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Damp readings upto 60%. Gutted

Ste 1984

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Ferry booked. Van half packed up. All good to go until our habitation check comes back with massive damp reading. Not a happy camper at all. Vans still lucky covered under warranty but can't get the work done for 6 weeks due to a back log. Not a useful post I know but suppose I just felt like venting my frustration. Well lesson learnt and I will be getting the van checked out annually and well in advance in the future. :-(
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Hi,reminds me of a caravan I once had,dealer said it was soaking wet with damp,never used it for two years due to wife's illness then took it to another dealer on sunny day,guess what? It passed,no damp at all.

After all past wet weather,parked,closed up most vans will I'm sure read some damp,suggest you get second opinion.

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Ste 1984 - 2014-02-24 10:22 AM


Ferry booked. Van half packed up. All good to go until our habitation check comes back with massive damp reading. Not a happy camper at all. Vans still lucky covered under warranty but can't get the work done for 6 weeks due to a back log. Not a useful post I know but suppose I just felt like venting my frustration. Well lesson learnt and I will be getting the van checked out annually and well in advance in the future. :-(



Go on your holiday. Go to the SUN and maybe van will be a lot dryer on your return

We drove around with 90% damp, before we realised, how bad it was. (Now fixed)

Worse things happen at sea!!


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Similar to peacocks comments any object that contains absorbent materials such as wood or cloth will gather moisture, even if in a cold garage, particularly during our recent cold and wet season.


By the time you arrive at your destination, a great deal will have been removed by air passing through as you speed along.


If the outside moisture level is low then any that you have collected will be doing its best to escape.

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Some time ago had a Autotrail Cheyene and about to sell it to this very well known dealer, ended up with me lowering the price by £2000 as he had found damp in two places. He said to repair where it was the whole back end cupboards and other bits had to be removed to do job.As I go by many times I always had a look to see if it had gone. After several months later I stopped to have look inside and it had not been touched, soon after that it was sold.
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Guest JudgeMental
make model and age may be more useful to others...that the warranty still valid hopeful! cant you get it fixed elsewhere, there are lots of qualified repair centres around....
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Oh really. I'm just concerned It won't be covered on my warranty if I was to continue using it. I'm sure anything would be fine with it for now and probably a year or so, I do plan to sell it on in few years time and I worry the damp would worsen. I've heard a few horror stories of people being able to put there fingers though the walls due to not dealing with damp issues. Think I'll go away still and come back to have the work done in April. Just a expensive drive back from the south of Spain. Hey, that's life. Thanks very much for your comments and thoughts. Cheers guys. B-)
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Firstly - go off and enjoy your holiday and don't let the prophets of doom get to you!!


When you get back run a dehumidifier and a fan - or if you don't have one just a fan to circulate the air - in it for a week with all the lockers empty and open and doors open by day and you may well find that the problem evaporates?


First suspect is ALWAYS condensation in an enclose space especially in a wet winter and before spending any money it pays to rule out what it isn't first.


Damp meters are widely available on Amazon if you want to carry out your own before and after tests.

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I have a Elddis auto quest 180, 2010. Yeah I did look at having the work done else where but as I bought it through a good reputable company I would prefer them to do the works, the fellas in the work shop come highly recommended. Will give me a lot more piece of mind knowing it's had a proper job done. Still covered under warranty luckily.
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Yes I'm going to get a damp meter reader straight away. After having 2 different people take a look and professionally asses the vehicle walls I think the problems a little worse. Both people have said the problem will only get worse and not better. As much I would love to save the fuel expense of travelling back I think it's the wise thing to do.
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Guest JudgeMental
Ste 1984 - 2014-02-24 11:58 AM


I have a Elddis auto quest 180, 2010. Yeah I did look at having the work done else where but as I bought it through a good reputable company I would prefer them to do the works, the fellas in the work shop come highly recommended. Will give me a lot more piece of mind knowing it's had a proper job done. Still covered under warranty luckily.


Obviously of your warranty work can be done after your booked holiday then that the way to go, as damp is not really a mechanical issue unless van falling apart. I would not panic either. just get it booked in for your return. I just got the impression warranty was near its end with your "luckily" comment...


domestic damp meters rubbish (ones with prongs) only really for plaster and wood, and nigh on useless in a motorhome wall as they dont read to any depth. professional paddle type are expensive and you need the knowledge how to use them.....













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Hi '..

Being 2010, I'm not sure which "build method" your model will be..but if it's the "old fashioned"(aluminium skin/screws & moulding type), then whilst they are doing the work, get them to check and reseal (and check again!) the lower skirts!..






(..I'd also get then to check any seams on the roof because the one on our previous 2007 120, was really ropey looking..).



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Hi, tell me about it. My van is currently back in van hospital being repaired. 6 months ago, when I bought it, I queried a slight stain near gas locker, and was told it was condensation.absolute c..p.


