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Tesco...........Sainsbury.......... etc..............

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Oh dear...... the big 4 are getting a wake up call:-S........


I'm not surprised, we have a friend who works for Sainsbury, so get a staff discount..............they still shop at Aldi because its cheaper 8-)............



Aldi other half live eh?...........looks like a Lidel of what you fancy................does your pocket good :D........

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We are currently staying in the sticks as they say so dont have a huge choice of shops but nearest town has a tescos and morrisons,we think morrisons quality for meat veg etc is better,there is a massive aldi in lowestoft but only been there once cos its a nightmare to drive round lowestoft they always seem to be digging it up lol.To be fair we usually shop at which has the cheapest beer *-)
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Certainly these two German discount stores are upsetting the high street apple cart. Have to say the quality of most of the stuff we have bought from Lidl's has been good. The "Mirebel" (?) jams in particular are excellent. Veg is good and fresh - it keeps well - unlike Tescos stuff that starts to turn the day you buy it! and the German Christmas biscuits etc bought for the last couple of years have been a delight.


Our problem is living some distance from one of these discount stores - if we didn't we would use them far more than we do.




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We never buy meat from tescos the quality is dire got some pork chops once and they were off that evening and it was too far to take them back,so we had the gammon steaks we had also bought,i think the had done a deal with doc martins boots they were so chewy,never again also why are supermarket sausages so crap have given up and now always go to the butchers in town for them,they do a lovely sausage and burgers that taste like meat lol
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We shop at aldi as its nearer than tesco and lot nearer than morrisons and a lot cheaper than morrisons (more-reasons to shop at aldi)


Today we went to have the towbar checked out & popped into a tesco extra, we thought we would buy a birthday present for my daughter, as she likes gardening & has a large garden I decided to buy her something for the garden.


Rhododendrons were £10 each but all one colour so we thought we would go to a garden centre, we went into aldi on the way to buy something for tea & some coffee for myself ;-)


The same size Rhododendrons & mixed coloured were £5.99



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capcloser - 2014-03-18 8:07 PM


We never buy meat from tescos the quality is dire got some pork chops once and they were off that evening and it was too far to take them back,so we had the gammon steaks we had also bought,i think the had done a deal with doc martins boots they were so chewy,never again also why are supermarket sausages so crap have given up and now always go to the butchers in town for them,they do a lovely sausage and burgers that taste like meat lol


That's what we do and I might add that our butchers meat is no more expensive than supermarket meat. When we go away in the motorhome we always set out with the freezer crammed full of meat and then try to find a good butcher when it runs out.


Tried some meat from Iceland once. Looked tempting but shrunk to next to nothing when cooked and tasted like it was made from recycled cardboard! Mind you Special K tastes like that as well!

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With most cereals, if it was not for the fact that they added vitamins to the product, we would all be better off eating the packet.


And do you not find that the size of chicken breasts from a proper butchers are far larger than from the likes of the big four supermarkets? and do not shrink away to nothing when cooked?


The meat from our local butchers is so much better than from any supermarket.




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If any of you ever visit a town called Beccles in Suffolk go to Seppings butchers,meat,burgers sausage all fantastic and not expensive,a proper old fashioned butchers,no I'm not related it just is really good and puts supermarket meat to shame *-)
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Guest Peter James

But Aldi & Lidl has been around a long time.

And the big 4 supermarkets have been playing the same tricks for a long time.

All the complaints I have heard against them could have been made years ago when they were booming.

So why the recent big shift away from them to Aldi, Lidl & Waitrose?

As far as I can see its the widening gap between rich and poor, because I can't see anything else that has changed.

Rich customers going to Waitrose, poor customers going to Aldi & Lidl.

Of course there are some exceptions. Not everyone going to Aldi & Lidl is poor! Not everyone going to Waitrose is rich. I am talking about Waitrose, Aldi & Lidls relatively sudden and large increase in sales.

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I agree Peter - something is changing in peoples perception of value to my mind.


IMO Waitrose offers good value and I believe many people feel as I do about how that firm runs its business. Also - when we compare a Waitrose "shop" to a Tesco's "shop" (here by "shop" I mean a shopping trolly of goods - not the building :-S ) we find the quality far higher from Waitrose but the cost not a lot more.


With Lidl's (we do not have an Aldi near us) we ind the "shop" considerably cheaper and some goods tho "different" (i.e. brand names are German in the main) are just as good. The frustrating thing is that they do not always have what they had in previous weeks and so you end up having to shop elsewhere to get some items on your shopping list.


But overall - I think people are going for value and quality and they are finding it away from the traditional big name Supermarkets.



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Guest pelmetman

We rarely used Aldi until this trip to Spain, but found many of the products to be as good if not better than our usual brand of choice............we have also been converted to their UHT milk.................which will be a bonus living in the sticks :D................as we can now buy it in bulk ;-)............


We rarely use Tesco now Esso give the clubcard points on their fuel B-)...........

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We have a Waitrose 4 mile round trip, Tesco 10 mile round trip Sainsbury 12 miles, Costco & Lidl 26 miles.

