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around uk

old grey mare

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If you find out let me know :-D the only way is to either wild camp ! we have never done it or join one of the clubs C.C/ CCC / that way you can use their network of small 5 van sites or the Brit stops ! they will work out cheaper than staying on Camping sites! we have never wild camped others might be able to fill you in with that information.


We go over to France/Germany for our six week break staying on a mix of Aires Stalplatz and small campsites. Good luck ! I know what you mean about waving we have a PVC only a couple of MHs have waved since we downsized ;-) doesn't bother me. :-D

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If keeping costs down, I'd want as many pitching/overnighting options under my belt as possible.


I'd be looking to use the likes Britstops, Pub stopovers, "Club" CLs & CSs etc..

(As well as researching some likely "mild-camping" spots, when in more remote areas...)


Even just chatting with locals in pubs/Cafes/shops, may shed some light on some "unlisted" possibilities..


If you haven't already got it, I'd reckon some form of internet-on-the-move capability would be invaluable..


It sounds fun.... ;-)


Sorry Maggs..I crossed your post

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old grey mare - 2014-03-22 4:08 PM


:-D Hi there,


We are now thinking, that in our tiny camper van ( no waves there then!) we will drive around the UK coast next May, with 1/2 dogs. Any tips chaps to make it as cheap as possible? (lol)


You say "tiny camper", do you need toilet/washing facilities? If so then I don't think CL/CC from the two clubs will be of much use to you, also you may need to check if they allow 2 or even 1 dog . As stated cheaper (once you have [paid the ferry cost to go to France, and use aires


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Guest pelmetman
I'd like to know how many 1/2 dogs your taking? 8-)................but if you want to keep it cheap I'd leave the front bit at home...........as that's the expensive end ;-)..............
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PJay - 2014-03-22 5:52 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-22 5:45 PM


Hmmm...You wouldn't happen to live on the mid-Wales coast by any chance "Eddy"?.. ;-)



14 postings in 4 days ?????


Well, it all seems very familiar .. ;-)


"Eddy" appeared to join, to respond to Eddie(judgemental) comments on the IH thread(his "draughty" rear doors comment sounded very familiar...)

"Eddy" has also just swapped his long mirrors...something a certain someone was looking into...


Welcome back 1foot'

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Eddy - 2014-03-22 6:16 PM


1 Foot ????????????? am I missing something.


I may of cause, be mistaken...and if I am, you have my apologies...(lol)


But elements of your posting "style" and the topics on which you have posted, look remarkably familiar...


As I've said, your joining at a time to respond on the IH thread(a thread on which "Eddie", had taken his customary pop at IHs (lol) )...and your response with the reference to "draughty" doors comment..


Also your posting about swapping for shorter mirrors(...something 1foot' was looking to do..)..

Along with left hook making sense as you "rarely do the UK"


...and now this, "Why the UK?"...with the very familiar, CL/CS "boggy field" comment....


All very familiar 1footinthegrave "terms" ;-)


Such a short time..and yet so many coincidences?...

..possibly...... :-D

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Our cs aint boggy well not if you stay on the road and the hard standings also re the comment about high cost of cl cs there are many incl us that charge less than a tenner a night. Also re comment about why uk, well there are some magnificent places in the uk thats why.

just saying.

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This year we thought we might give France a miss and see more of the UK , but we do not like the narrow lanes of Devon ,Cornwall , Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District mirrors are too expensive , done Scotland and Wales and the I.O.W . Traffic congestion in the UK and parking restrictions are a pain in the proverbial , so we have two options , stay at home or buy another Eurotunnel frequent travellers account . Looks like France has won again .
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It brings to mind these natural history and nature-based type TV programmes(Coast, Countryfile,that Bradbury woman walking over some or other moor etc)..it all looks wonderful and breath taking when shot from a low flying aircraft...But for us mere mortals, it does lose some of it's majesty when having to trundle through it, whilst staring at the rear end of some Tesco delivery van! (lol)


I suppose the clue is, if it was too easy to get to,(no narrow lanes, no overhanging hedges, plenty of parking for large MHs etc),then ever bu**er would be there anyway...and we'd just complain how it was too busy..(lol)


I gather the OP has a smaller van?...so should be able explore places that are not easily accessed with CB MHs...?

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ips - 2014-03-22 7:34 PM


Our cs aint boggy well not if you stay on the road and the hard standings also re the comment about high cost of cl cs there are many incl us that charge less than a tenner a night. .


Yes stayed with you once before and will definitely do so again. Great CS at circa £7 from memory .... but maybe I shouldn't broadcast the fact as it will get too popular???? :'(


Arthur :-D

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Typically when someone posts about Motorhoming around or in the UK the 'anti' brigade jumps right in.  The Op said they wanted to drive around the UK coast.  Pray tell how they are supposed to do that from France? 


I would say go for it.  The UK is a lovely country.  The coastline is beautiful and with proper advance planning I don't see a problem especially with a 'tiny' camper van.


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arthur49 - 2014-03-23 12:00 PM


ips - 2014-03-22 7:34 PM


Our cs aint boggy well not if you stay on the road and the hard standings also re the comment about high cost of cl cs there are many incl us that charge less than a tenner a night. .


