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The argument about the charging system (cost) for electric hook up pitches on Camping and Caravan Club sites is one that will never be resolved .The club decided to charge for a pitch with a hook up facility whether you used the hook up or not because of a change in the law regards to resale of electricity which was really aimed at unscrupulous landlords of rented properties setting their electricity meter prices too high,the club say that the electricity on these hook up pitches is free to use but the cost of the pitch is XX,so if you are on one of these pitches and choose not to hook up that is your choice but you are paying for the pitch anyway,what do you think would happen if you could park on this pitch cheaper and found there was a hook up you could plug into when no one was looking and get free electricity.
   So the club took the stance they did, voted for incidently at various stages of the proccess, so like it or lump it, that is how it is.As a member of long standing of CCC I get regular chances to vote at AGMs etc,etc as do all members voting forms come regularly by post,but I like most just throw these forms in the bin and let others do all the work so have no right to complain about things that come about by my apathy and in fact I have no complaints about the club, it is a great club, one in which I can come and go as I choose with no worries or hassle,what more would I want,cheaper sites, well of course but we have to be realistic, we have vans worth. Thousands but buck at paying a few quid for excellent well run sites with first class facilities.
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I am a member of both clubs but only for the CL/CS sites,I hate club site,mainly because they are too regimented and they both have this crazy idea of closing the ablutions block at 11 in the morning,why not do it after midday when the majority of people have left the site.

But they are not clubs as they don't exist for the mutual benefit of its members,they are a business!

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Guest Had Enough
yeti - 2014-02-27 3:56 PM


But they are not clubs as they don't exist for the mutual benefit of its members,they are a business!


Well worked out! Of course they are a business and they try to run as efficiently as possible. Would you prefer that they were run by amateurs who lose money every year?


But do tell, if they're not run for the benefit of members, who are they run for? And before you answer perhaps you could read some of the posts above which tell you a bit about the structure of the clubs and about their local centres, which are most definitely clubs for the benefit of the members.


And has it occured to you that it's after twelve o'clock that new members start arriving and have to be booked in? A bit tricky if the wardens are cleaning the toilet blocks. People leaving need no paperwork or admin, they just go!




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I am not going to respond in individual detail to every one of your rantings Frank because it's all been said before and it is bad enough that you are still hell bent on destroying yet another sensible topic with your bullying and obnoxious attitude just because you disagree with other people's thoughts.


Not only but also, when it comes to distortion of what was actually written, putting words in other people's mouths, a failure to read what was written, a lack of humour and then making history fit what ever you want it to fit you have no equal on here and you are without doubt the most devious and egotistical person on this forum who still lacks the ability to respond to the posting and not the poster.


However it was good to see that you acknowledged what we all have known for years - that your own IQ has now climbed to the dizzying heights of 70.


Several others have made very valid points - I don't agree with some of them but they do have the right to post their own thoughts which they have done in a non aggressive way without seeking confrontation, as did I originally, leaving the readers to distill their own ideas from the mix of politely posted perceptions - until you butted in again.


Not that that will make any difference to you I don't suppose and anyone fed up with all the bitching might well like to consider making a complaint to the moderators?

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We have been in both Clubs over many year and are at Present in the Caravan Club, but this is our Last year simple because we don't use the sites enough to justify the annual fee, last year I used " 1 "CL site near Dover the night before joining the ferry at 8am the following morning, and for the most Part we only use the CLs as were never in one place very long when in This Country, you can read on this Forum many alternative parking over night Places for the ferries, If your into Rallies and Meets and want to belong to something , then Clubs are ideal. I think we have only ever book one return Ferry Crossing through the Caravan Club and yes it was cheaper than the ferry Companies offered me for the same crossings. Also you now have to pay by Direct Debit for the Caravan Club, so cancelling is not just not paying anymore you have to cancel your Direct Debit..............If you remember to.
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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-02-27 4:44 PM


I am not going to respond in individual detail to every one of your rantings Frank because it's all been said before and it is bad enough that you are still hell bent on destroying yet another sensible topic with your bullying and obnoxious attitude just because you disagree with other people's thoughts.


Not only but also, when it comes to distortion of what was actually written, putting words in other people's mouths, a failure to read what was written, a lack of humour and then making history fit what ever you want it to fit you have no equal on here and you are without doubt the most devious and egotistical person on this forum who still lacks the ability to respond to the posting and not the poster.


