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campsite loos - are they important to you?

RussS Travel Editor

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747 - 2014-02-26 11:36 PM


candapack - 2014-02-26 11:30 PM


Slightly off thread but;


This same thread has been running on the Tuggers part of the site - 2 responses!

Can anyone explain this anomaly?


Yes, I can.


It is because the majority of motorhome owners who prefer this forum are very ANAL.


This is the reason that it has been months since I even looked at this forum (never mind logged on). :-D


I am very grateful that these owners have all gathered together on the one forum. It makes life much easier for the rest of us. :D


Now carry on with the importance of lavvies. :D I shall be on another forum, which is a misnomer, the fruitcakes are all here. 8-)


Do you think I should remove my Sig? 8-)

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No, not important at all.


But then neither are campsites. I have been in several and now have a phobia of them.


I prefer aires or wilding.


Why pay all that money for a van with every facility and then not use your own private reading room?



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kevin hawkins - 2014-02-27 10:08 AM


Having only got a small campervan with a portapoty in it campsite toilets and showers are very important to us and is the first thing we inspect before booking on to a site B-)


Hurrah, another person with no 'bathroom'! We don't even have the portapottie, so you are one up on us!

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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-27 12:31 PM


No, not important at all.


But then neither are campsites. I have been in several and now have a phobia of them.


I prefer aires or wilding.


Why pay all that money for a van with every facility and then not use your own private reading room?




A phobia? That's very worrying. You've obviously been on some very odd sites!


But as to why some people like a nice site, with a spacious pitch and room to relax for a couple of days, I could give you a list of reasons but I'm sure that if you were to think for five minutes you'll probably be able to work it out yourself.


I use aires, I wild occasionally when it's suitable but there have been sites that I've loved, like the one at Lake Bled, where we ended up staying five days and enjoyed walking, cycling and rowing on the lake.


Like the one last year right on the beach at St. Jean de Luz which was so lovely and convenient that we stayed five days.


I could have used the aire at St. Jean of course but I've an aversion to having a busy road on either side of my aire and a motorhome a few feet on either side of my 'van!


I've known many people with a phobia about site fees though. They quite like the site but don't like paying for it! ;-)

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A bit of a cheap jibe Mr Enough. Can I call you Had?


I actually know Erneboy and financially speaking, he is up there with the Russian Oligarchs. :-D The cost of a pitch is not important to him or many of us. We prefer to find a picturesque area to drop anchor, not a featureless field in the middle of nowhere.


And Mr barryD999, you should drop the sig. You look like a tugger checking the drains after checking the loos (can't be too careful). *-) I think you should drop the Clanger. :D

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Aires by a main road would not suit me either. There are plenty of remote ones where there is lots of space. They are the ones I go for.


Having thought about sites for five minutes I came up with the following. Tiny cramped pitches. Noisy neighbours, with television or music audible till all hours.. Noisy kids kicking balls against the van. A camp commandant with daft rules. A long term user who thinks he is camp commandant. Long term people in fighting and telling me who to watch out for. Bingo or any other organised communal activity.. Garish cafes with rubbish food. The general feeling of being a child again and being corralled and supervised. And, of course having to pay a kings ransom for all the wonderful facilities I neither want or need.


No thanks.

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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-27 3:08 PM


Aires by a main road would not suit me either. There are plenty of remote ones where there is lots of space. They are the ones I go for.


Having thought about sites for five minutes I came up with the following. Tiny cramped pitches. Noisy neighbours, with television or music audible till all hours.. Noisy kids kicking balls against the van. A camp commandant with daft rules. A long term user who thinks he is camp commandant. Long term people in fighting and telling me who to watch out for. Bingo or any other organised communal activity.. Garish cafes with rubbish food. The general feeling of being a child again and being corralled and supervised. And, of course having to pay a kings ransom for all the wonderful facilities I neither want or need.


No thanks.


You've clearly been staying on the wrong kind of sites then! I don't recognise any of the symptoms that you complain of and have actually had more trouble with noisy neighbours an aires when a gang of the same nationality party into the night!


If you go on big sites with clubs and entertainment centres, what do you expect? Haven't you heard of municipal sites in France, or club sites in Britain which have very large pitches and none of the problems that you mention?


And as for having to obey daft rules, do you mean rules like keeping the noise down at night, which I suspect you're in favour of?


