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The cost of running old Transit vans..........

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Just had the starter motor and alternator replaced with recon parts.....................£150 fitted.........seems reasonable to me ;-).............



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Guest JudgeMental

recon?....... or simply removed from van on a tip and cleaned with petrol...


Are these to be added to the trailer load of junk parts you have to carry as spares? :D

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I have a garage that has Land Rover spares that I have re-conditioned and labelled. Saves me a fortune.


I even let mates have a few "spare" spares. :-D


If you know your vehicle - and I mean REALLY know your vehicle - not just where your stick a key and where the fuel and water goes - then owning a vehicle becomes something altogether different.


I feel somehow "sorry" for those who see vehicles as little "emotionally" (too strong a word but the best I can think of for now) more than the equivalent of a toaster.


But then I am a LR nut and enjoy Classic Car shows.


I am never happier than wondering round the Sodbury Sortout - now at the wonderful Beaulieu motor museum - tho I preferred it when it was at Newbury.






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My old Land rover (1955) would be long gone if it were not for rebuilt parts.


Older vehicles have less complicated bits and pieces and they can often be repaired for little money.


A starter motor usually needs a set of brushes, maybe a bearing or two and sometimes a fettle of the working parts and all is good for another 50,000 miles. Alternators sometimes only need a diode pack and voltage regulator. Many other parts are repairable so why not exchange them and save the planet a bit?


£150 is not bad, although I reckon I could do it for about £60, but then my labour is free. Don't message me, I only do my own :-D



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Guest JudgeMental
hallii - 2014-04-10 11:00 AM




£150 is not bad, although I reckon I could do it for about £60, but then my labour is free. Don't message me, I only do my own :-D




Oh my...you have really asked for it! will be hounded to the grave :-D

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Hey, I'm with Dave on this one.

While I'm glad of the reliability of my modern Trannie, I still think it's a pity we can't fix 'em the way we used to.


In the early 90's we had an old Mk1 Transit (Glendale), which got back from Spain with:


Air filter housing patched up with tape and held in place by a bracket made from an old seat runner

Fan blades straightened manually because said air cleaner kept leaping onto them

Battery resting on a baking tray (stolen from the oven inside) because its own tray had rusted

L/T ignition circuit bypassed with an extra bit of wire

and bodywork patched up with bits of an old toaster riveted in place!.


Our last van, Hannibal (1989 Transit, owned from 1999-2007) also had a lot of unorthodox attention to keep it going.


But I don't look at them through COMPLETELY rose-tinted glasses - at our present stage of life, I'm glad of a vehicle I don't HAVE to keep patching up and lashing up!

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Guest pelmetman

At least they can be reconditioned..............can you do that with a ECU, DPF or a CAT?:-S


Forgot to mention the spares were for my more modern 99 Tranny ;-)....................


Horace is still on his originals, as he was built before built in obsolescence became de rigueur :D............

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Guest Peter James

Apparently Land Rover is the vehicle car thieves like the most.

Easy to dismantle - everything bolted on, and being a working vehicle that tends to get knocked about a big market for spares.

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I am a Transit fan but have to admit that pre Mk6 they were absolutely dreadful..................................rust buckets coupled with abysmal performance. On the other hand, as spares are cheap and in plentiful supply, then earlier pre Mk6 models are economical to run - far more so than modern vehicles - as long as you know a good welder who is able to replace wings and cills.
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Peter James - 2014-04-10 1:28 PM


Apparently Land Rover is the vehicle car thieves like the most.

Easy to dismantle - everything bolted on, and being a working vehicle that tends to get knocked about a big market for spares.


Very true Peter - tho immobilisers and simple measures such as hidden fuel pump bi-pass switch and steering wheel guard make even older Series vehicles safe against all but the most determined scum-bags


A friend has an immaculate Series 1 fitted with the above AND a Tracker. It did not stop some toe-rag breaking into his place and taking the things doors off tho >:-( such is the value of Classic Land Rover Spares.



