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Positive discrimination................

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

Labour have introduced positive discrimination via women only short lists for the next election :-|


Question.................can positive discrimination help the fight against discrimination? :-S................


I doubt it *-)................

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pelmetman - 2014-05-28 6:39 PM


Labour have introduced positive discrimination via women only short lists for the next election :-|


Question.................can positive discrimination help the fight against discrimination? :-S................


I doubt it *-)................




Seems a bit unfair on their husbands.


Who's going to cook their dinner ?



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-05-28 6:45 PM


pelmetman - 2014-05-28 6:39 PM


Labour have introduced positive discrimination via women only short lists for the next election :-|


Question.................can positive discrimination help the fight against discrimination? :-S................


I doubt it *-)................




Seems a bit unfair on their husbands.


Who's going to cook their dinner ?




Nice one Malc ;-).....................there's just not enough misogyny on here in these PC days :D.............




Warning this post contains sexism 8-)..............Those who wish to be offended should take a severe hike too Umbridge.................those who have a sense of humour feel free..................to add your post :D...........




Ooops :$............I do believe I'm indulging in positive discrimination 8-) ....



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Cosmopolitan Girl has been an ardent supporter of women's rights all her life, but one of the nicer type, you know, not too strident and not into burning her undergarments. As a consequence she has been able to break through that imaginary glass ceiling a couple of times during her career and has enjoyed her working life and all the benefits that come with it.

One year whilst we were on vacation a problem arose, and instead of contacting CG and asking her to fly back and sort it, the Chairman authorised her deputy, an ambitious young man of dubious ability and influential parents, to sort it out. He made a total cods of it and the client walked away. At the subsequent inquest CG told her chairman it was his fault, he should have known better than to send a boy to do a woman's job. On another occasion at a board meeting one of her fellow directors was trying to wind her up and challenged her " don't you want equality with us?". She replied"I wouldn't sink that low". As I said, she is one of the better ones.


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It was always said that if you wanted a really good Doctor - especially a Surgeon - then try to get a Lady.


This was said to be due to the "system" that allowed average male medical students but only the very best female ones.


Given my experience both in getting good medical care for elderly parents more recently and my own children previously, I still believe there is much truth in this.




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It's my Chiropractor that does it for me - she has the knack of cracking my back in such a way that both our respective wobbly bits do just that.


Sadly my wobbly bits are distinctly unattractive whereas the exact opposite is true of hers. 8-)









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