If I find a really nice quiet site in a lovely location, and there are hundreds of them, we can roll out the sunblind, get out the loungers and enjoy a couple of days without worrying about being moved on or struggling to find a wilding spot and somewhere to top up the water.


As I said, I love wllding but only when it's suitable and really wild. I love some of the aires in the countryside, but try finding a decent aire on the coast in say Brittany in July. You may have a chance if you get there at noon and then the chances are you'll find someone four feet away from you - and you're complaining about cramped pitches!


I'm sorry, but your view of campsites is jaundiced and unreasonable. If you don't want to use sites that's fine, but please, don't try to tell us that they are all the hell holes that you describe above, it's simply not true.



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Guest Had Enough
747 - 2014-02-27 3:06 PM



I actually know Erneboy and financially speaking, he is up there with the Russian Oligarchs. :-D The cost of a pitch is not important to him or many of us.


I'm sorry if I got it wrong but perhaps it was this sentence from him that made me think that a lot of it is about money! ;-)


'Why pay all that money for a van with every facility and then not use your own private reading room?'


In other words: "I've paid all that money for a motorhome and I'm not going to spend any more."


And even if I am wrong in the case of him, there is no doubt that most non-site use is driven by the cost, you only have to read the posts on here or any other forum.


But let's be clear, that's no problem for me. If people feel that they can avoid sites and don't want to spend money on them that's their privilege and good luck to them. I just wish that they'd say as much and not come out with loads of rubbish about how terrible sites are! They're not, some are quiet, beautifully located, extremely convenient and great value, like the two I mentioned higher up this thread for a start.

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Ah, the coast of Brittany in July tells me all I need to know.


It was beginners errors like going to the coast in places like Brittany or Devon in high season and trying to find space on a site that caused my dislike of sites. I spent a week one July afternoon on a camp site in Devon. After the football had bounced off the van for tenth time I concluded that this particular form of torture was not something I was prepared to pay for, especially as we have our own toilet.


Perhaps if I had thought to inspect the site toilet I might have changed my mind, Alan.


As an afterthought, I wonder if any of you also inspect the dump points?

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Had Enough - 2014-02-26 11:06 PM.....................Finally, I really don't give a toss what you or anyone else thinks about me. If I think that someone is being despicable and unfair I'll tell them and I'll tell them in the style I prefer. If you don't like it, that's tough. It's an Internet forum for God's sake and if you can't stand a bit of rough and tumble go and join Mumsnet.

I assume you mean I have a nerve to take issue with you? Why should that be? Is it forbidden to do so? Should I reply "It's an Internet forum for God's sake and if you can't stand a bit of rough and tumble go and join Mumsnet"? Do you think yourself uniquely entitled to attack others when they enter your "protected" territory? You'll have us thinking you believe yourself important if you continue like this.


What seems to go right over your head, Frank, is that we are not all the same, and that you put off others from posting - in case they get a bit of your so called "rough and tumble" in reply. You just go too far.


That is what I care about, because I have found this forum a valuable resource over a number of years, and would like others to be able to gain from it as I have. So, I do object to the style of many of your posts. Mostly all you achieve is heat with no light, while at the same time destroying the whole drift of the thread you infest. As I said, there are ways of disagreeing without being disagreeable.


I don't agree with Lenny's characterisation of CC wardens either, who I have generally found to be agreeable, but the comment was clearly somewhat tongue in cheek, albeit based on his unfortunate experience. But, like it or lump it, it is his view. Chide him gently for tarring all CC wardens with the same brush if you must, but at least be civil while doing so. That is all we ask. Then strings can get back on track quickly, and the rest of us can continue differing agreeably. Is that so hard?

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Mr Enough mentions the campsite at Lake Bled in Slovenia as a yard stick for what he judges to be a lovely site. Well I have stayed on that campsite. Mainly because it is the only place to park a motorhome overnight in that area so we didnt have a choice.


I can only say that if you consider that one of your ideal sites then I am glad I never normally bother with them. We ended up on a scruffy pitch with not much space, the facilities (not that I used them) were pretty crap, the wifi over subscribed and useless, kids everywhere making a racket. Ive seen worse and the location is superb but if thats the yard stick I rest my case as I am sure Erneboy will also.


