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And who can sort BT this mess out ?


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I've been using BT Yahoo. They have a serious problem.


They blocked all my usage last week so I cannot send or receive Emails.


I complained to BT Head Office. I have telephone many numbers both here and in foreign climes.


No one can sort it ... no one ... it goes around in circles achieving nowt.


Who has the answer ?

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Might it be something to do with this, Will?




Or this? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/27/gchq-nsa-webcam-images-internet-yahoo


I've always distrusted Yahoo and avoided it like the proverbial plague -- I see no reason to change my view!

I can't say that I would return to BT any time soon either -- I'm lucky, I have superfast broadband via cable -- nothing better!




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If you phone 0800 731 9529 and ask for a MAC code to cancel your BT internet it does tend to focus their minds on resolving the problems PDQ - or it did the last time we had problems with the 'service' - and best of all you get to - or used to - speak to a customer focused UK based helpline.

You can also email at www.bt.com/switch but a phone call works quicker.




Hope that helps.


PS We have BT internet but we do not use Yahoo and avoid all Yahoo and BT Internet related sites and email 'services'. Gmail works very well for many of us for emails with Thunderbird and if/when you switch to a proper ISP you can keep your Gmail email addresses which saves a lot of faffing about. Firefox and/or Chrome are good solid browsers so who needs BT or Yahoo?

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Tracker - 2014-02-28 7:15 PM


PS We have BT internet but we do not use Yahoo and avoid all Yahoo and BT Internet related sites and email 'services'. Gmail works very well for many of us for emails with Thunderbird and if/when you switch to a proper ISP you can keep your Gmail email addresses which saves a lot of faffing about. Firefox and/or Chrome are good solid browsers so who needs BT or Yahoo?




I speak as I find and I personally find that users of Gmail and other similar 'free' email addresses tend to be less reliable than users of identifiable, ISP related email addresses. By less reliable, I mean that they tend to be the sort of person who will write, "I will come round straight away and buy your xxxxxxxx" and then never turn up, apologise, or communicate again. They are in the same category as 'Number Withheld' telephone callers that hide behind anonymity and untraceable numbers.


Note that I say, 'tend to be', I am not using a universal brush to tar everyone, but 14 years of running websites has formed my opinion. I shall await comments with baited breath ;-)

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spospe - 2014-02-28 9:23 PM


Tracker - 2014-02-28 7:15 PM


PS We have BT internet but we do not use Yahoo and avoid all Yahoo and BT Internet related sites and email 'services'. Gmail works very well for many of us for emails with Thunderbird and if/when you switch to a proper ISP you can keep your Gmail email addresses which saves a lot of faffing about. Firefox and/or Chrome are good solid browsers so who needs BT or Yahoo?




I speak as I find and I personally find that users of Gmail and other similar 'free' email addresses tend to be less reliable than users of identifiable, ISP related email addresses. By less reliable, I mean that they tend to be the sort of person who will write, "I will come round straight away and buy your xxxxxxxx" and then never turn up, apologise, or communicate again. They are in the same category as 'Number Withheld' telephone callers that hide behind anonymity and untraceable numbers.


Note that I say, 'tend to be', I am not using a universal brush to tar everyone, but 14 years of running websites has formed my opinion. I shall await comments with baited breath ;-)


Cheers Michael - as a bit of a naive technophobe who tends to take things on face value until proven otherwise I had no idea that sort of thing went on - by which I mean time wasters and pillocks who are pretty universal (take this forum for example!) using untraceable emails - and I had no idea that Gmail type email addresses were untraceable?

Not that I am unduly concerned as life is too short to worry about morons, besides which Gmail addresses are so easy to set up I use different ones for different uses and can easily just delete one if it gets abused?

Without getting paranoid, is there anything else we should know about please?


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Thanks for the comments. No its not the changeover and it seems nothing else that can be done by me. The foreign speakers cannot be understood and whatever 'special numbers' they give me all revert to the same system going round and round. I was even given a new temporary password to then use and to change password but even that failed.


Trackers comment is worth a try tomorrow by cancelling all and starting again.


Years ago I used Hotmail so perhaps that's a better bet.

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After years struggling with BT's appalling service we changed to Utility Warehouse after reading favourable reports in Which?


Why did I not change earlier?


After an initial hiccup where UW refused to take over the line until BT cleaned it up (what we had been complaining about for years!) such that we were without a landline for five days - UW's UK based techies had us up and running with a now crystal clear line and far cheaper bills!


They even sent us a complimentary Dongle when they realised that there would be a delay in getting us connected.


So far cannot fault the service of Utility Warehouse - or the cheaper bills!


I have no "interest" in UW - apart from being a satisfied customer having put up with terrible service and performance for years from BT.




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For years used hotmail no problem then a year ago it failed miserably,took ages to load and then wouldn't let me open any messages so after trying for ages i set up gmail which is loads better and quicker,but hotmail works again now,i guess it was when it changed to outlook caused the problems.And there is always skype messaging
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Tracker - 2014-02-28 10:07 PM


Without getting paranoid, is there anything else we should know about please?


Yes there is.


Hotmail, Gmail etc are prime targets for hackers who hijack a genuine account and then use it to distribute their wares to unsuspecting victims (this works because the recipient recognises the originators address and trustingly opens the mail / attachment and then gets more than they wanted).



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Will85 - 2014-02-28 4:49 PM


I've been using BT Yahoo. They have a serious problem.


They blocked all my usage last week so I cannot send or receive Emails.


I complained to BT Head Office. I have telephone many numbers both here and in foreign climes.


No one can sort it ... no one ... it goes around in circles achieving nowt.


Who has the answer ?


You should find this link useful to alter your settings and sort a new password out if necessary.



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