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Solar Charge regulator


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Just fitted a dual battery charge regulator - works fine.

However can anyone explain or tell me where I can find out what the PWM percentage setting should be set at or what it means (?) . I've left it on the default which is 25%.




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Hi Lance, have a look here,


The setting on my Regulator for PWM is pre set at 25Hz,and can be left at that providing it does not cause interference with things like remote central locking or any other item using Radio emitting signals, if it does you have the opportunity to change it to Either 50Hz or 100 Hz, So if your having no problems leave it on 25Hz, you may have the facility to set which battery is charge at first, Ie, 100% charge to Leisure Battery ,when fully charge it should automatically charge the other battery you have connected to the regulator or you can split it between Batteries by steps of 10% either way. Ie battery 1. 90%  battery 2. 10%.  hope this is clear enough.

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Thanks will take a look.

Yes set battery type and while at home 50-50 for leisure and chassis batteries. Will alter this when in favour of the leisure battery when 'out and about'.



Doh 25hz not 25%, good job you understood.

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