I agree about the Aire at St Jean du Luz it is quite possibly the worst Aire in Europe but that would not make me want to stay on the site there simply because there are plenty of alternatives nearby.

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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-02-27 4:57 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-26 11:06 PM.....................Finally, I really don't give a toss what you or anyone else thinks about me. If I think that someone is being despicable and unfair I'll tell them and I'll tell them in the style I prefer. If you don't like it, that's tough. It's an Internet forum for God's sake and if you can't stand a bit of rough and tumble go and join Mumsnet.

I assume you mean I have a nerve to take issue with you? Why should that be? Is it forbidden to do so? Should I reply "It's an Internet forum for God's sake and if you can't stand a bit of rough and tumble go and join Mumsnet"? Do you think yourself uniquely entitled to attack others when they enter your "protected" territory? You'll have us thinking you believe yourself important if you continue like this.


What seems to go right over your head, Frank, is that we are not all the same, and that you put off others from posting - in case they get a bit of your so called "rough and tumble" in reply. You just go too far.


That is what I care about, because I have found this forum a valuable resource over a number of years, and would like others to be able to gain from it as I have. So, I do object to the style of many of your posts. Mostly all you achieve is heat with no light, while at the same time destroying the whole drift of the thread you infest. As I said, there are ways of disagreeing without being disagreeable.


I don't agree with Lenny's characterisation of CC wardens either, who I have generally found to be agreeable, but the comment was clearly somewhat tongue in cheek, albeit based on his unfortunate experience. But, like it or lump it, it is his view. Chide him gently for tarring all CC wardens with the same brush if you must, but at least be civil while doing so. That is all we ask. Then strings can get back on track quickly, and the rest of us can continue differing agreeably. Is that so hard?


I'll chide him gently if he too is reasonable in his accusations but when a man accuses a decent bunch of people of being "detestable sergeant majors' do you really think he deserves to be treated gently? I don't, I think he's despicable and it's something that he's been doing for ages.


Why is it that you can ignore a comment like that from someone yet berate another for taking him to task? And it's not tongue in cheek, the man has a chip on his shoulder the size of a boulder all because he may have had a run in with a warden ten years ago. If all the wardens he's dealt with have run ins with him I think we can safely assume things about the way he approaches and treats them.


And where I think that you have a nerve is that you completely ignore the nastiest comment in the whole thread yet have a go at me for taking him to task about it.


I hate the kind of unfairness from people like him. All CC wardens are little Hitlers or sergeant majors. You apparently disagree with him but have you ever suggested to him that his comments are unfair, unreasonable and downright nasty?


I don't understand the logic of many on this forum. People can call a third party who can't defend themselves any vile names that they like but if one of us does the same to them it's wrong. Well, I'm sorry, but if he does it again, I'll tell him again.


As you said: ;'But, like it or lump it, it is his view.' Well, you'd better like it or lump it because my view of LennyHB is my view!




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Guest Had Enough
Barryd999 - 2014-02-27 5:07 PM


Mr Enough mentions the campsite at Lake Bled in Slovenia as a yard stick for what he judges to be a lovely site. Well I have stayed on that campsite. Mainly because it is the only place to park a motorhome overnight in that area so we didnt have a choice.


I can only say that if you consider that one of your ideal sites then I am glad I never normally bother with them. We ended up on a scruffy pitch with not much space, the facilities (not that I used them) were pretty crap, the wifi over subscribed and useless, kids everywhere making a racket. Ive seen worse and the location is superb but if thats the yard stick I rest my case as I am sure Erneboy will also.


I agree about the Aire at St Jean du Luz it is quite possibly the worst Aire in Europe but that would not make me want to stay on the site there simply because there are plenty of alternatives nearby.


Odd isn't it. We had a great time there and stayed longer than intended, mainly because of its location. We'd a very nice pitch and it wasn't crowded but we always avoid the high season.


But come on - are you suggesting that there are no nice quiet sites, I've stayed on dozens of them!


The accusation that sites are all bingo and screaming kids and crappy restaurants is a travesty! And I think that you know that really!


Yes, there are holiday camp sites with all the facilities for families, but there are also municipals and small quiet sites. You just have to look!



