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campsite loos - are they important to you?

RussS Travel Editor

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Guest Had Enough
globebuster - 2014-02-27 9:28 PM


Well surely I'm entitled to peruse the forum?


Lets face it HE, you really do need some help - seriously you do.


I once had a client like you - his first line of defence being attack, you seem to have a similar disposition - with the added bonus of ego and pomposity - so just ease up on the exclamation marks ;-)


May be I, like others, would get move proactive on the forum But as in just about every thread you participate in, someone gets a buffeting - at times I'm amazed at your reaction, it's just not normal.


Please find somewhere quiet for a few hours, and relax



Thank you for the advice but I'm fine thank you. ;-) It's actually quite good fun coming on here occasionally (and it is only occasionally) and sorting out vindictive and nasty people such as LennyHB.


But in an hour I may well go into a darkened room and lie down. I usually do that most nights at about 11.30 pm. ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
RogerC - 2014-02-27 9:46 PM


For goodness sake HE....GIVE IT A BLOODY REST.


Bugger of Roger, there's a good chap. Let me think, you're the bloke who can't write about anyone without the silly insults. Two days ago, Gordon Brown, whom you chided for selling off some gold wasn't Gordon Brown but that 'Myopic one-eyed idiot Gordon Brown'.


Typical RogerC and then you have the nerve to attack me! You have to laugh! (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
lennyhb - 2014-02-27 10:10 PM


erneboy - 2014-02-27 9:22 PM


Is Had Enough trying to win an award for trolling?


I think he won that years ago, most trolls disrupt threads with a bit of humor this guy is an insult to the human race.


And you're just insulting, as well as being vindictive and stirring - now if there was ever a troll it's you who deliberately tries to stir threads with your poisonous comments.


So don't forget, next time you make despicable comments about a perfectly reasonable bunch of people I'll be all over you - and it's so easy! ;-)


This is fun! (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-27 10:40 PM


No Frank - we have to feel sad for you.



Oh God, it's the thing from the Chatterbox swamp! ;-) Laimebrain will be along any minute, he's usually emboldened to have a go if anyone else has piled in! ;-)


If you ask Clive nicely he'll come into Motorhome Matters and tell you what an important financial advisor he is and give you a daily report from 'the pinks'. He never reads ordinary papers, it's always 'the pinks'. ;-) (lol) Now go away Clive and keep trying to impress the six people in Chatterbox. (lol)


It really is fun now! I love a bit of a ding dong! (lol) (lol)

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Actually Frank - I noticed that this excellent Forum was actually asking people their views - both from MH's and caravaners perspective.


What do i find when I look at the MMM thread - Frank doing his old trick of acting like a demented fool.


Shame this Forum has to put up with such as you Frank.


You let yourself down by the personal attacks - so the question is how to educate you into being a better human being - a better member of the human race - a better Forum member.


Well Frank, not sure that is possible - we could agree with all that you say – just to have a quiet life, but then we'd all be wrong.


Because try as I might I have tried to see things from your point of view, to understand what drives a 70 year old man to act as such a fool - but I just could not get my head that far up my ar$e.




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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-27 10:57 PM


Actually Frank - I noticed that this excellent Forum was actually asking people their views - both from MH's and caravaners perspective.


What do i find when I look at the MMM thread - Frank doing his old trick of acting like a demented fool.


Shame this Forum has to put up with such as you Frank.


You let yourself down by the personal attacks - so the question is how to educate you into being a better human being - a better member of the human race - a better Forum member.


Well Frank, not sure that is possible - we could agree with all that you say – just to have a quiet life, but then we'd all be wrong.


Because try as I might I have tried to see things from your point of view, to understand what drives a 70 year old man to act as such a fool - but I just could not get my head that far up my ar$e.




And you wouldn't be biased would you by any chance? Still not got over your total humiliation of taking me on and losing a grand, which you never paid by the way! You little liar you! ;-)


Now go away Clive, work on your spelling and continue trying to impress the Chatterbox Morons' Club with tales of what a very important financial advisor you are! (lol)


Anyway, why do you keep doing this Clive, it usually ends in tears for you? Now be a good little chap and scuttle back to Chatterbox and your six mates! This really isn't the place for you, MM is for people with motorhomes and caravans that actually go somewhere, not for chaps who are old before their time and have a permanent pitch in Dorset! Very adventurous! (lol)


Ps I'm only 68, just a lad! (lol)


This really is fun! I love it when you pop in, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. If you're not careful I'll end up telling everyone how really successful you are! ;-)


And remember you idiot, you started this, not me. (lol)


Your turn Clive, come on. ;-)

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Had Enough - 2014-02-27 10:46 PM..........It really is fun now! I love a bit of a ding dong! (lol) (lol)

No Frank, it is not fun, it is intensely boring. And yes Frank, we know you love a bit of a ding dong - you generally start them.