However it was good to see that you acknowledged what we all have known for years - that your own IQ has now climbed to the dizzying heights of 70.


Several others have made very valid points - I don't agree with some of them but they do have the right to post their thought which they have done in a non aggressive way without seeking confrontation.


Not that that will make any difference to you I don't suppose and anyone fed up with all the bitching might well like to consider making a complaint to the moderators?


Ah, typical Tracker! (lol) You come out with your usual chip on the shoulder rubbish about about how the CC differentiates between motorhomes and caravans and when asked to tell us how it does this you obfuscate with this nonsense about bullying! Bullying, give us a break you big girl's blouse!


And of course you're not going to respond in detail, you haven't responded at all! So come on, I ask you again, stop the childish diversions and tell us - how does the CC treat motorhomers any differently from caravanners? You've said it so many times, you must know!


I challenge you - tell us how it differentiates - but you won't, because once more Richard you've been found out for what you really are, a sad man who for some reason doesn't like the CC and now takes every opportunity to peddle an outright lie about it!


But as we know, the clue's in the name! (lol) It's called the Caravan Club so it must favour caravans! That really sums up the level of your argument! You really have to laugh! (lol)


Anyway, let's have it, put your money where your mouth is. I challenge you!

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Club Site Managers (wardens to the ill informed) are Human beings and  as such have good and bad days, I have never had a bad experience with one,speak to them civily and they will respond in like manner,they are employees of the clubs and as such they would be soon removed if proper complaints about them to headquarters were recieved,several friends have done stints as club Site Managers and have told me of the attitude of guests on sites towards them,you would need the patience af a Saint to survive a season in my opinion,they clean toilets and showers to a high standard only to find their work was in vain as in no time at all Joe public has wreeked havoc in the facilities even to the extent of having a dump in the shower trays,one reason that we prefer to use our vans facilities even on sites. They have definite hours of work but frequently exceed these with no pay because they enjoy what they do and want to give a great service,  even when off duty and in their vans some Cretin will knock on their van doors and say, " I know you are off duty, but " I did a couple of seasons as a Warners Marshall on some of the Motorhome Shows and you would not believe some of the vanners manners and attitude when we were pitching them up,So please treat the site personnel with respect and you will be sure to recieve the same back.
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Had Enough - 2014-02-27 4:59 PM

how does the CC treat motorhomers any differently from caravanners? You've said it so many times, you must know!


You're the one with the problem Frank - so why don't you show me exactly where I said that the CC treats Motorhomers differently from caravanners?


You're the one who chose to raise that age old fixation of yours on this thread where nobody else had, just so that you could justify being offensive yet again?


I will repeat what I did say just for you Frank as you obviously have reading difficulties -


"Hate to break the illusion but neither of them are much interested in motorhomes or the interests of their owners and we have found that discounts are just as readily available elsewhere online for most products".


Taken in the context of all the lobbying the clubs do for towed caravan specific needs as they see it I stand by what I said in the lack of evidence of any sort of lobbying for motorhome specific needs - like Aires, height barriers, access to park and rides, overnight use of car parks. But why would they - they are after all primarily caravan clubs? Show me the evidence and I will change my views?




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vindiboy - 2014-02-27 5:09 PM


Club Site Managers (wardens to the ill informed) are Human beings and  as such have good and bad days, I have never had a bad experience with one,speak to them civily and they will respond in like manner,they are employees of the clubs and as such they would be soon removed if proper complaints about them to headquarters were recieved,several friends have done stints as club Site Managers and have told me of the attitude of guests on sites towards them,you would need the patience af a Saint to survive a season in my opinion,they clean toilets and showers to a high standard only to find their work was in vain as in no time at all Joe public has wreeked havoc in the facilities even to the extent of having a dump in the shower trays,one reason that we prefer to use our vans facilities even on sites. They have definite hours of work but frequently exceed these with no pay because they enjoy what they do and want to give a great service,  even when off duty and in their vans some Cretin will knock on their van doors and say, " I know you are off duty, but " I did a couple of seasons as a Warners Marshall on some of the Motorhome Shows and you would not believe some of the vanners manners and attitude when we were pitching them up,So please treat the site personnel with respect and you will be sure to recieve the same back.


Absolutely right - well said!

