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Tols on German Autobahns.


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I have seen reference on other sites to the introduction, this year, of tolls on German autobahns. So far I have been unable to find a website that categorically confirms or denies this. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of the situation please?

Cattwg :-D

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This question has been asked before in relation to the existing HGV toll on the Autobahn. This does not apply to motorhomes, even those above 3.5t.


However, I suspect you are referring to the debate that is going on following conditions set out by Angela Merkel's coalition partners, before agreeing to form a government.


There was a proposal to apply a tax for all "PKW" (car - but would also mean motorhome) use on Autobahns by foreign vehicles. This was under scrutiny by the EU, but last I heard the German authorities though they could find way round it (even if it meant reducing taxes for residents).


The conjecture was that this would be in the region of €100 for an annual vignette solution.


AFAIK, there is no proposal as yet finalised (though I suspect the idea now "has legs" and it will make visiting or traversing Germany much less attractive).

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Robinhood - 2014-04-07 5:37 PM

However, I suspect you are referring to the debate that is going on following conditions set out by Angela Merkel's coalition partners, before agreeing to form a government.

Thank you for the replies to my post. Yes, you are right, it's the Angela Merkel debate that I am referring to. As far as I can tell no universal toll has yet been introduced.

Cattwg :-D

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