While you were away things were quite congenial, and then you returned. Now strings are destroyed by Frank, yet somehow it is all someone else's fault. Pathetic.


In your previous incarnation, I dubbed you CJ. Now, I think I'm more taken with Charlie Brown.


Perhaps you should be given another spell in the cooler - until you learn normal civilised discourse?

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Guest Had Enough

I'd just like to mention to everyone that I'm not initiating anything here, just responding to posts to me, most of them not very nice, now if you want it to stop I suggest that you stop!


But it is fun isn't it! Especially when fools like CliveH pop in just to have a go and try to get a bit of revenge for his last humiliations! (lol)


He never learns the poor thing! (lol)

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Sorry Frank - but you are Dull


You are a one trick pony and not a very intelligent of resourceful one at that


I find you sad.


I do genuinely feel sorry for you.


You must be very unhappy to post as you do on such a forum that should be about fun and friendship.



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How true Brian


I am very disappointed that Frank has not changed his attitude - I would like to ask you Frank why it is you post as you do?


The thread seemed to me to be a good one - a sensible one - one that we could learn something from - instead - all that you have managed to confirm is what an idiot you are.


It is sad.




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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-02-27 11:11 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-27 10:46 PM..........It really is fun now! I love a bit of a ding dong! (lol) (lol)

No Frank, it is not fun, it is intensely boring. And yes Frank, we know you love a bit of a ding dong - you generally start them.


While you were away things were quite congenial, and then you returned. Now strings are destroyed by Frank, yet somehow it is all someone else's fault. Pathetic.


In your previous incarnation, I dubbed you CJ. Now, I think I'm more taken with Charlie Brown.


Perhaps you should be given another spell in the cooler - until you learn normal civilised discourse?


I wasn't the one who wrote about 'detestable CC sergeant majors', which appears to be OK in your strange book of logic. Do you consider that civilised discourse?


Anyway, see above, I'm initiating nothing, just responding!


And things were congenial? What a short memory you have? I seem to recollect loads of vile anti-muslim threads and huge arguments that were nothing to do with me - rose-tinted glasses on Brian I think! ;-)


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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-27 11:16 PM



I am very disappointed that Frank has not changed his attitude - I would like to ask you Frank why it is you post as you do?



Funny, that's what I think about your posts, why do you post these esoteric financial reports in a forum with about six people who haven't invested since their school piggy bank. Could it be 'Oh look at me, I'm a terribly important financial advisor. 'Not actually made any money myself but you can rely on me for good advice.


What was it you said about Royal Mail shares being more bad than good and you wouldn't be buying any?


Yep, we can sure rely on you for good advice.


Now as I said Clive, I'm initiating nothing, just responding so keep it coming if you like! ;-)


This is getting better!




And as for not being intelligent, you know where this can go don't you Clive! The only man I know who claims to be a professional but has to have a signature pre-emptying the fact he he has the spelling ability of a fourteen year old! Now do yourself a favour Clive and go away before I really have a go at you.


And once more, you started this, not me, you never learn you silly little man.


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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-27 11:27 PM


No it is as Dull as you ever get Frank


The only true thing you have stated so far is that you do not initiate anything.


You seem incapable of original thought


Your "one trick" is to repeat yourself.






On the contrary Clive, I've reminded people of the dangers of going into Chatterbox where they'll have to put up with your pompous bragging. I think that's a public service.


And I'm reminding you that I'm not initiating anything because you're actually quite thick and will soon think it was me that started on you, when in fact it was you who popped in to have a go at me.


Now you're as boring as anyone, so go to bed that's a good chap and stop stirring the pot.


How much are RM shares trading at today Clive? ;-) What a clever IFA you are! (lol)


Ps Clive, dull isn't a proper noun, why the capital letter? Are you sure you're an IFA, I thought they had to have a reasonable command of English?


I'm having a little bet with myself as to how long you'll go on trying to have the last word! (lol)

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Wow! Is that deja vu I am experiencing???????



Sadly no -



Just Frank repeating himself...............



Must be an age thing.



Night Frank



Try to dream up an original insult for tomorrow if you can manage it............






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Had Enough - 2014-02-27 11:16 PM...................I wasn't the one who wrote about 'detestable CC sergeant majors', which appears to be OK in your strange book of logic. Do you consider that civilised discourse?