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Had Enough - 2014-02-27 5:22 PM


Barryd999 - 2014-02-27 5:07 PM


Mr Enough mentions the campsite at Lake Bled in Slovenia as a yard stick for what he judges to be a lovely site. Well I have stayed on that campsite. Mainly because it is the only place to park a motorhome overnight in that area so we didnt have a choice.


I can only say that if you consider that one of your ideal sites then I am glad I never normally bother with them. We ended up on a scruffy pitch with not much space, the facilities (not that I used them) were pretty crap, the wifi over subscribed and useless, kids everywhere making a racket. Ive seen worse and the location is superb but if thats the yard stick I rest my case as I am sure Erneboy will also.


I agree about the Aire at St Jean du Luz it is quite possibly the worst Aire in Europe but that would not make me want to stay on the site there simply because there are plenty of alternatives nearby.


Odd isn't it. We had a great time there and stayed longer than intended, mainly because of its location. We'd a very nice pitch and it wasn't crowded but we always avoid the high season.


But come on - are you suggesting that there are no nice quiet sites, I've stayed on dozens of them!


The accusation that sites are all bingo and screaming kids and crappy restaurants is a travesty! And I think that you know that really!


Yes, there are holiday camp sites with all the facilities for families, but there are also municipals and small quiet sites. You just have to look!



It would have been ok if there had only been us on it. (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-27 4:09 PM


Ah, the coast of Brittany in July tells me all I need to know.



Really, what does that tell you then? We last stayed in Brittany on our way back from Spain and thought we'd have a few days on the Atlantic coast. It was late June and early July and aires were impossible anywhere remotely popular.


There were plenty if you wanted to stay in the middle of nowhere!


I am very happy to accept that you enjoy some aires and some wild camping, so do I. But why do you feel the need to denigrate those of us who also use sites and why do you quote these grossly exaggerated tales of all sites being some kind of hell hole?


As I said, as an example have you ever tried some French municipal sites?


Why can't you just accept that what we do may not be to your liking, but we don't need you implying that we're some kind of idiots for having the temerity to use sites when we've paid all this money for a motorhome?


The fact that you even posted in this thread makes my point. It's about campsite loos but you simply couldn't resist popping in to tell us that we don't really need campsites, let alone loos. Well, thanks for your input, but those of us who do use sites are really interested!





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Ah yes, the bouncing balls off the motorhome/caravan walls.Heard this one time and again.In over 20 years of camping, first with a tent, then various caravans and now with a motorhome in the UK,France,Holland,Belgium,Switzerland,Germany,Austria and Sweden we have NEVER once had this happen to us.Have we just been very lucky?

I do remember though, staying on a favourite caravan club campsite where they had A DISPLAY Of beautiful wild flowers.They put up a sign asking people not to walk through them but leave them for everyone to enjoy.More unreasonable caravan club rules obviously! We drummed this into my then 9 year old stepsons head only to stand a watch a man well into his fifties walk all the way through them The 9 year old said 'That's not fair is it?' Answers on a postcard please.

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As far as site facilities go - I don't give sh*t one way or the other :-D


But then I'm not really qualified to answer the question, as I seldom use sites!


I agree that, as usual, yet another thread goes off-topic.....I think HE needs to go and lay down in a dark room somewhere, obviously with a doorway capacious enough for both his head, and ego to enter ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
globebuster - 2014-02-27 6:48 PM


As far as site facilities go - I don't give sh*t one way or the other :-D


But then I'm not really qualified to answer the question, as I seldom use sites!


I agree that, as usual, yet another thread goes off-topic.....I think HE needs to go and lay down in a dark room somewhere, obviously with a doorway capacious enough for both his head, and ego to enter ;-)


So why have you even entered the tread if you don't use sites? Perhaps you have a very big head and a huge ego and feel that you must make your views known!


And why did it go off topic, could it be those people who don't use sites trying to impose their views on the rest of us? ;-) We've had quite a bit of that!




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Had Enough - 2014-02-27 5:16 PM...................And where I think that you have a nerve is that you completely ignore the nastiest comment in the whole thread yet have a go at me for taking him to task about it....................

The difference, Frank, which you seem totally unable to comprehend, is that Lenny's comment was against persons unknown, just venting his spleen into the ether. He didn't identify the warden, or the site, or the year when he stayed, so there was no link to an individual. What he said is that he finds CC sites over-regulated, and some of the wardens heavy handed and dictatorial. I disagree that this is typical of the CC, but I have run up against one or two, both CC and CCC, whose manner leaves a lot to be desired. I doubt they last long, but add to the pleasure of your stay they definitely do not during their tenure.


