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For insurance purposes is Bosnia Herzegovina classed as Europe.


Our MH insurance is covered by the Caravan Club which says


Full policy cover for all journeys to EU and Associated Countries.


AXA Travel Insurance just says Europe.


I have read a lot about border crossings and paying for insurance at the border but I know things have changed recently with the old Yugoslavian countries.


As usual any advise would be welcome.








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Cliffy - 2014-02-25 11:18 PM



For insurance purposes is Bosnia Herzegovina classed as Europe.


Our MH insurance is covered by the Caravan Club which says


Full policy cover for all journeys to EU and Associated Countries.


AXA Travel Insurance just says Europe.


I have read a lot about border crossings and paying for insurance at the border but I know things have changed recently with the old Yugoslavian countries.


As usual any advise would be welcome.







Hi. It will depend on your insurer - and they vary considerably. Most will not cover Bosnia. I am with Saga and I go with them simply because they offer free green cards for Europe for as many days in the year as you like. They will cover you for Serbia and Croatia but NOT (unfortunately) for Montenegro/ Bosnia/ Macedonia. NFU Mutual are supposed to have better cover for extended areas in the former Yugoslavia but they are a lot more expensive -in my experience.
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Also, if they do offer cover, check whether that cover is the same as for the rest of Europe, as some reduce the scope once outside the EU area. You will have to talk to your insurer on this. As said, once outside the EU, which they are committed to cover, they make their own rules, some charging extra, some not, and some refusing cover. I believe limited period cover is available from the Caravan Club, but don't know from which of their "panel".
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Cliffy - 2014-02-25 11:18 PM


For insurance purposes is Bosnia Herzegovina classed as Europe.



Yes Bosnia is geographically in Europe........no you are not insured.


Green Card insurance is necessary to enter BIH and without it you will not even get through the border. You need to check with your Company that they will provide 'Green Card' (some companies refuse to). I'm with Comfort and i got my Green Card FOC with them.


It's also worth mentioning that each country i've been in that required Green Card, not once did they want the Insurance documents. They are only interested in seeing that Green Card.




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DAVLINS - 2014-02-25 11:32 PM


Most will not cover Bosnia. I am with Saga and I go with them simply because they offer free green cards for Europe for as many days in the year as you like.


They will cover you for Serbia and Croatia but NOT (unfortunately) for Montenegro/ Bosnia/ Macedonia. NFU Mutual are supposed to have better cover for extended areas in the former Yugoslavia but they are a lot more expensive -in my experience.



You need to swap to Comfort!


They covered me last year for Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia (Croatia doesn't require Green Card).



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Bulletguy - 2014-02-26 4:57 AM...............You need to swap to Comfort!


They covered me last year for Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia (Croatia doesn't require Green Card).

Which is interesting, because in 2008 they wouldn't cover us for Bosnia under any circumstances, for any duration, even just to transit the "Neum corridor" to Dubrovnik.


The lesson from that, apart from times change, is that folk should always check their insurance documents before making assumptions that this year's cover is the same as last years, and should make sure they have the most up to date version of the documents. They should be re-issued when there are changes to cover, but this does not always happen.


BTW Paul, what cover did you get? F/C, or some form of third party (usually the minimum requirement of the country you are in at the time)?

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I am insured through The Camping and Caravanning Club and are happy with cover and price. Last year and this on renewal I enquired about cover for Bosnia ( a small section of which would be crossed in order to travel to Dubrovnik). On both occasions I was told that,t providing I gave them dates, I would be covered for one month for an extra fee - I think it was £34 last year; This year it is £30 for the green card.


As others have pointed out,Cliffy,the only way to find out if you will be covered is to talk to your insurer. It really is that simple.

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Bulletguy - 2014-02-26 4:49 AM


I'm with Comfort and i got my Green Card FOC with them.



No you were not you dummy! And no you didn't!! *-)



Bulletguy - 2014-02-26 4:57 AM


You need to swap to Comfort!



No you don't!!




Typical!! I glanced through my folder file i keep all my vehicle related 'doc's in last night, spotted a Comfort Insurance policy.....but didn't look at the year date!!


Comfort was my 2012/13. *-)


I took cover with SCENIC last year which gave me Green Card.


Sorry about that folks! :$




Brian Kirby - 2014-02-26 11:44 AM


BTW Paul, what cover did you get? F/C, or some form of third party (usually the minimum requirement of the country you are in at the time)?



AFAIK it was third party. Worth double checking, particularly for those with expensive vans, but in my case i wanted to go no matter what.


I found Scenic very good when it came to obtaining Green Card cover and basically there isn't many countries which they won't accept. The only other i believe to be comparable is NFU.


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mel wood - 2014-02-26 12:09 PM


I am insured through The Camping and Caravanning Club and are happy with cover and price. Last year and this on renewal I enquired about cover for Bosnia ( a small section of which would be crossed in order to travel to Dubrovnik). On both occasions I was told that providing I gave them dates, I would be covered for one month for an extra fee - I think it was £34 last year; This year it is £30 for the green card.


As others have pointed out,Cliffy,the only way to find out if you will be covered is to talk to your insurer. It really is that simple.





To the BIB........that's pretty scandalous and tbh they are ripping you off.


The Green Card isn't even actually insurance but simply a document proving to authorities in non-EU countries requiring it, that you have the minimum level of insurance. The Card costs nothing to issue.....just unfortunate that UK companies are under no obligation to provide, and some will see it as a way of extracting more money from people.


