 1000s of £s on fancy block-work driveways or flash conservatories etc, if they've done nothing to stop the river from waltzing in through their door... :-S


It can't all be down to "the government" *-)

The ones who are going to make the floods pay are all the itinerant gypsies collecting all the 1000's of domestic appliances thrown out for scrap.

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Guest Peter James
malc d - 2014-02-12 2:26 PM


I'd like to hear about a contribution to the flood fund from developers who build on flood plains, and those people who gave them planning permission.





If a martian is looking down on us from outer space he will be scratching his head, wondering why we build homes on low lying land and leave so much higher ground undeveloped. I would hold planning committees (a recipe for corruption if ever there was one) to account for refusing planning permission on higher ground.

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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2014-02-12 11:13 AM

Get some help before you go completely doolally.


What an unoriginal way to evade an awkward question.

You should be a politician.

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2014-02-12 3:07 PM


malc d - 2014-02-12 2:26 PM


I'd like to hear about a contribution to the flood fund from developers who build on flood plains, and those people who gave them planning permission.





If a martian is looking down on us from outer space he will be scratching his head, wondering why we build homes on low lying land and leave so much higher ground undeveloped. I would hold planning committees (a recipe for corruption if ever there was one) to account for refusing planning permission on higher ground.


Too late, he's already tipped over the edge.

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2014-02-12 3:09 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-12 11:13 AM

Get some help before you go completely doolally.


What an unoriginal way to evade an awkward question.

You should be a politician.


I don't recollect a question, just statements typical of your obsessive hatred of everything. The Royal Family, the National Trust, Conservatives, politicians, people living in the Home Counties and now it's planning committees.


You poor man. It must be awful being you. Do try to get some help. It will eat you up eventually. Although I suspect that you may already be locked away somewhere.



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Any mismanagement/neglect of rivers/waterways aside..


All this talk of not building on "flood plains" and blaming planners/developers, is all well and good, IF it was only the comparatively recent housing developments that were getting flooded..


But it's not, is it...it's hitting communities that have stood where they are for many many years(..some since medieval times).


We(mankind!)have been siting our settlements next too rivers for centuries...

(..a lot our cities and towns are on flood plains to some degree or other...)


To me, it seems far more constructive to prepare our homes better, for what IS going to *continue to happen.

(..*no matter how infrequent..)

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pepe63 - 2014-02-12 3:34 PM




All this talk of not building on "flood plains" and blaming planners/developers, is all well and good, IF it was only the comparatively recent housing developments that were getting flooded..


But it's not, is it...it's hitting communities that have stood where they are for many many years(..some since medieval times).


To me, it seems far more constructive to prepare our homes better, for what IS going to *continue to happen.

(..*no matter how infrequent..)



O.K. Constructive idea for you.


No building of homes allowed on any land that has been flooded in the last 50 years.


Any homes built on land that has ever been flooded must be, as far as possible, flood resistant.







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pepe63 - 2014-02-12 12:43 PM


Moving away from the "politics" side of things...


Is anyone else frustrated/flabbergasted/irritated by the lack of action taken by some homeowners though...? (.. I'm meaning those with homes overlooking/close to, a river here).


Admittedly, if it's the first time that your home has ever been hit by floods, then it is going to catch you out..But we're hearing/seeing accounts from people who have been flooded out 3-4 times in as many years!..and when they're showing the camera crews around their homes, they STILL have fitted carpets....fully fitted(chipboard based!)kitchen units..wooden skirting boards/doorframes...low level power sockets etc :-S


If your home had been flooded before(even if it was only supposed to be a "once in a hundred years" event), rather than just returning it to how it was, surely you would've taken precautions to make your home slightly more flood "resilient"!? ...flood boards on exterior doors, "stone"("power-washable"!) floors, stop valves on sewage/drainage pipework..etc Wouldn't you?

(..If my house kept getting broken into, I'd get a decent alarm fitted!)


There seems little point in people spending 10s of 1000s of £s on fancy block-work driveways or flash conservatories etc, if they've done nothing to stop the river from waltzing in through their door... :-S


It can't all be down to "the government" *-)


My thoughts entirely Pepe -- as I think that I intimated earlier, on another (related) thread, I lived in a house a few yards from the river Severn, at Broadoak, where much T.V. coverage of the recent 'Bore' tide was shot from, ( including surfers/canoeists entering the river to 'ride' the Bore) from 1951-74, my mother remaining there until her death in 1990. All of those measures that you enumerate, flood boards, stone floors without carpets, flaps on outfalls ( a drainage ditch bounds one side of the garden of the property) etc. etc., were facts of life, when living next to a tidal river on a flood plain. Flooding, when it happened, was accepted as one of those facts of life. My mother, and other villagers, constantly bombarded M.P.'s, local councillors, etc. with requests for flood prevention/protection, which finally 'bore' (sorry about the pun! - not!) fruit when the Severn River Authority built a wall across the riverbank nearest to the main A48 road and effectively prevented floodwater from flowing across the car park of the 'White Hart' Inn onto said road and, from there, into our, and our neighbours' properties. Nary a whinge there, just effective lobbying to the right people!


