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What,s the latest on Calais front parking?


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Has anyone been to the Aire on Calais Sea front? is it still open or is there another been opened as was rumoured? we like to spend our last night there its conveniant to have a walk around the shops and on the prom; we like to sit watching the ferries come and go while eating our supper.


We have never had any problems there in the 8 years we have been going over, we have seen a lot of police pressence which I always find reasuring , and the other vans are usually friendly and ready to chat and share information if there has been trouble :-)

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Last I heard it was due to close down on the 20th May, this was from the attendant who usually collects the fees.


The whole area around the aire and old municipal campsite is being redeveloped into a conference centre. The zoomable artists impression in the link below shows motorhomes still parked up at the yacht basin which possibly suggests that is where the relocated aire is going to be...




...however, I've also seen mentioned that there is also a possibility of it being relocated somewhere on the site on Bvd General de Gaule where new cars are/were stored...


50.95987 1.83138


Its a large area, I know the council stated they were looking for a suitable new spot to relocate the municipal campsite, maybe they will combine the two there?





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Thanks a lot :-S well if thats right we will have to look elsewhere Gravelines maybe ! only I dont like putting my card into these machines in the middle of nowhere! Im sure we will meet with some-one on our travels that will suggest an alternative.
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maggyd - 2014-05-11 6:29 PMThanks a lot :-S well if thats right we will have to look elsewhere Gravelines maybe ! only I dont like putting my card into these machines in the middle of nowhere!

Gravelines was good until they installed those card readers which are just crying out for some 'modifications' don't trust them.

If you are heading into Belgium I can strongly recomend the site at Nieuwport, has a security barrier and is only for motorhomes, it's in the Reisemobil Bordatlas book.


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It is still open, also the Yacht basin. we parked up on the sea front Saturday night . They appear to have started ground works on the harbour wall and campsite.Police vans stop quite a lot buy the chippy vans . Loads of Illegals around the town and at the Auchan supermarket . Did not see any at Citie europ. The camping car parking area has an area cordonned off, where they have steel structure pipes stored along with a site office . still space to stay but a bit tight getting in.
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Thanks I think it will be Hondchoote :-D we stayed there on our way out last year, its quiet but no facilities! well there is but you cant get near them for the cars parked in front of them! they are on the road just to the left of the entrance.
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