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Cleaning water pipe


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Brian Kirby - 2014-02-28 6:13 PM


Providing it is not too long, put it in a bowl of Milton solution, and agitate as necessary to ensure it fills with no air bubbles. Leave overnight, then rinse. It won't remove all the marks, but it will be sterile.

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When I finish using the fill up hose(s) I drain them out before stowing and that allows them to dry which does not encourage any nasty algal growth.


Nevertheless whenever I remember - like once every five years whether it needs it or not - I fill the hose, allow to soak for an hour or so and rinse out with 'bleachy' water (technical term for a bowl of warm water with a good dollop of bleach in it) followed by a good long flush through with good old Anglia Water's best tapolene.


Been doing that for 40 years with no problems!

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