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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-10 1:39 PM


You really should change the record you know, we don't all want uncomfortable, noisy, slow old wrecks from yesteryear, even of you can get a starter motor for a tenner :-S



You have a point 1foot ;-)...................my 99 Tranny is noisier than my 90 Transit, due to them leaving out the engine bay sound insulation to save money, just one of the cost saving differences I've noticed *-)...............and the camper is a better ride due to be fully loaded, where as pelmets being more about volume than weight the ride is harsh in my delivery Tranny :-|.......

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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-10 7:36 PM


Ah, 1990 Ford Travelhomes, and Pelmets, all part of a much loved bygone era. ;-)


Aaah...... but 1foot your getting like my mate Huff Enpuff :D...................your out of touch with the must have's in soft furnishings......................especially for us oikes who supply the trophy home market ;-) ..................


Sadly it means I've done almost 2 weeks work since we got home on the 16th of March *-)...............





Life's so unfair when one wants to be a failure :D................

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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2014-04-10 8:13 PM


Dave! - You are working too hard - take a break!!!!






It gets worse 8-)............lost a day in the workshop today due to having tree surgeons in.............as I'm quite particular when it comes to the shape of my Blenheim orange ;-)...............I might be as thick as pig sh*t but even I have standards :D.............

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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-10 8:15 PM


No leave him alone, with those kind of hours he may be able to afford a "NEW" starter motor soon, ;-)


I've spent two recon starter motors and one and a half alternators on my Blenheim Orange reduction 8-)........................




Plus I've lost twice as much by not being in the workshop :-S...................







I must be as thick as pig sh*t *-)..................




















But at least.........................












I have a life B-)

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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-10 9:44 PM


You've said many ridiculous things in your posts, but trust me, anyone like you, me, and many others that spend God knows how many hours on these stupid and largely pointless forums most certainly has NO life.


But.............. Eddy, Mike,1foot, Doveyman etc............


I still have only the one persona on here and anywhere else as Pelmetman ;-)...................I doubt I could manage the duplicity of pretending to be another person...................my memories not good enough :-S............


But you raise a valid point.........Errr who ever you are? :-S................Do we waste our life on here 8-) 8-) 8-)


Naah..............watch the average teenager ;-)................besides where else would we be able to take the p*ss out of people like HE for free (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
Eddy - 2014-04-10 9:44 PM


You've said many ridiculous things in your posts, but trust me, anyone like you, me, and many others that spend God knows how many hours on these stupid and largely pointless forums most certainly has NO life.


You're being very unkind to him Eddy. His life is very exciting. Every year he drives to Spain, so imagine how exhilarating it must be wondering "Are we going to make it?" or "What will drop off before we even get to the Spanish border?"


And then there's the thrill of trying to find new, sorry, 'reconditioned' starter motors, clutches, alternators etc. etc. etc. in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.


OK, when he arrives at 'Camping Watney's Red Barrel and Full English Breakfast with Bingo' site in Spain, it's pretty boring and dull. There's the fun of setting up his tugger-like encampment with the awning and wind breaks but that's soon over and he can then sit around all day with hundreds of like-minded Brits and not have to worry about meeting any of those Johnny foreigners.


But during all these weeks of utter mind-numbing boredom and empty days and nights (OK, apart from the bingo) he still has the anticipation of the return journey and the thrill of knowing that one day he'll have the huge adventure of leaving his motorhome in a Spanish scrapyard (or should that be crapyard) and working out the cheapest way back by public transport.


And when he's back in Blighty he has this forum, which takes up most of his day, so he really does have a satisfying life. On top of this of course is his obsession with me (two mentions in this short topic alone) which I must admit I find very flattering!


So you see, he does have a very exciting, fulfilling and rewarding life so please, stop being cruel to him. It's not nice! ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-04-10 11:42 PM


On top of this of course is his obsession with me (two mentions in this short topic alone) which I must admit I find very flattering!



Say's the bloke who said to another poster......"You don't know him like I do"..............and counts how many times I mention him :D.............



