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advice on west coast of spain


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Take your time. It is all lovely and variable. Sticking to the coast is not easy, roads very twisty and often cobbled (not good for rubber adhesion) but worth venturing onto for the little fishing ports and adjacent restaurants. Sardines and octopus is great, fesh grilled. You will find it not as warm as the Med, especially when the wind blows in from Atlantic, but in sheltered spots, as when parked up carefully, you won't notice. Meanderings bring best rewards of your own making.
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Brian, Bilboa is hardly on the west coast of Spain, so I'm assuming you're heading west into Galicia! Do so. It's beautiful. The Rias (like the inlets of south-west Ireland or the coastal lochs of Scotland) are stunning. The towns are beautiful - especially the old centre of Santiago de Compostela, the normal end point of the 'Camino de Santiago', one of the oldest pilgrames still popular (do a Google search for more info). Be aware that most camp sites will be closed by the end of September.
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