On the other hand, your response, as so often, was personally abusive toward him, and was rude and abrasive (just as was your reply to me), it seems mainly because he had attacked, in terms, your favourite organisation. I think the CC is large enough to defend itself if it so chooses, and has little need for you to ride postillion. Yet again, your attempts at doing so were merely destructive of the thread. Normal good manners are all that is required.

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Really interested, in toilets?


They would be a long way down my list of interests, somewhere near camp sites actually.


Oh well, each to their own as you say, as long as it's legal and hanging round toilets is borderline I think.


I once met a guy in the bush in Zambia, he was even stranger. He was a zoologist who analysed animal crap. See what I did there, anal-ised? Alan.

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Brian Kirby - 2014-02-27 7:24 PM


The difference, Frank, which you seem totally unable to comprehend, is that Lenny's comment was against persons unknown, just venting his spleen into the ether. He didn't identify the warden, or the site, or the year when he stayed, so there was no link to an individual. What he said is that he finds CC sites over-regulated, and some of the wardens heavy handed and dictatorial. I disagree that this is typical of the CC, but I have run up against one or two, both CC and CCC, whose manner leaves a lot to be desired. I doubt they last long, but add to the pleasure of your stay they definitely do not during their tenure.


On the other hand, your response, as so often, was personally abusive toward him, and was rude and abrasive (just as was your reply to me), it seems mainly because he had attacked, in terms, your favourite organisation. I think the CC is large enough to defend itself if it so chooses, and has little need for you to ride postillion. Yet again, your attempts at doing so were merely destructive of the thread. Normal good manners are all that is required.


Thank you Brian, I could not be bother to respond to his constant verbal diarrhoea he spews out every time someone does not agree with his personal point of view. In one of his latest posts he even goes on about how rubbish this forum is and how much better other forums are but still posts here in his usual disruptive manner.


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Guest Had Enough
lennyhb - 2014-02-27 8:20 PM


Thank you Brian, I could not be bother to respond to his constant verbal diarrhoea he spews out every time someone does not agree with his personal point of view. In one of his latest posts he even goes on about how rubbish this forum is and how much better other forums are but still posts here in his usual disruptive manner.


Pardon me whilst I p*ss myself! The reason you didn't respond is because you realised that you'd gone too far this time as one person after another expressed the view that CC wardens are not as you describe them (see the Clubs thread). Now you've found someone to support you and plucked up the courage to respond at last!


You are one of the most disruptive people on here. Time after time you poison threads with your nasty and vindictive attacks on CC wardens, not just one, or two, but usually all of them.


Normally you stick at 'sergeant majors' or similarly insulting terms but this time you excelled yourself. In a thread which was good natured you once more couldn't resist your usual bile and you wrote:


'Now that's a good idea would love to see the look on the face one of those detestable Sargent Major CC wardens.'


Detestable CC wardens? The only thing detestable is your constant insulting, vindictive and untrue descriptions of a body of men and women who do a difficult job dealing with people who are often detestable themselves, again, you should read some of the comments in the Clubs thread.


Why do you do it? Why do you feel the need to poison threads with your extreme and clearly totally exaggerated claims about the average CC warden? I suspect that the real reason is that you are, to quote you, a detestable person who enjoys stirring things up. I can think of no other reason because your claims about the average CC warden have no basis in truth and any rows that you may have had I'm convinced occurred as a result of your appalling attitude to them.


Carry on poisoning threads if you like, carry on with the vindictive chip on your shoulder from what is probably one row with one warden years ago, but every time you do I'll be there to pull you up and I'll take great pleasure in it because I detest people like you for whom the words fairness and decency are a foreign language.


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Well surely I'm entitled to peruse the forum?


Lets face it HE, you really do need some help - seriously you do.


I once had a client like you - his first line of defence being attack, you seem to have a similar disposition - with the added bonus of ego and pomposity - so just ease up on the exclamation marks ;-)


May be I, like others, would get move proactive on the forum But as in just about every thread you participate in, someone gets a buffeting - at times I'm amazed at your reaction, it's just not normal.


Please find somewhere quiet for a few hours, and relax



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