I do not consider that any kind of discourse, Frank, but an expression of one person's opinion. Discourse requires more than one participant, does it not?


Anyway, see above, I'm initiating nothing, just responding!

Oh but you are initiating. Remember this, in response to the above: "I'm not sure what it is that makes you so hateful and unreasonable on the subject of CC wardens but what is obvious is that you're unable to work out that it paints you in a far worse light than any warden." You are attacking the person, not the opinion expressed. So he, or others, having been publicly ridiculed, will take issue with you. That, on past performance, seems to be your motive; to initiate your oh so amusing "ding dong". This qualifies as discourse, but sadly of a disagreeable nature.


And things were congenial? What a short memory you have? I seem to recollect loads of vile anti-muslim threads and huge arguments that were nothing to do with me - rose-tinted glasses on Brian I think! ;-)

I didn't notice any such discussions while you were in Morocco, so can't comment. Those that I remember were very much further back in time than your recent trip. They were indeed singularly unpleasant, but you did not initiate them, so I don't see their relevance.

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Guest Had Enough
Brian Kirby - 2014-02-27 11:41 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-27 11:16 PM...................I wasn't the one who wrote about 'detestable CC sergeant majors', which appears to be OK in your strange book of logic. Do you consider that civilised discourse?

I do not consider that any kind of discourse, Frank, but an expression of one person's opinion. Discourse requires more than one participant, does it not?


Anyway, see above, I'm initiating nothing, just responding!

Oh but you are initiating. Remember this, in response to the above: "I'm not sure what it is that makes you so hateful and unreasonable on the subject of CC wardens but what is obvious is that you're unable to work out that it paints you in a far worse light than any warden." You are attacking the person, not the opinion expressed. So he, or others, having been publicly ridiculed, will take issue with you. That, on past performance, seems to be your motive; to initiate your oh so amusing "ding dong". This qualifies as discourse, but sadly of a disagreeable nature.


And things were congenial? What a short memory you have? I seem to recollect loads of vile anti-muslim threads and huge arguments that were nothing to do with me - rose-tinted glasses on Brian I think! ;-)

I didn't notice any such discussions while you were in Morocco, so can't comment. Those that I remember were very much further back in time than your recent trip. They were indeed singularly unpleasant, but you did not initiate them, so I don't see their relevance.


But as well as opinions that need to be attacked the people who voice such opinions also need to be attacked over their appalling views:


'Most Muslims I've met are bloody thieves'.


'Gays, bunch of perverts all of them'


'CC Wardens, detestable sergeant majors.'


If I made comments such as this I'd deserve to be attacked. They are hateful opinions by hateful people.


I think we'd better agree to differ on this.







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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-27 11:38 PM


Wow! Is that deja vu I am experiencing???????



Sadly no -



Just Frank repeating himself...............



Must be an age thing.



Night Frank



Try to dream up an original insult for tomorrow if you can manage it............



You must have missed most of them, is it an age thing? Not that I've heard anything new from you this evening either. ;-)


Anyway, I'm done now, let's let it drop and see if everyone else can follow suit. There comes a time when a thread has run its course and I think we're there. But Clive, let me give you a tip, stay in Chatterbox, that's more you. I don't go there anymore, there's a limit to how much moronic nonsense one man can stand.

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erneboy - 2014-02-27 3:08 PM


Having thought about sites for five minutes I came up with the following. Tiny cramped pitches. Noisy neighbours, with television or music audible till all hours.. Noisy kids kicking balls against the van. A camp commandant with daft rules. A long term user who thinks he is camp commandant. Long term people in fighting and telling me who to watch out for. Bingo or any other organised communal activity.. Garish cafes with rubbish food. The general feeling of being a child again and being corralled and supervised. And, of course having to pay a kings ransom for all the wonderful facilities I neither want or need.


No thanks.


Blimey!? 8-) ...I'm not quite sure which campsites you've used erne'..but if the above is true, you've either been very unlucky or are just really lousy at selecting them...!? (lol)

(..the above sounds like you have stayed on 'sites that were a mix between Butlins and Dale farm! (lol))


As for "daft rules" ..well surely "rules" would've helped curtail any undue noise and/or unruly behaviour..?


Judging and then dismissing all campsites by the "examples" above, seems a bit daft..it's bit like someone eating in grotty greasy spoon cafe' and then concluding that ALL eating-out establishments are dire and therefore should never to be used again.... :-S

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True, I have only been on perhaps three or four. The experience I had ranged between feeling quite uncomfortable and disliking the ambience so much that I felt it best to leave immediately. Exactly why I felt like that is a little difficult to articulate, but I will try.


