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Aires to Spain


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Hi and good Afternoon,I think that I saw an item in MMM some time ago about aires being used on a trip from Calais to Spain one way down the French West Coast and another going down through the middle via Millau I think.Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where it was or give me the details.

Thankyou all very much


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Buy a copy of Vicarious Books 'All the Aires France' and/or a copy of 'Camperstop Europe' online and you will find as many Aires and stopover locations all over France as you will probably ever need.


It is very simples to take a multi week trip through France and Spain without ever needing a site (unless you prefer sites that is!) and with a total overnight/water/emptying spend of just a few Euros.

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You didn't expect a proper answer here did you?


Anyway, I have done the run many times, there are loads of Aires etc on the way. It is a joy to find new and different Aires each time we make that journey. We just drive until we have had enough and head for the nearest Aire (there are plenty of them) doing it this way you will find villages and towns full of interesting things, wonderful French artisan boulangeries and so on.


Go with the flow, enjoy yourself, buy some Bordeaux wine and relax, it's a holiday after all.


Oh, by the way Millau route is good and the West Coast route is good, in fact most routes are good!.


By the way second time is this the post you refer to? http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/first-time-to-spain/32185/



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travellingman - 2014-05-28 5:39 PM


Hi and good Afternoon,I think that I saw an item in MMM some time ago about aires being used on a trip from Calais to Spain one way down the French West Coast and another going down through the middle via Millau I think.Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where it was or give me the details.

Thankyou all very much





I remember the article because we used it to plan our route to Southern spain in January 2012 soooo the article was probably the magazine in autumn 2011. Can't help more than that I am afraid cos I no longer have the old MMM's



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If the article you have in mind is the same one referred to by Peter, the closest I can find that roughly resembles the description in your original posting is a two-part series called "The long road south", authored by Brian Fairbrother and published in MMM December 2011 and January 2012 issues.


This covers a Calais-Bayonne journey in the December article and Bayonne-Algarve border in the follow-up January piece. However, the only route described goes Calais-Rouen-Le Mans-Poitiers and then westwards via Bordeaux to Bayonne: I don't think there is any mention of "going down the middle via Milau".


There are three previous forum mentions of the Fairbrother articles and you can access these from the list shown here http://tinyurl.com/prcu34d


This may well not be what you remember reading, but you'll need to be a tad more specific than "some time ago" if you want me to try again. I'm happy to have another go if you can narrow down the time-period to, say, "within the last 12 months" or "about 2 years ago", but I'm reluctant to sift through every MMM issue from 2011-onwards as most of the magazines include a France- or Spain-related travel article and it's not always easy to decide the scope of the piece without actually reading it.


If you think the Fairbrother articles are the ones you recall, if you PM me we can discuss how best to provide you with the information in them.


(I don't know if this will help, but there are MMM indexes here http://tinyurl.com/pfulwnw )



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Derek Uzzell - 2014-06-04 1:44 PM




If the article you have in mind is the same one referred to by Peter, the closest I can find that roughly resembles the description in your original posting is a two-part series called "The long road south", authored by Brian Fairbrother and published in MMM December 2011 and January 2012 issues.


This covers a Calais-Bayonne journey in the December article and Bayonne-Algarve border in the follow-up January piece. However, the only route described goes Calais-Rouen-Le Mans-Poitiers and then westwards via Bordeaux to Bayonne: I don't think there is any mention of "going down the middle via Milau".


There are three previous forum mentions of the Fairbrother articles and you can access these from the list shown here http://tinyurl.com/prcu34d


This may well not be what you remember reading, but you'll need to be a tad more specific than "some time ago" if you want me to try again. I'm happy to have another go if you can narrow down the time-period to, say, "within the last 12 months" or "about 2 years ago", but I'm reluctant to sift through every MMM issue from 2011-onwards as most of the magazines include a France- or Spain-related travel article and it's not always easy to decide the scope of the piece without actually reading it.


If you think the Fairbrother articles are the ones you recall, if you PM me we can discuss how best to provide you with the information in them.


(I don't know if this will help, but there are MMM indexes here http://tinyurl.com/pfulwnw )



That was the article I remembered.



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