Now discovered that the whole wall floor junction behind offside bunk was rotten right back as far as wheel arch, possibly further


And discovered with just 2 week to run before "warranty" expires.


referred back to dealer, with covering letter in strongest terms quoting "merchantible quality etc"and got reply saying damp is Not Covered under waranty..no dealer will offer such cover..


hackles rise, and after "debate", dealer mentioned that "as an act of goodwill"a repair would be done.


I await the return of the "repaired"van..2 weeks into repair and counting.


After almost six months use, it seemed debateable that I could reject the van ..unmerchantable quality?

Legal experts care to comment?




Alternative estimates for repair were obtained elsewhere before going back to dealer, then I realised that warranty had not quite expired, for all the good it may do..


seriously considering exchanging van, but will any other one be hiding similar problems???.

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Stephen, As has been said, without more details the exact source of any dampness is difficult to assess on here.


You are in Chester. Organise a visit to Dave Newell in Telford, its not too far, he's a well known and trusted Motorhome mechanic. He's also well advertised and is certain to give an unbiased opinion.


Make a visit to him as part of your journey.


PS I'm puzzled about the warranty time span, presumably it was 'dry' when bought, so how long has it been with you? If the time with you is short then why was this dampness not located before you bought it ?



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Sorry to read of your 'damp' woes but from experience it isn't really a 'holiday stopper'.  We have had damp rectification done twice on out MH.  The first after 12 months of ownership...under warranty £2000.00.  The second time twelve months later on annual hab check....under warranty £900.00.  Both times the dealership booked us in and in response to our "Can we still use it ....worried about warranty refusal etc etc" the answer was "we have found the damp...reported it under warranty claim and using it isn't going to make it worse so yes use it ...no problem".


Strangely, despite having found damp twice now it's been rectified we have no worries remaining over whether more will be found next hab check.  At least it's been found and sorted hence we're not concerned.


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Speak to your dealer and ask for its comments on whether it is sensible to use the motorhome before the work is done and whether using it will have an impact on your warranty. Make a note of the conversation and send a copy to the dealer.



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pepe, blimey that's still a lot of hours putting right something that must have been suspect when it was bought unless their hourly rate is treble time.


And, if it had been carried out previously it would have cost less. It almost seems as if was left suspect on purpose hoping that the next owner would not query it.


Very curious me thinks

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Will85 - 2014-02-24 5:43 PMRogerC are you saying that you had to pay £2000 for the dampness to be sorted after 12 months ownership ? then another £900 also under warranty.I'm amazed !


No Will...both occasions were under warranty.  The first was caused by a badly sealed rear wall window that leaked making it necessary to have a large part of the real internal panel replaced.  This involved removal of bed/cupboards etc hence the 40 hours work and £2000.00 price tag.  The second was a small area around the garage door........for the dealers it was a simple fix and hence £900.00 price tag.


It pays to keep to the terms of the warranty.


PS...Will if your last was regarding my 'bill' and the possibility of it being 'hidden'....we bought new so no previous owners.  It was simply a matter of a bad window seal in the first instance and the second damp cause wasn't clear cut but it was a suspect garage door seal. 


Whatever the reasons/causes/damp issues we are still well happy with out MH.  We look after it so hopefully it will serve us for many years to come.


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Our CC mag came yesterday..and before firing it into the recycle bin, I had a quick flick through..

..and there's a full page Elddis/Compass ad'..showing a swanky boat, a low-profile MH and a caravan...with the heading: "They've got a Common Bond......"...


They're not wrong by the looks of it...as large proportions of all three, may be destined to spend their working lives, sopping wet! :-S


(..although interestingly, I see on their website, the boat has been replaced by an aeroplane....;-) )

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I must be loosing the plot................ I see no reason for any figures to be quoted. Surely its part of the package and their duty to rectify faults without suggesting any costs to you or for the record.


To me it sounds like someone saying "Look how good we are, we've saved you X amount?


When I worked I would occasionally have a customer return with an error but I would never have considered telling them that its saved them a set amount of money for I should have made sure it was correct first. I'm a little puzzled as to why the figures were given at all.


Maybe that's what happens these days ?

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Guest JudgeMental
Will85 - 2014-02-25 12:13 PM




I must be loosing the plot................ I see no reason for any figures to be quoted. Surely its part of the package and their duty to rectify faults without suggesting any costs to you or for the record.


To me it sounds like someone saying "Look how good we are, we've saved you X amount?


I think maybe you are Will :D when i had some body damage on my CB and had a quote, even though insurance paid for it I knew the cost? all work has a financial value and personally even if not paying would prefer to know cost....

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Will.....have you found the 'plot' yet? :-D It's simple really......because of the damp findings I wanted to know the extent of said damp and how long they would need the MH for to effect repairs so we could plan on not being able to use it for however long ergo I was told.....That led to the question 'If I was paying how much would it cost?  So really it's nothing more than being interested in what was going to happen to our MH.  I'm like that...I want to know what's going on with my 'stuff'. 
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