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We are getting a new motorhome shortly and it is plated at 3850 although it is only 7m long. We are going to Venice in May, can anyone recommend whether it is better and cheaper to go Austria or Switzerland or should we stick to France? Or do we not tell them it is over 3500?


Any help is appreciated

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It is quite possible to cross Austria into Italy without using the motorways, thereby not needing a vignette (or Go Box if above 3.5t). A couple of routes are regularly shared on here, and a search should pull them up. (or someone will be along shortly to point you at them).


If you were planning on substantial motorway use, then it is quite possible that Switzerland would prove more cost-effective. Whilst a vehicle over 3.5t needs (chargeable) paperwork to use any road in Switzerland (under 3.5t you would only pay for motorway use) for a traverse out and back you would only have to buy a minimum number of days, and this could be cheaper than the (under 3.5t) vignette. Possibly in the order of 25 Sfr (and much cheaper than long-distance motorway use in Austria with a Go Box).


Frankly, I would research the crossing of Austria without the motorway, and go that way. I wouldn't recommend trying to "sneak through under the radar" as the Austrian Motorway police are pretty strict.



Edit to add.


For one transit route through Austria (there are others) see Brian Kirby's post in the following thread.



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laimeduck - 2014-04-08 12:19 AM


The cost of a vignette to use Switzerland's motorways for a 3850 Kg motorhome.


For a 3850Kg motorhome the cost of the vignette was £16.79 in 2012 for a 7 day pass. That is 7 days in a row, you cannot split them.


Other routes on this thread :- http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/Routes-into-Italy/34036/


....though, of course,Jeremy, technically it isn't a vignette (since you don't display anything on the windscreen, simply hold the purchased paperwork, and it isn't only for Motorway use, it is for any road use in Switzerland.


My understanding is also that the 7 days purchase is the minimum, and that you can add days pro-rata (possibly subject to a maximum), so it needs a bit of maths to decide whether you buy the minimum on both out and return, or buy an extended period of more than 7 days to cover the outward and return journeys.

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I have travelled through Austria (non-motorway) several times and th best route is via the B180/SS40 Resia pass, which is an easy climb. There is a lovely campsite just into Italy at Malles Venosta near the railway station which I can heartily recommend. Terraced, good facilities, impeccably clean and fabulous views. I think we entered Austria from Germany on the A7.


We came back via the Autostrada and Brenner Pass last time and didn't enjoy it due to expected snow on the top. Tolls and GoBox of course. I will revert to the Reisa Pass, which is free, next time. A much better touring route.


We used a GoBox on a trip to Berchesgartenland when we overshot the Autobahn exit and ended up having to enter Austria on the motorway one year - had a heck of a problem finding somewhere to return it and get some money back on our return journey. Eventually did so back in Germany at the Autobahn services. Easier to avoid Austrian motorways altogether if you are over 3.5 tons!


There is also a very scenic non-motorway journey across Austria which if I remember correctly is the B186. This is a toll road but you don't need a motorway GoBox. Supposed to be very scenic but expensive at about 30€ or so? We crossed in poor weather and couldn't see a thing!


Camping Fusina, on the west side of the Lagoon, is not cheap but the obvious choice for Venice and we've stayed there three times. Don't let the approach to Fusina through an industrial area with lots of hookers touting for custom at the roadside put you off!


Not a bad site, especially if you can get on a waterside pitch looking across to Venice at night, but make sure you have some really big citronella candles to scare off the bugs! (Put them on the ground near your ankles rather than on the table.) A young clientele and a bit hippy/flower power in a nice way. WiFi was reasonable but you had to go to the gate to get reception. You can get a three day boat pass to Venice from Reception, the departure pontoon is just outside the campsite. Cost about 25€ per person as I recall. There is a small shop on site and an eatery but no town near Fusina so do your supermarket shopping before you get there.


Venice is of course definitely worth the trip but even in September it was extremely hot last time. We'd done the culture bits before so we spent a lot of time sitting on church steps sipping water in the shade just watching the world go by on the Grand Canal.

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For an alternative camp site near Venice, try Camping Serenissima at Oriago on the Brenta canal, near Malcontenta. GPS N45.45234 E12.18333. Out of season no need to book. Bus from/to Venice just outside the site (Padua in opposite direction) takes about 20 mins to/from Piazzale Roma, and tickets sold at reception. Runs to near midnight if you fancy Venice after dark (magic! :-)) Vaporettos are now quite expensive and not good value, but if you want the islands.......... But, Venice is a great place to just wander round. Maps of Veince also sold at site reception. There is a small but useful shop on site, also a restaurant which we've never tried. Good, well maintained facilities. English spoken, family owned and run site. Quiet at night. MH drain/fill point.


Good Panorama supermarket with ample parking at Marghera, about 5 miles. GPS N45.46748 E12.21233.

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