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Auto trail habitation door


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Hi everyone,

Has anyone with an Auto Trail experienced this? You open the hab door from the inside when the door is fully locked and although the door opens the lock has not fully disengaged. You close the door and the door is now fully locked

This is not a problem if you have the keys on you or someone else is inside, but as you can tell by this post we did not.

Just want an idea if we are alone or is there a design fault?

Cheers all do your best


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we had a 2006 Cheyenne which did it often,once in freezing snow we had both been for a shower and the door was still locked. The frightening thing was how quickly I managed to get back in. had it back severel times but never got it cured, just put a reminder sign on the door.
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Yes had it with a new Mohican in 2006 I think. It turned out that the internal had come lose and a little rod which operated the lock had partially slipped out of the catch holding it.


I took the inner skin off the door and fixed it. While I was there I discovered that the dead lock assemblies, I think that's what they are called. Which locked into the frame were also slack, easily tightened.


Yours may be similar if it's around the same year. Either way they are not very complicated internally. The hardest part is getting the skin off, Alan.

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We had the same thing happen on our last Rapido. My understanding on is that this is because the CPU on the Fait bit only has two inputs for the locking system. Thus if you leave when locked by the cab doors it will cancel the central locking but if you leave via the habitation door it will leave the central locking engaged and you will not be able to get back in. Naturally for safety reasons you can always get out of any door even when the central locking is engaged. I suggest to avoid this happening you have a Prince Albert ring fitted and keep your keys clipped to that!
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Seriously forget the Prince Albert ring suggestion that's a bit extreme. What we have done is to stick a small plastic hook on the panel near the door and hang a set of keys on it at night so that you will see them when you go out, or keep a set in the pocket of whatever you are likely to be wearing when you do go out.


When it happened to us I had taken the dog for her early morning walk and returned to find the wife pacing about outside in her dressing gown. Some sixth sense told me I was in trouble!

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