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Tobacco prices on ferries!


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trickydicky - 2014-03-06 8:47 PM


Hi, can anyone enlighten me to the price of golden virginia rolling tobacco on the ferries please compared to the retail shop prices.



Very expensive!!


Better off stocking up at Adinkerke just over the border in Belgium (prices are cheaper than France). You will know you are at the right spot by all the 'brit' registered vehicles parked up.. It not far from Calais or Dunkerque ferry ports either.



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Retread24800 - 2014-03-06 11:30 PM


10.20€ per packet in France.



Yes France has always been more expensive than Belgium for 'baccy' plus their packs of rolling are 40g. Packs bought in Belgium are 50g.


Last September i paid €6.40 per 50g pk of GV.


For the OP here is a useful link;




Price increase of just 20 cents.



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The ferry prices seemed to double overnight (as did France in general I think) about ten years ago. I used to occasionally work down that way and would go for a night out on the ferry to France and back as a foot passenger for about a fiver and stock up. Not worth it now.


The only option is Spain but then you have to run the gauntlet of the French customs as France seems to make up its own laws about how much you can bring through their country.

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Thanks for the replies! Forgot to mention we would be returning from spain so it's got to be one of the ferries, Calais to Dover. It's for my son and he doesn't really want it from spain.......says it 's not the real thing ! ! And it's only 87e here for 500 gram pack of 10
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Barryd999 - 2014-03-07 9:43 AM


The ferry prices seemed to double overnight (as did France in general I think) about ten years ago. I used to occasionally work down that way and would go for a night out on the ferry to France and back as a foot passenger for about a fiver and stock up. Not worth it now.


The only option is Spain but then you have to run the gauntlet of the French customs as France seems to make up its own laws about how much you can bring through their country.



Prices have climbed rapidly due to the UK Government pressuring France and Belgium to bring their tobacco prices into line with ours. Many folk used to do what you did as a foot passenger but the Fun Police and anti-smoke Fascists put a stop to that.


Brit registered vehicles are easy pickings for the French Customs as they know the chances are they will have 'baccy' on board.....even if they don't smoke. They patrol the main routes just out of Calais.




trickydicky - 2014-03-07 1:35 PM


Thanks for the replies! Forgot to mention we would be returning from spain so it's got to be one of the ferries, Calais to Dover. It's for my son and he doesn't really want it from spain.......says it 's not the real thing ! ! And it's only 87e here for 500 gram pack of 10



Obviously keen to pay the maximum.


I'd be tempted to tell him the Ferry was out of stock so you went to Morrisons in Dover. :D

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last year as we came off the motorway at adinkerke, there was a French custom vehicle waiting on the other side on the on ramp waiting to follow vehicles coming back on and heading for French ports.
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kelly58 - 2014-03-08 11:28 AM


In Switzerland 10 x 50gm £46.00 that's £4.60 a 50gm pouch lots of profit to be had.



And then people think of Switzerland as being an expensive country. Also the much higher level of income Swiss earn in comparison to their UK counterpart and it soon becomes clear why they enjoy a very high standard of living.


Luxembourg is cheap for 'baccy' but i found the prices vary so you do have to 'shop around'.


Best prices i've paid have been in Serbia and Bulgaria......but not rolling baccy as you will struggle to find any as everyone smokes pack cigarettes which suits me fine.


In Serbia last year i was paying £1.70 a pack of 20 Marlboro 100's....almost seven quid a pack cheaper than UK!




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trickydicky - 2014-03-09 6:48 PM


Does anyone know if the tobacco you buy in the " eurotobac" shops in benidorm is the real thing ! ! It certainly doesn't taste the same.



It's 'the real thing'.......just a lot cheaper than what you will pay on the Ferries or mainland UK.

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