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-02-27 5:09 PM


Had Enough - 2014-02-27 4:59 PM

how does the CC treat motorhomers any differently from caravanners? You've said it so many times, you must know!


You're the one with the problem Frank - so why don't you show me exactly where I said that the CC treats Motorhomers differently from caravanners?


You're the one who chose to raise that age old fixation of yours on this thread where nobody else had, just so that you could justify being offensive yet again?


I will repeat what I did say just for you Frank as you obviously have reading difficulties -


"Hate to break the illusion but neither of them are much interested in motorhomes or the interests of their owners and we have found that discounts are just as readily available elsewhere online for most products".


Taken in the context of all the lobbying the clubs do for towed caravan specific needs as they see it I stand by what I said in the lack of evidence of any sort of lobbying for motorhome specific needs - like Aires, height barriers, access to park and rides, overnight use of car parks. But why would they - they are after all primarily caravan clubs? Show me the evidence and I will change my views?




Where do you want me to start? A quick search finds lots of the same old rubbish. Here's you on the recent NEC thread:


'They never have liked motor caravans and especially not those that only stay one night on a site and even less those that prefer to never use their sites in favour of Aire type camping'.


Where is your evidence for this? You haven't stayed on a CC site for years! I have stayed on many CC sites, without booking and for just one night. Never, repeat never, have I found any resistance or antagonism and as I pointed out earlier if you really knew what you were talking about you'd know that often, in the quieter periods, motorhomes can outnumber caravans.


Many wardens are motorhomers. Your views are based on a dislike of the club because it had the temerity to include EHU in its fees and you now peddle this outdated nonsense about how the club differentiates between them and us.


And your very silly 'The clue's in the name' sums you up! Give me strength, because the club hasn't changed its name it's anti motorhomes!


It's time that you dropped these constant pathetic jibes and I ask you again, give us one example of how a caravanner is treated differently from a motorhomer.


And please, stop the silliness about height barriers and aires. The CC is a club for people who wish to use sites, why should it worry about people who don't want to use sites and use aires? You really do make the silliest comments.


Perhaps restaurant chains should start lobbying for easier planning applications for burger vans, or BUPA should start lobbying for more free clinics?


Anyway, how many more anti-CC quotes would you like me to find? I can start again with your location which once was: 'As far away as possible from a CC site'. I think that rather sums you up!


Perhaps you can comment on that? Assuming of course you don't think I'm bullying you by mentioning it!





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Guest Had Enough
vindiboy - 2014-02-27 5:09 PM


Club Site Managers (wardens to the ill informed) are Human beings and  as such have good and bad days, I have never had a bad experience with one,speak to them civily and they will respond in like manner,they are employees of the clubs and as such they would be soon removed if proper complaints about them to headquarters were recieved,several friends have done stints as club Site Managers and have told me of the attitude of guests on sites towards them,you would need the patience af a Saint to survive a season in my opinion,they clean toilets and showers to a high standard only to find their work was in vain as in no time at all Joe public has wreeked havoc in the facilities even to the extent of having a dump in the shower trays,one reason that we prefer to use our vans facilities even on sites. They have definite hours of work but frequently exceed these with no pay because they enjoy what they do and want to give a great service,  even when off duty and in their vans some Cretin will knock on their van doors and say, " I know you are off duty, but " I did a couple of seasons as a Warners Marshall on some of the Motorhome Shows and you would not believe some of the vanners manners and attitude when we were pitching them up,So please treat the site personnel with respect and you will be sure to recieve the same back.


Well said and so true. Some of the people that they have to deal with would try the patience of a saint.



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You might not like it but it is true -


'They never have liked motor caravans and especially not those that only stay one night on a site and even less those that prefer to never use their sites in favour of Aire type camping'.


I may not be a member now but I was for many years from around 1975 to 2004 in which time I experienced quite a bit of discrimination from wardens in the early years but that at least has largely gone now.


I thought the object of a proper club was to use it's voice and influence to support and improve the lot of all of it's members not just those who conform to it's own ideas of acceptable camping which, coincidentally, is the one that it has a vested interest in?


Even with your inability to spot humour or irony when it hits you between the eyes Frank you will never succeed in bullying me into stopping posting on here.


The real shame is that your constant attacks on anyone who disagrees instead of simply responding to their message have been instrumental in putting off some really nice people who no longer take part on this forum.