Yes stayed with you once before and will definitely do so again. Great CS at circa £7 from memory .... but maybe I shouldn't broadcast the fact as it will get too popular???? :'(


Arthur :-D


Arthur, I remember you staying recognised the address, glad you enjoyed your stay extra hardstanding now in at the side of apple tree.

ps- Thank you for kind comments.]

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Find someone with a Camping and caravan club monthly mag and have a look at the rally's and Temp. caravan sites. You may decide it worth joining. It is possible to travel the country using one or the other at a reasonable cost. Support this with membership of the Motor caravanners Club (MCC) who have regional rallies most weekends. Do your research and use whatever fits your requirements. From my point of view you can go right round this country via these two clubs but do not take my word for it, look at the websites for both. The site info is available to the public so you can make your mind up then join or otherwise as you feel appropriate to your requirements. Best of luck.


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pepe63 - 2014-03-22 7:21 PM


Eddy - 2014-03-22 6:16 PM


1 Foot ????????????? am I missing something.


I may of cause, be mistaken...and if I am, you have my apologies...(lol)


But elements of your posting "style" and the topics on which you have posted, look remarkably familiar...


As I've said, your joining at a time to respond on the IH thread(a thread on which "Eddie", had taken his customary pop at IHs (lol) )...and your response with the reference to "draughty" doors comment..


Also your posting about swapping for shorter mirrors(...something 1foot' was looking to do..)..

Along with left hook making sense as you "rarely do the UK"


...and now this, "Why the UK?"...with the very familiar, CL/CS "boggy field" comment....


All very familiar 1footinthegrave "terms" ;-)


Such a short time..and yet so many coincidences?...

..possibly...... :-D



hello,hello, Hercule Poirot isn't dead after all ! or is he ? (say all of the above with a slight Belgian accent, and you'll 'get it'. )



We travel with 4 x 1/2 Labradors ( 2 whole ones actually). and sometimes find even a 7.6 metre van isn't 'Quite' big enough, although they try very hard to make themselves 'Fit in'.

The smallest we have been is a 1988 Autosleeper Talisman, and with 1 Labrador, ok for shorter trips and stays, but extended travel could be a 'cabin fever' experience,If the weather is unkind. Ray

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Eddy - 2014-03-23 10:22 AM


To see the disgusting state of so many places in the UK makes me furious, I'm not sure where you are in Shropshire, but it seems that particular authority has simply given up on littering,or the collection of it, the copious amount of which is truly shocking. Like you say, fly over at low level and it's still that green and pleasant land, look closer and we are drowning under a sea of crap, and no one seems to care. Why are we so lacking in civic pride I wonder.


Councils are strapped for cash, so are giving up on things they consider are not essential (who decides ??) whilst the prevelant attitude seems to be 'it isn't MY job to pick up rubbish' . Children are not being taught by their parents (who themselves were never taught) NOT to drop litter, because they all believe somehow 'by magic, someone else' will pick it up. Result = Crap everywhere, even at beauty spots, which some visitors trash for those who come after them. A national malaise. I fear. Ray

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Guest JudgeMental
PJay - 2014-03-22 5:52 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-22 5:45 PM


Hmmm...You wouldn't happen to live on the mid-Wales coast by any chance "Eddy"?.. ;-)



14 postings in 4 days ?????


What? You think its 1 foot again? :-D


A bit sad to be honest if it is.....

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 12:08 PM


PJay - 2014-03-22 5:52 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-22 5:45 PM


Hmmm...You wouldn't happen to live on the mid-Wales coast by any chance "Eddy"?.. ;-)



14 postings in 4 days ?????


What? You think its 1 foot again? :-D


A bit sad to be honest if it is.....



Just mention dogs......................... see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest JudgeMental
mildi - 2014-03-24 12:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 12:08 PM


PJay - 2014-03-22 5:52 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-22 5:45 PM


Hmmm...You wouldn't happen to live on the mid-Wales coast by any chance "Eddy"?.. ;-)



14 postings in 4 days ?????


What? You think its 1 foot again? :-D


A bit sad to be honest if it is.....


Just mention dogs......................... see what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ha ha ha....How about Mels dogs? :D

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 12:34 PM


mildi - 2014-03-24 12:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 12:08 PM


PJay - 2014-03-22 5:52 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-22 5:45 PM


Hmmm...You wouldn't happen to live on the mid-Wales coast by any chance "Eddy"?.. ;-)



14 postings in 4 days ?????


What? You think its 1 foot again? :-D


A bit sad to be honest if it is.....


Just mention dogs......................... see what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ha ha ha....How about Mels dogs? :D


Not seen a picture of Mel's dog but will try and post one of mine


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pepe63 - 2014-03-24 12:19 PM


As I say,I could very well be mistaken...and I apologise to "Eddy" if I am....



..However..?..... ;-)




Ray..I've just found this!..what do you reckon? (lol)




Ah Ha ! the plot ,she thickens, do you not see the company selling the aforsaid waxed moustache !

None other than 'Steptoe' 1foots alter ego, and avatar. 8-) Ray

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