My insurer asked me for dates but as i was entering five different Green Card countries, i didn't want to be held to any particular date so in the end they covered the entire time i was out of UK. After all, as the card is meaningless and worthless outside any Green Card country, all it takes from them is to simply write in the dates you are out of UK.


This link will help;





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Cattwg - 2014-02-27 10:58 PM


When we went to Croatia last year our insurance company, Safeguard, said we were not insured for Bosnia. They would not add Bosnia for an additional fee or issue a Green Card.

Cattwg :-D



Many companies won't and also as has been mentioned if wanting to go down to Dubrovnik you have the "Neum corridor" (small patch of Bosnia) to get through......which without Green Card you will get turned back.


UK MH Insurance unfortunately is quite restrictive compared to other foreign nationals whose policies cover them pretty much anywhere throughout Europe. When i was in Bosnia and Serbia i never saw any other British registered vehicles apart from one which turned out to be owned by an Australian couple who had bought their MH in the UK and kept it stored there.




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I have just renewed our Caravan club insurance and at the time I double checked with them that we would definitely be covered fully for Bosnia, Montenegro etc etc. They have made a note of when we will be there but also assured me that this was not necessary and we would always be fully covered.
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Bulletguy - 2014-02-26 5:48 PM


mel wood - 2014-02-26 12:09 PM


I am insured through The Camping and Caravanning Club and are happy with cover and price. Last year and this on renewal I enquired about cover for Bosnia ( a small section of which would be crossed in order to travel to Dubrovnik). On both occasions I was told that providing I gave them dates, I would be covered for one month for an extra fee - I think it was £34 last year; This year it is £30 for the green card.


As others have pointed out,Cliffy,the only way to find out if you will be covered is to talk to your insurer. It really is that simple.





To the BIB........that's pretty scandalous and tbh they are ripping you off.



That is your opinion and quite emotive language.


I have been happy with cover AND price throughout my 11 years being insured through CCC - whenever I have compared prices with other companies for the cover I require the CCC have always been cheaper. Insurance is personal; no 2 people will pay exactly the same for the same cover. So in this situation if i have to pay for a Green Card I m prepared to do so.

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In May last year we arrived at the Croatia/Bosnia border mid morning to drive the Neum Corridor. I had been refused a Green Card by my insurer (Safeguard) so intended buying insurance at the border (as a tourist office said that was possible).


The border crossing was unmanned at the Bosnian end so we drove on expecting to find an insurance office but before we knew it we were in Neum.


A sole policeman flagged us down. We smiled and handed over our passports before he asked a question. He looked at them and said 'Tourist?'. We said 'Yes'. He politely asked us to carry on our way.


I spoke to quite a few motorhomers who 'chance it'. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING IT.


Whilst I am unconvinced that you will be turned away without insurance, DON'T TAKE THE CHANCE.


We wont do it again without pre-purchased insurance.


I have to say it is the first time I'd been refused a Green Card for Bosnia. We've done the Neum Corridor probably 5 or 6 times in the past 10/12 years





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Re insurance for the Neum corridor. There is a work around by taking a ferry from Ploce (43.0502N 17.4339E) to Trpanj (43.0095N 17.2681E) on the Pelješac Peninsular, and thence down the Pelješac to Dubrovnik. The ferry will comfortably accommodate a motorhome, and is not expensive. About 9 miles port to port.


However, if the Bora is blowing it causes the water in the strait to rise to the extent that disembarkation/embarkation may be refused, because of the risk of grounding on the ramp at the Trpanj end (as we found! :-)). The ferry is a stern loader, not a drive through, so you will very probably be asked to reverse on, because there is insufficient width to turn longer vehicles on board.


The road down the Pelješac is fairly narrow with a rock face to one side in places, though passable with care, but may be a bit uncomfortable for larger vans, especially if they meet a larger vehicle coming the other way. Mainly a case of looking well ahead, and anticipating. Certainly breaks the monotomy, and the peninsular is quite pretty.

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mel wood - 2014-02-28 9:34 AM


That is your opinion and quite emotive language.


I have been happy with cover AND price throughout my 11 years being insured through CCC - whenever I have compared prices with other companies for the cover I require the CCC have always been cheaper. Insurance is personal; no 2 people will pay exactly the same for the same cover. So in this situation if i have to pay for a Green Card I m prepared to do so.



If happy to pay then by all means carry on paying. I just find it a bit odd that anyone would pay for a document paper supplied by an insurer. Would you pay an extra fee for the paper your Policy is written on? After all that's far more comprehensive and time consuming than filling out a Green Card which takes seconds.

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As I said I'm happy with CCC insurance. Presumably you are happy with your insurance company. Fine.


Your implied criticism and questioning of what I would and would not pay for is of no value to me. It wasn't asked for, wasn't necessary and doesn't make a positive or helpful contribution to this thread.


There is no need to reply to this post.


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gwyn - 2014-03-03 3:46 PM


I rang our insurers, Caravan Club, and green card is winging its way to us to cover Bosnia/ Herzegovna at no extra cost, its already covered.


That is the second piece of good news I have had today. My Caravan Club renewal notice came today £185, that is £2 less than last year. Result.










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Phoned CC today they said as I was with AXA the insurance covers Bosnia and a Green Card is free on request. Also my claim for a broken windscreen did not affect the renewal price. So I have renewed today.





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