I post what I post and I stand by it and I have no intention of justifying to you or to anyone else or to being drawn into 'challenges' used by you in an attempt to mask your own personality defects and if you do not like that - tough.


Get a life and stop your nit picking pedantry.

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-02-27 6:18 PM


You might not like it but it is true -


'They never have liked motor caravans and especially not those that only stay one night on a site and even less those that prefer to never use their sites in favour of Aire type camping'.


I may not be a member now but I was for many years from around 1975 to 2004 in which time I experienced quite a bit of discrimination from wardens in the early but that at least has largely gone now.


I thought the object of a proper club was to use it's voice and influence to support and improve the lot of all of it's members not just those who conform to it's own ideas of acceptable camping?


Even with your inability to spot humour or irony when it hits you between the eyes Frank you will never succeed in bullying me into stopping posting on here.


The real shame is that your constant attacks on anyone who disagrees instead of simply responding to the message have been instrumental in putting off some nice people who no longer take part on this forum.


I post what I post and I stand by it and I have no intention of justifying to you or to anyone else and if you do not like that - tough.


Get a life and stop your nit picking pedantry.


You really are beyond despicable. This thread was about someone asking for advice on clubs and your first sentence was:


'Hate to break the illusion but neither of them are much interested in motorhomes or the interests of their owners...'


Now you've been shown for what you are you resort to accusations of bullying in order to divert attention from the fact that you have no proof whatsoever of any discrimination against motorhomers.


I haver asked you many times for evidence of this discrimination but it is never forthcoming, all we get is the usual: 'I don't have to answer your questions' drivel. The truth is you can't answer them so you obfuscate and become the biggest bully of them all by personal attacks on me.


But what it comes down to is this: You have no evidence of any discrimination, so now you accuse the club of being anti-motorhome because it doesn't lobby for aires and the removal of height barriers.


Are you mad? Why should it? Let me explain it to you as simply as I can. The CC is a club for people who wish to use sites and CLs, irrespective of whether they are in motorhomes, caravans or fifth-wheelers.


Why should the CC lobby for aires or height barrier removal. What has that got to do with a club whose aim is to provide campsites for people who want campsites?


I really do despair at your logic. But once more I ask, give us some evidence to show that the CC treats motorhomers any differently from caravanners.


And once again, I see you're refusing to comment on your recent location, which was: 'As far away as possible from a CC site'.


I think we all get the drift Richard, you don't like the CC and will never stop with your silly and untrue accusations. Don't you think that the time may have come to dislodge that enormous chip on your shoulder that's been weighing you down for years?


I think a few on here will be grateful if you could.






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Tracker - 2014-02-27 7:20 AM


As ever you can always rely on Frank to turn any posting into a personal attack with his cheap jibes and snide comments. Why do you do it Frank - are you incapable of posting your own views without having another go?


I didn't say the CC 'hates' motorhomes - but it is well known that they do not support the cause of motorhomes to the same degree that they support the cause of towed caravans - the clue is in the name!!


And it is a mere 10 years since I stayed on a CC site, as like so many others, we mainly holiday abroad now and I repeat that unless you use the club facilities there is not much point in being a member because you don't get much else for your annual subscription.


Please read properly Frank and get your facts straight before jumping to conclusions as you are certainly no Sherlock Holmes when it comes to deducing!


So there we are again - you've had an unprovoked go at me and I have responded - shall we leave it there for the benefit of others, or must you have the last word again?


Sorry Tracker more often than not I agree with you but I have to say that we use CC sites extensively (around 120 days a year) and have never experienced any incidence of discrimination against motorhomes and for that matter over the many years we used a caravan never experienced any leaning towards them. As for the name that's simple. When the club was formed there were only caravans available hence the name which they have sensibly chosen to retain.


We also notice that many of the wardens now have motorhomes. It depends on the location but normally there is about a 50/50 split between canarans and motorhomes with more caravans over the weekends and school holidays.


May be this will serve as a lesson on how to disagree with some one without getting personal you plonker!

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For what's it worth one of my sons is an actuary and one of of his clients is the CC. Naturally he does not talk about his clients but he has told me that the way the club finances are run is better than almost all his other clients many of whom are large companies with household names. Responsibly was how he described the way they were run.
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Colin Leake - 2014-02-27 6:58 PM

Sorry Tracker more often than not I agree with you but I have to say that we use CC sites extensively (around 120 days a year) and have never experienced any incidence of discrimination against motorhomes and for that matter over the many years we used a caravan never experienced any leaning towards them. As for the name that's simple. When the club was formed there were only caravans available hence the name which they have sensibly chosen to retain.


