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Is our justice system fit for purpose


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Back again, just got back from a wonderful few months rest spent at North Sea Camp. I recommend this place as one of the better government run establishments where everyone including the staff are very friendly and helpful.


Anyway the reason for this post..


Is our justice system fit for purpose, many times I have heard people say that our system fails us, but I have to disagree. I had tried creative accountancy and something to do with embezzlement, but to my detriment, the man at HMRC did not approve. Having been at the North Sea Camp for 6 months, 12 months less than I thought, I have now managed to enhance my accountancy skills. Now home and have plenty of Cooking Books!!! Watch this space..


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Guest pelmetman
CliveH - 2014-04-10 8:17 PM


Wise advice!


But to be fair Clive...................Postnote may well be speaking the truth ;-)................and I for one as a cynic of our justice system *-)...........................would like to know more :-|

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Guest JudgeMental
peter - 2014-04-10 10:42 PM


You must be desperate Dave, you'll communicate with anybody.


Seen him down the high street babbling on to his reflection in a shop window.....

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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2014-04-10 10:42 PM


You must be desperate Dave, you'll communicate with anybody.


:D................Your not wrong there Peter.............Ex cons, Tory supporters, even camera salesmen ;-).........I'm not fussy (lol) (lol) (lol)

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