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France beats UKIP in the rush to the right........

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman



France's Socialist PM and entire government quit following electoral meltdown as Hollande set to hand top job to interior minister Manuel Valls


Jean-Marc Ayrault admits blame for massive swing to the right

He handed his resignation letter to the unpopular President Hollande

Anti-immigration minister Manuel Valls will replace Ayrault



PUBLISHED: 18:55, 31 March 2014 | UPDATED: 19:16, 31 March 2014


Out: Jean-Marc Ayrault admitted that a vast swing to the right, including the extremist National Front, was down to him and handed his resignation to French president Francois Hollande


France's Socialist Prime Minister resigned along with his entire government today following a local elections meltdown


Jean-Marc Ayrault admitted that a vast swing to the right, including the extremist National Front, was down to him.


‘There is no getting away from it – this vote is a defeat for the government,’ said Mr Ayrault. ‘I take my part of the blame.’

He handed his resignation to President Francois Hollande, whose two years in power have seen him become the most unpopular head of state in recent French history.


All 38 of Mr Ayrault’s ministerial colleagues also quit ahead of a government reshuffle.

Mr Hollande is set to replace Mr Ayrault with Manuel Valls, the tough-talking Interior Minister who is fiercely anti-immigration.


Mr Valls, who was born in Spain, caused outrage in his own party last year when he said Roma gypsies ‘did not want to integrate’ and should be deported.

Socialist mismanagement was blamed for more than 150 town halls swinging to opposition parties in the weekend’s local elections.


The far-right National Front (FN) enjoyed unprecedented success – taking control of 11 key constituencies, and up to 1200 municipal seats.

Most of its gains were in areas of high unemployment and immigration, especially in the south of France and the depressed north.



Riot police called in as violent clashes break out across France after far-right National Front win dramatic gains in local elections


‘No one can seriously deny this has been a huge victory for us,’ said FN leader Marine Le Pen, who believes they will do even better in upcoming European elections.


After disturbances broke out in towns where FN members were elected, Socialist MP Jean-Christophe Cambadelis said: ‘It’s been a black Sunday’.


The conservative UMP opposition also did well, winning towns which have been in Socialist hands for up to a century.


France's far right National Front leader Marine Le Pen. Her party enjoyed unprecedented success - taking control of 11 key constituencies, and up to 1200 municipal seats

Jean-Francois Cope, the party’s leader, said: ‘It’s a blue wave – the first major victory for the UMP in a local election.’


Appealing for calm, Mr Hollande prepared to address the nation on a live TV broadcast on Monday night.

The only good news for the Socialists on Sunday night was the election of their candidate, Anne Hidalgo, was the first female mayor of Paris.


Today she said she was ‘aware of the challenge’ as she pledged to try and turn the French capital into a truly global city to rival London.



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2593556/Frances-Socialist-PM-entire-government-quit-following-electoral-meltdown-Hollande-set-hand-job-interior-minister-Manuel-Valls.html#ixzz2xZPKcsZb

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But at least they've got a female Red Ken (lol)........Funny how the BBC is so quiet about it *-)......

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It is a shame that such extreme views at the opposite end of the spectrum become attractive when the extreme views of the "Euro-Land at any cost" muppets push their unwelcome dogma.


It is the extreme notions of those that undermined the democracy of Italy and Greece, forced unemployment in the southern states of Europe to unbelievably high levels and caused incredible suffering for the peoples of those countries, that have brought us to this position.


And yes Dave!


How strange that the BBC is all but ignoring this!


Or perhaps - given the muppetry of the BBC - it is not strange at all....................








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Guest pelmetman

Its not just us fick blokes in the UK who are unimpressed with the United States of Europe then :D.........


This May's elections should be interesting B-)........

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As you know from my previous posts - I am no great fan of Farage - but I would bet that Farage is happy tonight after his result in his debate with Clegg and the result of these elections in France.


There is some coverage via the BBC which I missed earlier it seems -




but at the time of posting it says this story was published 20 hours ago - but I saw nothing of it circa 10 hours ago! :-S


But at least there is the admission that the same is likely to happen in the May European elections.


The BBC also "sort of" indicates that voters seem to be rebelling against the two party ping pong / back and forth that has dominated politics for so long. The change - as I understand it - started in Denmark where a truly Independent loose coalition of MP's got themselves elected so that they hold the balance of power.


We could see the same movement away from the two dominant party politics in the May EU elections.


And we have the Coalition Government now because neither the Conservative OR Labour got a majority in our last elections.


The current party leaders must be looking at what is happening with a considerable degree of concern.





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Guest pelmetman

"France's governing Socialists have suffered big losses in municipal elections, with the opposition UMP claiming victory and the far right celebrating further gains.".......


They don't like it Ump'em Captain Mainwaring :D.............

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