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In the rain

duetto owner

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That is when I take advantage of not being able to do much to settle down with a good book. I have many fond memories of being warm and cosy inside the 'van chuckling away at the latest Terry Pratchett.


Just now I am reading a book that came highly recommended -


"The hundred year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared"


Very funny .....


And I am pleased it is raining this morning as that means more reading time!




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malc d - 2014-04-27 9:17 AM


Watching DVDs - playing Scrabble - crosswords- reading.


Or just put on some wet weather gear and ignore the rain.






With the correct gear you can get out and enjoy yourself whether you want to or not ;-)

Even with the last wet winter it's very rare to have heavy rain all day for several days in row.

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colin - 2014-04-27 12:08 PM
malc d - 2014-04-27 9:17 AMWatching DVDs - playing Scrabble - crosswords- reading.Or just put on some wet weather gear and ignore the rain. :-D
THIS.With the correct gear you can get out and enjoy yourself whether you want to or not ;-) Even with the last wet winter it's very rare to have heavy rain all day for several days in row.


Wholeheartedly agree Colin.......no such thing as the 'wrong' weather.................only the 'wrong clothes'.


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RogerC - 2014-04-27 3:34 PM
colin - 2014-04-27 12:08 PM
malc d - 2014-04-27 9:17 AMWatching DVDs - playing Scrabble - crosswords- reading.Or just put on some wet weather gear and ignore the rain. :-D
THIS.With the correct gear you can get out and enjoy yourself whether you want to or not ;-) Even with the last wet winter it's very rare to have heavy rain all day for several days in row.


Wholeheartedly agree Colin.......no such thing as the 'wrong' weather.................only the 'wrong clothes'.

Not quite as simple as that ... when we were in Germany last year we had 3 weeks of torrential rain (remember the flooding?) and whilst we could occasionally get out most of the time it was awful and the 'fun' of being out and turning into drowned rats soon wore very thin ... especially with 3 soggy dogs! *-)
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Pampam - 2014-04-27 9:59 PM


Ive just read the hundred year old man i enjoyed it too pp:) a book i would recomend (couldnt put it down )is the kite runner youll be burning the midnight oil if you pick that one up !


It is now on my list!


many thanks pam






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RogerC - 2014-04-27 3:34 PM
colin - 2014-04-27 12:08 PM
malc d - 2014-04-27 9:17 AMWatching DVDs - playing Scrabble - crosswords- reading.Or just put on some wet weather gear and ignore the rain. :-D
THIS.With the correct gear you can get out and enjoy yourself whether you want to or not ;-) Even with the last wet winter it's very rare to have heavy rain all day for several days in row.


Wholeheartedly agree Colin.......no such thing as the 'wrong' weather.................only the 'wrong clothes'.

You three bu**ers don't live up here in the Pennines :-( Soggy Dave.
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Guest pelmetman
duetto owner - 2014-04-27 7:23 AM


its been heavy raining all day for the last couple of days the forcast is the same for next few days, you are on site. What do you do on these days no sitting outside, to wet for walkabouts, you can only spend so much time in shops and coffee cafe's.


A mobile dongle ;-)...............Means I can keep my mate Frank up to date with all my regular movements :D...............

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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 7:46 PM
RogerC - 2014-04-27 3:34 PM
colin - 2014-04-27 12:08 PM
malc d - 2014-04-27 9:17 AMWatching DVDs - playing Scrabble - crosswords- reading.Or just put on some wet weather gear and ignore the rain. :-D
THIS.With the correct gear you can get out and enjoy yourself whether you want to or not ;-) Even with the last wet winter it's very rare to have heavy rain all day for several days in row.


Wholeheartedly agree Colin.......no such thing as the 'wrong' weather.................only the 'wrong clothes'.

You three bu**ers don't live up here in the Pennines :-( Soggy Dave.
As I understand it from those god fearing folk................He shines the Sun on the Righteous......like here B-).................and p*sses on those in Lancashire (lol)............
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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:09 PM


What's a Sun (?)


Its a newspaper ;-).................a bit like the Guardian :D....................but you'll only find t*ts on page 3 (lol).......

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pelmetman - 2014-04-28 8:15 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:09 PM


What's a Sun (?)


Its a newspaper ;-).................a bit like the Guardian :D....................but you'll only find t*ts on page 3 (lol).......


They have'nt heard about Chatterbox then ;-)



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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:20 PM


pelmetman - 2014-04-28 8:15 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:09 PM


What's a Sun (?)


Its a newspaper ;-).................a bit like the Guardian :D....................but you'll only find t*ts on page 3 (lol).......


They have'nt heard about Chatterbox then ;-)






No................. we're just a bunch of boobies on here ;-).................


Although:-S.........................we have our knockers :D...........





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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:38 PM


Probably too highbrow over here 8-)


Prof Dave


Highbrow?....................I've heard of that :-S........................is it a kinda Brazilian? :D..................

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pelmetman - 2014-04-28 8:45 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:38 PM


Probably too highbrow over here 8-)


Prof Dave


Highbrow?....................I've heard of that :-S........................is it a kinda Brazilian? :D..................


Think that's a Lowbrow Dave



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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:54 PM


pelmetman - 2014-04-28 8:45 PM


nowtelse2do - 2014-04-28 8:38 PM


Probably too highbrow over here 8-)


Prof Dave


Highbrow?....................I've heard of that :-S........................is it a kinda Brazilian? :D..................


Think that's a Lowbrow Dave





Very fanny Dave (lol) (lol) (lol).................



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I've had one of those 8-) ......well....just a bit further round the corner. Hemorrhoids op, Christ that hurt, itched like hell when the stubble came back. Used two containers of talc in a week, Eve thought there had been a blizzard in the bathroom. :D


Pain in the *rse Dave

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Thanks Pam - I like to mix and match my reading - and a more serious book after "the hundred year old man" will be a fine contrast to the excellent humour of Jonasson.


(SWMBO gets annoyed with me chuckling tho! )






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Pampam - is that 'The hundred year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared'? I've read that several times n my kindle and it is one of my two favorite books in the motorhome.


The other is Lesley Thomas' 'The Adventure of Goodnight and Loving' which is an amusing tale of middle aged and class man ending up travelling the world because of a string of events. A lovely read.

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