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-04-11 7:28 AM


Had Enough - 2014-04-10 11:42 PM


On top of this of course is his obsession with me (two mentions in this short topic alone) which I must admit I find very flattering!



Say's the bloke who said to another poster......"You don't know him like I do"..............and counts how many times I mention him :D.............



Well, as you mentioned me twice in the last few posts it wasn't hard to work out. If you were to practise I'm sure that you could soon learn to count up to two as well. *-) Then again............


Oh, and from your almost ten thousand posts on here there are some of us who know you really well! Mainly because you never stop telling us all about yourself and how clever you think you are with your 'lifestyle' and your constant justification for running a clunker that's one reconditioned starter motor away from the junk yard. ;-)


Yep, you certainly have a life! (lol) (lol) (lol) But who in their right minds would want it? ;-)


Ps I don't normally use them much but I've put a few emoticons in for you. They do seem to give you a lot of pleasure. Part of that 'life' I suppose using lots of exciting little faces instead of punctuation! The thrill of it! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
just listen to yourself Frank! for a lesson in out and out verbosity and downright nastiness you take the gold! Get of Daves case for heavens sake! and act your age.. *-)
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Guest Had Enough
JudgeMental - 2014-04-11 9:02 AM


just listen to yourself Frank! for a lesson in out and out verbosity and downright nastiness you take the gold! Get of Daves case for heavens sake! and act your age.. *-)


Actually, I've spent months totally ignoring him but he simply can't resist having a dig at me in many, many threads, usually in threads that I'm not even in, as was the case with this one. I've grown sick of him and a few days ago I decided that I'd start having the odd go at him.


In the post above my first one he wrote: "........besides where else would we be able to take the p*ss out of people like HE for free."


Now I'd like you to try to be totally honest. If for instance 1foot had posted: "I like this forum, where else can we take the piss out of Judgemental for free" what would your reaction have been? Would you have ignored him?


Don't bother answering that by the way, as we all know what your reaction would have been and he'd have deserved it, just as Pelmetman deserved my response.


The answer is in his own hands. Stops the snide little digs every five minutes, get over his obsession with me and I'll ignore him. He reaps what he sows! And if it doesn't stop he's going to have a good harvest.


I stopped visiting Chatterbox sometime ago, mainly because it's been destroyed by him and one other who've bored everyone else to death but Chatterbox is really the place for Pelmetman's silly obsession. For him to infect this section with his idiocy is annoying for everyone and I wish he'd give it a rest.


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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-04-11 9:59 AM


JudgeMental - 2014-04-11 9:02 AM


just listen to yourself Frank! for a lesson in out and out verbosity and downright nastiness you take the gold! Get of Daves case for heavens sake! and act your age.. *-)


Actually, I've spent months totally ignoring him but he simply can't resist having a dig at me in many, many threads, usually in threads that I'm not even in, as was the case with this one. I've grown sick of him and a few days ago I decided that I'd start having the odd go at him.


In the post above my first one he wrote: "........besides where else would we be able to take the p*ss out of people like HE for free."


Now I'd like you to try to be totally honest. If for instance 1foot had posted: "I like this forum, where else can we take the piss out of Judgemental for free" what would your reaction have been? Would you have ignored him?


Don't bother answering that by the way, as we all know what your reaction would have been and he'd have deserved it, just as Pelmetman deserved my response.


The answer is in his own hands. Stops the snide little digs every five minutes, get over his obsession with me and I'll ignore him. He reaps what he sows! And if it doesn't stop he's going to have a good harvest.


I stopped visiting Chatterbox sometime ago, mainly because it's been destroyed by him and one other who've bored everyone else to death but Chatterbox is really the place for Pelmetman's silly obsession. For him to infect this section with his idiocy is annoying for everyone and I wish he'd give it a rest.


So on a thread about running old transits, the geriatric camera salesman thinks I'm obsessed by him ;-)..................I fear you confuse the ancient lower deck art form of urine extraction as obsession Frank :D...........


Besides when it comes to swapping invective's I believe I am in credit..........so as you rightly say..........you reap what you sow >:-).............


