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Solar Panel set-up


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Finally !!!!!!!!!!!!!! got my solar panel delivered. My original order was delivered elsewhere and I ended up with a 150w monocrystalline instead of a 120w polycrystalline. Thanks to Patrick, Director of Friendly Green Giant, who had to get the replacement in from another supplier. The panel looks fairly good apart from a few solder hairs visible beneath the protective cover. The only real quibble is that the tails are 2.5mm sq when the instructions state that a minimum of 4mm sq should be used. Any way I intend to replace the 2.5mm sq wiring with 4mm sq cables. I also intend to run the wiring in one piece through the cable entry gland to the regulator/controller. Any knowledgeable person have any ideas as to why I shouldn't do this?


I am also contemplating putting a Solar PV DC Disconnector in the circuit but doing this seems to contradict the advice, which I seem to recollect reading somewhere, not to leave the solar panel disconnected. Again, any comments?


First day of sun today so out on the patio with everything hooked up. I tried yesterday afternoon but the two batteries that I dragged out from the garage were so badly sulphated that neither would accept a charge. A bit of tough love,about 35 amps worth, sorted out that problem.


Photos attached.


The panel seems to comply with it's Spec but I'm a bit concerned at the low current output when there is a little bit of cloud and when the sun isn't directly overhead.


Next step is to pin down exactly where to locate the hole in the roof. I haven't been able to get any information re the roof construction of a Chausson Flash S2 so I'm a bit concerned. If possible I want to find a timber frame so that I can bolt down at least some of the brackets.



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I was hoping that you would emerge Judge! I readily confess that I made an absolute pigs ear of last nights posts. If you or anyone else can tell me how to include photos in with the text I wwould be grateful. Also, is it possible to delete the blank posts?
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Guest JudgeMental

you will have to wait for mods to return from the weekend :-D


dont understand why you started so many new threads though as you can just add posts to your original thread .


as for sizing photos: save to desktop: right click mouse - select "paint" from list - when paint open, select resize - now the aim here is to get photo under th forums diabolical 100Kb limit. so where its says 100% in box reduce this to 30% and that should do it. then press file in top right hand corner - select save and that will overwrite photo on desktop. you can always check the size by right clicking on photo and select properties at the bottom


there are many ways but i find this easy

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So you were initially provided with a 150W panel and have downgraded to 120W. Why?


A 120W panel should provide about 6 Amps in brilliant sunlight well within the current capacity of a 2.5mm cable so do you have a very long cable run that you are changing to 4mm?


My panel is permanently connected to the controller which then determines where the charge goes. Do you not have a controller that you are considering a disconnector and who operates it when MH parked up?

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Not quite, I ordered a 120w Polycrstalline and eventually got a 150w Monocrystalline.

I do have a regulator (shown on photos) that will direct charge to both my habitation and my starter battery. I can change the charging priority. I was probably being overcautious and have just remembered that there will be an in-line fuse upstream of the regulator so I will probably rely on this to isolate the system. I was just a bit worried as I had read about arcing when disconnecting DC circuits, even as low as 12v. At high noon the panel will, hopefully, be generating over 21v. Max current is expected to be 8.5 amps.


As far as 4mm vs 2.5mm cable is concerned, yes, voltage drop is a concern but I have a tendency to overdesign things and it just goes against the grain to have a short length of 2.5mm connected to 4mm. I bought 4mm because that is what the panel supplier recommends.


I don't park up my van in the sense that it is not used during the winter. It is my only vehicle and used two or three times a week

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