This looks 'biblical' doesn't it?






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Had Enough - 2014-02-12 3:15 PM

I don't recollect a question, just statements typical of your obsessive hatred of everything. The Royal Family, the National Trust, Conservatives, politicians, people living in the Home Counties and now it's planning committees.

You poor man. It must be awful being you. Do try to get some help. It will eat you up eventually. Although I suspect that you may already be locked away somewhere.


I am afraid that I don't find your contribution positive at all Frank, unlike Peter's, which was at least a statement of a valid point of view. Your constant personal sniping and 'medically' skewed phraseology are just plain unhelpful to any sensible/informed discussion on these threads. After all of your allegations that several other posters(e.g,. Peter J.,Clive H.,Pelmetman, etc.) were reducing this Forum to a boring and pointless set of diatribes your poisonous posts are only adding fuel to that particular fire.I would have expected better of you after your own protestations of personal excellence to Clive, Peter and others!


A disillusioned,




P.S. I vote that we all get back to the topic ;-)




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malc d - 2014-02-12 3:51 PM


O.K. Constructive idea for you.


No building of homes allowed on any land that has been flooded in the last 50 years.


Any homes built on land that has ever been flooded must be, as far as possible, flood resistant.







I don't know whether there needs to be a total ban on building on flood plains(..and how defined an area is a "flood plain"..?)....But whatever is built there, should be designed accordingly and be well up to the job...


I'm quite surprised that insurance companies don't stipulate that when someone living in a high flood risk area has made a claim(and received a pay out)for flood damage, they then MUST carry out rudimentary flood prevention mods'(flood boards etc) or they won't get cover in the future...


Just relying on "the council" to drop off a few sandbags, seems woefully inadequate at best!.... :-S


As I said earlier, if someone's house kept getting broken into, they'd fit an expensive alarm(..or even bars/shutter in extreme cases)...

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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-02-12 4:13 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-12 3:15 PM

I don't recollect a question, just statements typical of your obsessive hatred of everything. The Royal Family, the National Trust, Conservatives, politicians, people living in the Home Counties and now it's planning committees.

You poor man. It must be awful being you. Do try to get some help. It will eat you up eventually. Although I suspect that you may already be locked away somewhere.


I am afraid that I don't find your contribution positive at all Frank, unlike Peter's, which was at least a statement of a valid point of view. Your constant personal sniping and 'medically' skewed phraseology are just plain unhelpful to any sensible/informed discussion on these threads. After all of your allegations that several other posters(e.g,. Peter J.,Clive H.,Pelmetman, etc.) were reducing this Forum to a boring and pointless set of diatribes your poisonous posts are only adding fuel to that particular fire.I would have expected better of you after your own protestations of personal excellence to Clive, Peter and others!


A disillusioned,




P.S. I vote that we all get back to the topic ;-)




Well tough I'm afraid. The man is incapable of making a hypothesis without adding his own particular brand of hateful invective, Like most Republicans he can't discuss the monarchy without sneering insults.


And we now have the implication that planning committees are corrupt. I'm sick to death of his obsessive loathing of just about everything. Just once it would be nice for him to put forward an argument that didn't include his obvious hatred of almost everyone and everything.


Do you consider this reasonable discussion?


'Now that Tory-On -Thames has been flooded all of a sudden money is no object. No need to take out insurance, the taxpayer will pick up the bill.

The last Labour Government got £170million from the EEC for flood relief, but I don't expect the Tories will lower themselves to ask for that. Easier just to crank up the printing presses and fiddle the inflation figures.'


Fiddle the inflation figures? It's funny how when figures agree with his skewed politics they're never questioned!



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When I was still working (as an insurance broker), a woman phoned to ask if she would be able to get flood insurance for a house she wanted to buy, in an area that had flooded 3 times in the last 7 years!

My advice was, forget about insurance, buy another house!

Her concern was getting stuff fixed/replaced. She hadn't given any thought to the unbelievable hassle/upset/mess/relocation etc etc a flood would cause.

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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-02-12 4:45 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-12 4:35 PM

The man is incapable of making a hypothesis without adding his own particular brand of hateful invective.


That Frank, really IS a case of the: 'pot calling the kettle black'! :->




But I don't wake up every morning assuming that every institution in Britain is corrupt and rotten to the core. And I don't join the unthinking lynch mobs that immediately form whenever something happens that they don't like.


This section of the forum now seems to be dominated by a small number of people whose only reason for existence is a visceral loathing of almost every institution in the UK and Peter James is the worst of them.


Anyway, I'm out for the night now so get back on topic if you like, but you won't get a fair and reasoned argument from him.

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