So we tend to buy in bulk from Costco, Lidl, & Sainsbury when we are passing, Sainsbury when buying fuel, otherwise Waitrose. The additional cost of fuel is more pertinent than the individual prices.


Costco & Lidl quality is good, Waitrose excellent & Sainsbury acceptable.


We fell out with Tesco several years ago when they tried to bully us & by preference I won't shop there at all, but use their credit card for all purchases to get the Eurotunnel vouchers (& nectar points). (I pay off each month, so there is absolutely no benefit to Tesco.)


I used to inspect Tesco stores in the 70's when they were "pile it in stack it high" merchants & they were staffed by wide boys. They were bullies then and I consider they have been reverting to the same outlook now.





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Peter James
laimeduck - 2014-03-20 8:40 AM


We fell out with Tesco several years ago when they tried to bully us & by preference I won't shop there at all, but use their credit card for all purchases to get the Eurotunnel vouchers (& nectar points). (I pay off each month, so there is absolutely no benefit to Tesco.)


I used to inspect Tesco stores in the 70's when they were "pile it in stack it high" merchants & they were staffed by wide boys. They were bullies then and I consider they have been reverting to the same outlook now.


You leave me trying to guess what form of 'bullying' you mean as you don't say.

But in any case if that was years ago it doesn't explain why their sales are falling now.

I have heard farmers accuse the big supermarkets of 'bullying' them to reduce their prices.

But since agricultural land prices have quadrupled in the last 6 years I wouldn't let them tell me there is no money in farming!!!

The reality, of course, is that farmers are basically two types;

Tenant (poor) farmers have always struggled, because as soon as they start making money their landlords (rich farmers) put the rent up.

So if supermarkets paid more for our food, it would just be another transfer of wealth from the consumer, to wealthy landlords.

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Guest peter
Sounds about right Peter. Nothing changes does it?, we still have the Serfs and Nobles. I can't stand farmers, they are always pleading poverty whilst trousering wads of our cash via the EU subsidies. They seem to have a pathological aversion to paying for anything, Whilst nipping off to do their shopping in a Land Rover filled with cheap red diesel.
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Peter James - 2014-04-04 8:55 PM


laimeduck - 2014-03-20 8:40 AM


We fell out with Tesco several years ago when they tried to bully us & by preference I won't shop there at all, but use their credit card for all purchases to get the Eurotunnel vouchers (& nectar points). (I pay off each month, so there is absolutely no benefit to Tesco.)


I used to inspect Tesco stores in the 70's when they were "pile it in stack it high" merchants & they were staffed by wide boys. They were bullies then and I consider they have been reverting to the same outlook now.


You leave me trying to guess what form of 'bullying' you mean as you don't say.


My daughter brought a disposable underwater camera from our local big Tesco store (4 miles away) to take on a special school trip to South Africa as a youth ambassador. The camera was was pre-paid processing & take it back to the store where it had been purchased. When she returned, we took the camera back to the store for processing and they refused, saying it had to be taken to an Extra Store. The nearest Extra store is 40 mile round trip. After many communications with no movement, I complained to the Chief Exec. Within 24 hrs they had collected the camera, said it would be processed & returned. We never saw it or any pictures again. No apology at all despite several letters. A very distraught 16 year old and a father who will never willingly shop at Tesco again.


Enough said I think?



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  • 2 weeks later...



There is a trend to crop the outer leaves of cabbages to maintain a given number that fit in a box for transport. And cheapness !


The outer leaves are the better vitamin supplier having absorbed elements from the atmosphere and developed as they should.


Therefore they contain less protein and are sub standard.

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Guest Peter James
Will85 - 2014-04-13 4:42 PM




There is a trend to crop the outer leaves of cabbages to maintain a given number that fit in a box for transport. And cheapness !


The outer leaves are the better vitamin supplier having absorbed elements from the atmosphere and developed as they should.


Therefore they contain less protein and are sub standard.


So buy a loose leaf cabbage like Spring Greens - they are much better because the sun gets to the leaves and turns them green, and the green thats best for you. But it costs a bit more, and takes a bit longer to prepare, and not everyone wants that.

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Be careful if you are on certain medications because that extra Vitamin content of Green Veg can play havoc with things like blood thinners if you are on them for heart problems.









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Guest pelmetman
Will85 - 2014-04-13 9:13 PM


There's another knowledgeable gardener


When it comes to cabbages ;-)....................Peter knows his onions :D.............

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Guest pelmetman

I see Tesco has announced lower profits................But are going to "spend more" to REDUCE prices :-S......................how does that work then?? 8-)..........


Or is that supermarket speak for screwing the suppliers *-)..................

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Peter James

Is it a coincidence that the ones which get the most criticsm - Tesco Sainsburys Morrisons - are the three public companies so are obliged to make information available, making them the easiest to dig the dirt on.?

Wheras finding out anything about Waitrose is more difficult, Wal Mart (Asda) much more difficult, and Albrecht (Aldi) the most secretive of the lot *-)

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Well The John Lewis Partnership is a bit different in its set up but info is available -




As for Asda - yes as part of Walmart it is American owned and Aldi is German.


I do not see either of the above as being especially secretive. I do see Aldi doing to Tesco's what Ryanair did to British Airways.



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