We also notice that many of the wardens now have motorhomes. It depends on the location but normally there is about a 50/50 split between canarans and motorhomes with more caravans over the weekends and school holidays.


May be this will serve as a lesson on how to disagree with some one without getting personal you plonker!


Thanks Colin - and I'll have you know that I gave up 'plonking' round about the same time I left the CC. Any talk of a link is pure conjecture!


As I have repeatedly said, in particular in the later years I found the club wardens mainly to be sensible reasonable people doing a difficult job and I can understand the popularity of club sites!

I won't bore you with the sordid details of all the discrimination experienced in the 'early' days but suffice to say, being allocated the worst pitch, often also the least level with the worst outlook on a near empty site, our van looked at with scorn and snide comments from one or two camp commandants about it's suitability for purpose, being told a near empty site was fully booked, being those that particularly stick in the mind.

But as I say that was then and things do seem to have improved over the years as more wardens see the light and give up tugging!


Again, as I have often said, for those whose style of camping suits the club style of camp site provision the clubs are good, not cheap, but good dependable and predictable camping and I have never said otherwise.


However the club style of one size fits all suits many, it no longer suits our needs and has not for many years, just as it seems to no longer suit the needs of others amongst us?


I appreciate the tone and content of your response and I do so agree that is how it should be done.

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I do not understand how the subject of the CC can stir so much anti feeling. We have motorhomed for about 25 years. When touring in the UK we almost exclusively use CC sites. They are easy to book (and cancel or change if you need to), kept in a very good condition and I have never found the wardens to be anything other than friendly. If people don't like them great, it makes it easier for me to book but don't try and put others off, let them make up their own mind. We have had 2 experiences of wardens acting on our behalf. A few years ago on the Longleat site when we arrived it was made plain that everything we had had to be on the pitch. A large caravan and commensurate 4x4 turned up next door and by the time he put up his awning etc there was no space left and he parked the car on grass strip between pitches pretty close to where we were until the warden made him move the it to the visitors car park. A couple of years ago at Chirk we took the last hard standing. A caravan who followed us around stopped for some time staring at the pitch as if he expected us to move for him. Eventually he gave up and went on a grass pitch just behind us. Next morning when he went out he drove over our pitch quite close to our door. A warden spotted this and put some bollards behind our pitch. Next day he drove around the bollards and over our pitch. Spotted again he was stopped and the error of his ways pointed out. Next day he hooked up and left. I suspect they might well have been bleeting on a similar caravan site about the CC being biased to motorhomes. So lay off the CC. A lot of people do like them and we will continue to use them.
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Hi seadog

will put my twopenath in, i actually agree with had enough!! (only on some of his points!) i also agree with tracker!! (only on some of his points!!) but i tottally agree with all other points by the pepe, mel, bolero,especially vindaboy! (why does your typo go smaller later on in your post?) maggdyd good post, and its been said earlier by? join both and see what you think!

for what its worth we are in CCC for last 10 yrs never used it really.. but i;m still in work with no family so up lakes wildcamping, but!! i'm keeping it for when fulltiming and will join CC as well for the cls from both when touring UK so i reckon there will be a site within 10miles if desperate so its worth £82 a yr surely?

just as an aside why do tuggers need 240v? aren't they fully 12v? surely they should be equipt like us? or have i missed summat, so if tuggers go up in arms we will need no EHU and price will come down!

and from what i have heard (not actually had it to me) but the CC have a policy of having your nearside edge to the peg so in uk vans you get out to the grass and you cant put your awning out but the caravans can do what they want!! and can't go in front first because you will be facing the neighbour god forbid!

so as before for the sake of £82 join both for a year use them and make up your own mind

yee ha :D that took me ages with 1 finger :D



ps i wrote this without seeing the 2nd page 8-)

love it (lol)

ps tracker 1 of the reasons in favor of caravans is above!

non bias B-)

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silverback - 2014-02-27 10:23

just as an aside why do tuggers need 240v? aren't they fully 12v? surely they should be equipt like us? or have i missed summat, so if tuggers go up in arms we will need no EHU and price will come down!


