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rear bumper change. compass avantgarde 145


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Hi, I have damaged beyond repair the rear bumper on the 145. I have the new bumper but would like your' help as to what needs to be removed to fit it. The fixing holes already drilled in the new bumper show where some of the fixings should, be but any clearer directions from an expert will be appreciated. "A"
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In the absence if an expert, can I offer my opinion?

Having done this on various cars and the rear corner of a Dethleffs can I advise that you offer the new part up and think about it for a while before screwing or drilling anything.

Photograph all the angles before you start, some bolts may need cutting off if they are bent.

The existing fixing points could well have moved when you "damaged" the bumper, so a bit of bending may be required before the new part will fit.


Even after all this the corner of my Dethleffs is still about 5mm out, and it shows.

Good luck.

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Hi Billggski, thanks for taking an interest. I believe that some of the fixings are behind the strip that a tent is slid into but am not sure. If this is correct then I will need to remove the rubber that sits in the strip but I would like someone too confirm this first. Thanks again. "A"
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From your earlier postings I understand that your Avantgarde is a 2008 model and I believe the damage originally occurred several years ago.




I've attached a photo of the rear end of a 145. It's evident that the bumper is a large component and that it almost certainly crosses the vehicle's interior floor. As it's apparent from your comments that the method Compass used to attach the bumper is not obvious, I suggest you seek advice from a motorhome dealership familiar with Compass build practice, or from a specialist in motorhome repair.


I'm doubtful that any forum member will be able to provide the type of fine-detail advice you are seeking. You could try one of the Compass-related clubs, but I'm doubtful they'd be able to advise either. Most people faced with this level of repair won't be looking to DIY.




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I agree with Derek, it's doubtful anyone will give you specific knowledge on how to proceed.


If you sourced the replacement from Elddis then they would be the logical choice to discuss and advise on removal/refitting.


Having dealt with a repair to a Dethleffs rear moulding [a nightmare] and the removal/refit of a three section bumper on a Chausson [easy] these components can be complex to work with.


Given the basic construction of technique of your van, from said experience, I would suggest you remove the light clusters and take a look behind for fixing locations - that's where I would start. Well actually, I'd start by talking to Elddis and hopefully gain some insight onto the best way forward ;-)


Sorry - Pedant alert! - ought to have said Compass Group

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Hi, thank you both for the replies, The Damage was done on our first outing with the van to "Damage Barton" four years ago. I was rather hoping that someone on this site may have done the replacement. I do not intend to replace it until I am about too sell the van. I am not too tender with the vans outer skin and am just glad that I don't drive a £60 000+ van. So for now I will keep inquiring as I would like to change it myself it seems to be attached completely from the vans outside though some of the fixings seem to be under the slides for attaching a tent/awning. "A"
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