Perhaps you should of thought about that when you rejoined the forum after being BANNED (lol) (lol) (lol).....

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-04-11 10:18 AM


Had Enough - 2014-04-11 9:59 AM


JudgeMental - 2014-04-11 9:02 AM


just listen to yourself Frank! for a lesson in out and out verbosity and downright nastiness you take the gold! Get of Daves case for heavens sake! and act your age.. *-)


Actually, I've spent months totally ignoring him but he simply can't resist having a dig at me in many, many threads, usually in threads that I'm not even in, as was the case with this one. I've grown sick of him and a few days ago I decided that I'd start having the odd go at him.


In the post above my first one he wrote: "........besides where else would we be able to take the p*ss out of people like HE for free."


Now I'd like you to try to be totally honest. If for instance 1foot had posted: "I like this forum, where else can we take the piss out of Judgemental for free" what would your reaction have been? Would you have ignored him?


Don't bother answering that by the way, as we all know what your reaction would have been and he'd have deserved it, just as Pelmetman deserved my response.


The answer is in his own hands. Stops the snide little digs every five minutes, get over his obsession with me and I'll ignore him. He reaps what he sows! And if it doesn't stop he's going to have a good harvest.


I stopped visiting Chatterbox sometime ago, mainly because it's been destroyed by him and one other who've bored everyone else to death but Chatterbox is really the place for Pelmetman's silly obsession. For him to infect this section with his idiocy is annoying for everyone and I wish he'd give it a rest.


So on a thread about running old transits, the geriatric camera salesman thinks I'm obsessed by him ;-)..................I fear you confuse the ancient lower deck art form of urine extraction as obsession Frank :D...........


Besides when it comes to swapping invective's I believe I am in credit..........so as you rightly say..........you reap what you sow >:-).............


Perhaps you should of thought about that when you rejoined the forum after being BANNED (lol) (lol) (lol).....


Perhaps you can explain why, in a thread about parts for old bangers, in which I'm not even taking part, you feel the need to have a snide little attack (twice)? Perhaps you can explain why you do this constantly both in this section and in Chatterbox.


But I know you're really on the ropes when you have to bring up the ban again and most of all, when you use someone's age as an insult against them. Perhaps you're not going to grow older? Then again, when I saw the latest picture that you posted on Chatterbox, where you were displaying the most enormous belly, I'd worry more about you getting much older if I were you. I'm just turned 69 by the way and I suspect I'm a lot healthier than you as my lifestyle doesn't include sitting around all day and night on my Spanish encampment drinking cheap vino.


So please, do everyone a favour and stop these semi-literate little pokes that you constantly aim at me and we'll all have a quieter life. You've established your position on here as the forum's chief clown. You've bored us all to death with your repetitive crusade as you try to convince us that you run an old banger from choice instead of the truth that it's something you have no choice about. You've worn us all down with your boasting about how you have no ambition, no work ethic and how your ultimate goal in life is just to be an idle slob.


I acknowledge that there's no chance that you're ever going to give up these mind-numbing themes as you've clearly nothing else going on in your life and this forum is a very big part of it, but please, for all our sakes, stop your little obsession and crusade against me and I'm sure that everyone will breathe a big sigh of relief.


Give it a rest for God's sake.


HE, 69 years old and once banned on this forum. (I thought I'd get this in to save you the trouble.)




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Trouble is Frank - you are only here because you were banned from another Forum!


My comment when they came on here and informed us of this fact was that it was:-




An indeed that is exactly what your behaviour is.


Is there anything others do different to you that you could POSSIBLY comprehend as being JUST as valid - just different?


IMO - your obsession with what others do - and your constant negatively critical posts - once again underline the "problem" that you have.


Personally I would be ashamed if - like you - I had been banned from a Forum and I would look to my own behaviour.


Sadly - you seem to want to wear the fact like some sort of Troll merit badge.




Relax mate!



Take a chill pill



Enjoy life's rich tapestry



Start to understand that people are allowed to be different.





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