We used to be tuggers and could survive a week in summer with only one 60a/h battery, caravan electric systems generally used not to be so power hungry as Motorhomes.

I do not like the current trend of CL's & CS's fitting EHU them charging you the same even if you don't use it. Stayed on one CL a couple of years ago could not get within a 100m of the EHU due to soggy ground and still got charged for it. On a slightly different note stayed on Aires in France with free EHU I've not even bothered to plug in I don't need it, I consider my Motorhome to be self sufficient.

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Dear Seadog


A subscription to MMM can save you money on parks, ferries, insurance, tyres, outdoor clothing, gadgets, outdoor shows and much more. Plus, you get Britain's biggest selling motorhome magazine delivered straight to your door every four weeks.


Please take a look at all the benefits available to you when you join MMM:




kind regards


Louise Cox

Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly

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silverback - 2014-02-27 10:23 PM


...and from what i have heard (not actually had it to me) but the CC have a policy of having your nearside edge to the peg so in uk vans you get out to the grass and you cant put your awning out but the caravans can do what they want!! and can't go in front first because you will be facing the neighbour god forbid!




Hi jon...


I know the CC altered something early last year(...or was it the year before?),not exactly sure of the specifics(although I know it resulted in some 'sites losing awning pitches, so presumably to do with "spacings"?)but of the few CC 'sites that we've used since, it seems as though they are taking into consideration offside hab' doors more now and are allowing you to orientate the 'van accordingly ...?(..I got the impression that they were keeping hab' door facing away from each other?..)


We've got(Oops..had! :-S) an offside hab' door and in the past there was one occasion where they had insisted that we needed to reverse on...which would've resulted in us staring straight at and virtually stepping into, the neighbour's awning/dog-corral.. (lol)..We moved elsewhere...


(Of cause, on that occasion, it could've just been down to the staff's "interpretation" of the rules at that time... )

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HWO - 2014-02-27 12:36 PM


Hi Seadog


I don't know if your name indicates that you are a dog owner,but neither club charges for our four legged friends.


Non-club sites can charge up to £3/4 per dog per night in high season.


adds a fair bit to the overnight fee.




We are motorhoming Dog owners ,2 labradors, and also members of the Caravan Club, we like their sites and have never (knowingly) been treated any different from Caravan owners, I like being able to 'Choose my Pitch' rather than having one 'Alloted to me'. and of course the 'no nightly charges for Dogs' is important too. ;-) Ray


We either 'Drive on or Reverse On' however we feel is convenient, there is nothing in the 'Rules' to say otherwise.

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Hi Seadog

Welcome to the Forum.

As you will have probably realised by now, when 'Had Enough' starts posting one of his little tiffs, most of us, particularly those who lurk in the background such as myself, just skip through and don't bother reading. Please do not let them spoil the enjoyment of this fantastic Forum! :-D


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Sorry Tracker, just contacted Safeguard,we have 4ton van,They do include vehicle recovery from anywhere in EU ,if the AA can't do it they call in commercial recoverers, Second point,as my wife no longer drives,AND is not on our policy,in the event of me being taken ill they will recover our van back to our home address, I heard of a sad case recently,husband had illness wife couldn't drive stranded abroad! I believe,but not sure,that it was your CC policy! Check.
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peacock312 - 2014-02-28 4:19 PM


Sorry Tracker, just contacted Safeguard,we have 4ton van,They do include vehicle recovery from anywhere in EU ,if the AA can't do it they call in commercial recoverers, Second point,as my wife no longer drives,AND is not on our policy,in the event of me being taken ill they will recover our van back to our home address, I heard of a sad case recently,husband had illness wife couldn't drive stranded abroad! I believe,but not sure,that it was your CC policy! Check.


I have no problems with being corrected - but this is what I said in my original posting?

I do recall many moons ago both the RAC and AA had 3.5 ton weight limits as well as length limits for recovery but that may well have changed over the years.

However, as you say, it does pay to check before you need it and get it in writing in a format that any recovery driver or agency will understand too, be that a booklet or a printed email from the supplier.


"The one exception being the RAC Arrival recovery scheme via CCC membership which covers large vans the other breakdown firms do not - although that cover is often an inexpensive add on with the van insurance."


Apologies if I was ambiguous?

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