Small regimented pitches, defined to the inch, which will be defended if necessary. The feeling of being watched to see if you transgress in any way and need telling about it.


The feeling that your are being weighed in the balance to see if you are the right kind of person and whether your van and equipment are up to scratch. In short the feeling that a good many of your neighbours would dearly love to give you and your kit a thorough inspection, preferably with a check list on a clip board.


The feeling that they think a 10 meter van is too big. Actually that's more than a feeling, given the chance they will tell you in quite some detail. it's not camping and apparently it can't be parked in supermarket car parks. The feeling that they want to tell me where to park the trailer and that if I take the car off they will expect me to park it miles away. The feeling that as I put the slides out they will again be watching to make sure they don't encroach on there property, not by one inch. The feeling that putting the awning out may best be avoided. The feeling that the sun belongs to them and I should park where I won't cast a shadow on them at any time of day.


The feeling of being under close scrutiny from the old guy next door with his immaculately polished little van with the perfectly positioned patch of artificial grass and door mat upon which his spotless white shoes and her smart but casual mules are perfectly aligned. The feeling that this stalwart will be doing his duty by watching every move. The feeling that he might well be checking for noise with his decibel meter at regular intervals and recording the results in a little notebook. The feeling that he thinks the nearby tap is for his use only and that if you put one foot on his pitch on the way to the tap he will frown at you, but not say anything this time.


The feeling that engaging these people in conversation would best be avoided because it's almost certain that, after the "Hello how are you" bit he will immediately start telling which waste master/toilet chemical/levelling ramps/awning tie downs etc. etc. he uses and why I really should have them too.


In fact, the feeling that the kind of people who prefer to be on camp sites just aren't people I can't comfortably mix with. I would be better off in a pub car park and if I have a beer and some food I can stay somewhere I like at no charge as opposed to somewhere I dislike intensely at huge cost, Alan.

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I sympathise with you Alan, my wife dislikes sites and would rather camp up without another soul in site, myself I actually quite like France municipal when you get your own private space with a hedge enclosing it, also with every foreign site we have stayed on you rent the pitch and set up as you see fit no bossy wardens saying you must pitch at this point in this direction etc. UK commercial or club sites come at the top of the list of places not to stay.


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erneboy - 2014-02-28 10:50 AM


True, I have only been on perhaps three or four. The experience I had ranged between feeling quite uncomfortable and disliking the ambience so much that I felt it best to leave immediately. Exactly why I felt like that is a little difficult to articulate, but I will try.


Small regimented pitches, defined to the inch, which will be defended if necessary. The feeling of being watched to see if you transgress in any way and need telling about it.


The feeling that your are being weighed in the balance to see if you are the right kind of person and whether your van and equipment are up to scratch. In short the feeling that a good many of your neighbours would dearly love to give you and your kit a thorough inspection, preferably with a check list on a clip board.


The feeling that they think a 10 meter van is too big. Actually that's more than a feeling, given the chance they will tell you in quite some detail. it's not camping and apparently it can't be parked in supermarket car parks. The feeling that they want to tell me where to park the trailer and that if I take the car off they will expect me to park it miles away. The feeling that as I put the slides out they will again be watching to make sure they don't encroach on there property, not by one inch. The feeling that putting the awning out may best be avoided. The feeling that the sun belongs to them and I should park where I won't cast a shadow on them at any time of day.


The feeling of being under close scrutiny from the old guy next door with his immaculately polished little van with the perfectly positioned patch of artificial grass and door mat upon which his spotless white shoes and her smart but casual mules are perfectly aligned. The feeling that this stalwart will be doing his duty by watching every move. The feeling that he might well be checking for noise with his decibel meter at regular intervals and recording the results in a little notebook. The feeling that he thinks the nearby tap is for his use only and that if you put one foot on his pitch on the way to the tap he will frown at you, but not say anything this time.


The feeling that engaging these people in conversation would best be avoided because it's almost certain that, after the "Hello how are you" bit he will immediately start telling which waste master/toilet chemical/levelling ramps/awning tie downs etc. etc. he uses and why I really should have them too.


In fact, the feeling that the kind of people who prefer to be on camp sites just aren't people I can't comfortably mix with. I would be better off in a pub car park and if I have a beer and some food I can stay somewhere I like at no charge as opposed to somewhere I dislike intensely at huge cost, Alan.




I'm not sure if you are saying that all this actually happens - or you just have a " feeling " that it might ?



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