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Norway tolls


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We have been to the North Cape four times (last in 2008) and have always paid in cash for all tolls, ferry, tunnel, bridge and (occasionally) roads.


The critical length is 6 metres, be just 1 centimetre over that figure and you pay a lot more.

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We were there in 2012, and many of the tolls are just on ordinary roads with cameras. Fortunatly, it is easy to pay! Google 'autopass norway' and it will give you in English all the details. Basically you pay an initial 300 kroner by credit card before you get to Norway, and give authorisation for them to collect more if you go over that limit. We did not go over the limit, and after 3 months got a part refund. All very straightforward. I think the alternative is to pay at a local petrol station after you pass a toll point. We never found a manned toll booth. By the way, the double price on the toll roads comes at over 3.5 tonnes, not on length. I do not think they ask for proof of weight when you sign up on the website, but if the cameras spot you in a big American RV, questions may be asked!


The 6 metre rule comes in on the ferries - our motorhome was fractionally over the limit, but nobody measured it or asked any questions at the ferries, so we always paid the lower rate - I think the ticket collectors realise what an expensive country it is anyway and take pity on us poor Brits. However, on the Danish bridges, there is apparently an automatic measuring system, so no chance of pleading that your motorhome is a shorty!

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We went in 2011 and the only time we could'nt pay with cash was on roads in Norway where you register online beforehand and presumably give them card details, but another option was do nothing and they bill you to your home address which what happened to us.the total cost for us was about 20quid, which was pretty cheap considering we went on plenty around bergen and Trondheim. there not quick to bill you so we forgot about it and then paid by credit card. think the amount of toll roads will increase now they realize what a good income stream they have, but to my mind just greedy considering the exorbitant duty on fuel. anyway we recently moved to new Zealand and looking forward to visiting fiordland on south island and of course pay no tolls just road user charges(but that's another story). anyway enjoy your trip and take plenty of supplies as it ain't cheap over there.
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Thank you for your useful information. We have heard it is an expensive country so intend to take plenty of supplies. It will be even more expensive as our motorhome is 3.8 tonnnes and 6.74metres long without the bikes on the back! Is it worth taking our bikes? Thanks again. :)


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Just a note about shirl's suggestion that Norway sees tolls as a money raiser. They actually take the tolls off the roads or tunnels when the cost of building has been paid for! Unlike here, where the cost of the Dartford bridge has been paid for many times over, but they are just increasing the tolls and have sold off the collection to a private company.


As to the suggestion that bikes be taken, not worth it as there is very little flat land (obviously) and many campsites / aires in the middle of towns.

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